Install Poetry and project's dependencies
poetry install
Add new feature and launch tests
poetry run pytest -sv tests
# or
make tests
Install git hooks for the automatic linting and code formatting with pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files # to initialize for the first time
pre-commit run flake8 # run a hook individually
Enable extra logging
Check coverage
poetry run pytest --cov=hapless --cov-report=html tests/
# or
make coverage-report
Run against multiple Python versions with nox
nox --list
# Check all of the defined Python versions are available
nox -s check_versions
# Run tests against all versions
nox -s test
Bump a version with features you want to include and build a package
poetry version patch # patch version update
poetry version minor
poetry version major # choose one based on semver rules
poetry build
Upload package to GitHub and PyPI
git tag -a v0.1.2 -m "Version 0.1.2"
git push --tags
poetry publish