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390 lines (258 loc) · 12.5 KB

File metadata and controls

390 lines (258 loc) · 12.5 KB


0.11.1 - 2024-08-19

New features

  • New projector: RoundCoordinatesProjector

0.11.0 - 2024-06-07

💥 Breaking changes

  • interface GeometryEngine has a new method: split()
  • method GeometryEngine::boundingPolygons() has been removed

New features

  • New engine method: GeometryEngine::split()

0.10.0 - 2024-01-23

💥 Breaking changes

  • Minimum PHP version is now 8.1
  • interface GeometryEngine has a new method: makeValid()
  • AbstractWKBWriter::setByteOrder() now accepts a WKBByteOrder enum instead of a WKBTools::*_ENDIAN constant
  • constants WKBTools::BIG_ENDIAN and WKBTools::LITTLE_ENDIAN have been removed
  • method WKBTools::checkByteOrder() has been removed

New features

  • New engine method: GeometryEngine::makeValid()

0.9.0 - 2022-11-22

💥 Breaking changes

  • Proxies are now @internal and considered an implementation detail. This means that they are no longer part of the public API and can change at any time. This means that you should always type-hint against the base class and not the proxy.
  • Point constructor now throws an exception when passing NaN or infinite coordinates.
  • GeometryEngine::pointOnSurface() now returns Point instead of Geometry.

🐛 Bug fixes

  • Geometry::withSRID() now properly propagates the SRID to all sub-geometries. Previously, only the top-level geometry was updated.
  • Point constructor would error when destructuring an associative array.

New features

  • New Projector API to reproject geometry coordinates.
  • New method: Polygon::rings()
  • New method: Geometry::isIdenticalTo()


  • GeometryCollection::geometryN() is now properly documented with generics.

0.8.1 - 2022-10-14


  • Better Psalm annotations for geometry getters
  • Removed outdated suggestion in composer.json
  • Minor documentation fixes & proxy code style improvements

0.8.0 - 2022-10-11

💥 Breaking changes

Minimum PHP version is now 8.0.

The global GeometryEngineRegistry is gone. All convenience methods that rely on the GeometryEngineRegistry have been removed. You should now explicitly call the GeometryEngine, that you can get injected with your dependency injection container.

For example, the following call:


Should be replaced with:


Detail of breaking changes

The following class has been removed:

  • GeometryEngineRegistry

The following method has been added:

  • GeometryEngine::isRing()

The following method signatures have been changed:

  • GeometryEngine::boundingPolygons()

The following deprecated methods have been removed:

  • Curve::isClosed()
  • Curve::isRing()
  • Curve::length()
  • Geometry::boundary()
  • Geometry::buffer()
  • Geometry::centroid()
  • Geometry::contains()
  • Geometry::convexHull()
  • Geometry::crosses()
  • Geometry::difference()
  • Geometry::disjoint()
  • Geometry::distance()
  • Geometry::equals()
  • Geometry::envelope()
  • Geometry::intersection()
  • Geometry::intersects()
  • Geometry::isSimple()
  • Geometry::isValid()
  • Geometry::locateAlong()
  • Geometry::locateBetween()
  • Geometry::maxDistance()
  • Geometry::overlaps()
  • Geometry::relate()
  • Geometry::simplify()
  • Geometry::snapToGrid()
  • Geometry::symDifference()
  • Geometry::touches()
  • Geometry::transform()
  • Geometry::union()
  • Geometry::within()
  • MultiCurve::isClosed()
  • MultiCurve::length()
  • MultiSurface::area()
  • MultiSurface::pointOnSurface()
  • Point::azimuth()
  • PolyhedralSurface::boundingPolygons()
  • PolyhedralSurface::isClosed()
  • Surface::area()
  • Surface::pointOnSurface()

The following change only affects you if you implement a custom DatabaseEngine:

  • The signature of DatabaseEngine::getParameterPlaceholder() has changed

💥 Non-breaking changes

  • The following signatures have changed, but are not a breaking change due to LSP:
    • DatabaseEngine::getParameterPlaceholder(mixed $parameter): string
    • GeometryEngine::length(Curve|MultiCurve $g): float
    • GeometryEngine::area(Surface|MultiSurface $g): float
    • GeometryEngine::pointOnSurface(Surface|MultiSurface $g): Geometry

🐛 Fixes

  • Fixed a potential bug when destructuring associative arrays in Geometry class constructors

0.7.2 - 2022-10-10

🗑️ Deprecations

The GeometryEngineRegistry class has been deprecated. All convenience methods on Geometry classes that rely on the GeometryEngineRegistry are deprecated, and will be removed in version 0.8.

You should now explicitly call the GeometryEngine, that you can get injected with your dependency injection container.

Deprecated methods:

  • Curve::isClosed()
  • Curve::isRing()
  • Curve::length()
  • Geometry::boundary()
  • Geometry::buffer()
  • Geometry::centroid()
  • Geometry::contains()
  • Geometry::convexHull()
  • Geometry::crosses()
  • Geometry::difference()
  • Geometry::disjoint()
  • Geometry::distance()
  • Geometry::equals()
  • Geometry::envelope()
  • Geometry::intersection()
  • Geometry::intersects()
  • Geometry::isSimple()
  • Geometry::isValid()
  • Geometry::locateAlong()
  • Geometry::locateBetween()
  • Geometry::maxDistance()
  • Geometry::overlaps()
  • Geometry::relate()
  • Geometry::simplify()
  • Geometry::snapToGrid()
  • Geometry::symDifference()
  • Geometry::touches()
  • Geometry::transform()
  • Geometry::union()
  • Geometry::within()
  • MultiCurve::isClosed()
  • MultiCurve::length()
  • MultiSurface::area()
  • MultiSurface::pointOnSurface()
  • Point::azimuth()
  • PolyhedralSurface::boundingPolygons()
  • PolyhedralSurface::isClosed()
  • Surface::area()
  • Surface::pointOnSurface()

0.7.1 - 2021-11-06

🐛 Fixes

  • Fix a deprecation warning on PHP 8.1 (#35)

0.7.0 - 2021-10-10

💥 Breaking change

The Doctrine mapping types & functions have been moved to a separate package.

If you don't use these, you don't need to do anything to upgrade. If you use them, just require the brick/geo-doctrine package in addition to brick/geo.

0.6.2 - 2021-08-17

🐛 Fixes

  • Fixed bug when retrieving GeometryCollection on MySQL 8 using DatabaseEngine (#33)

0.6.1 - 2021-04-20

🐛 Fixes

  • Fixed bug with PDO MySQL when using non-emulated prepared statements

0.6.0 - 2021-03-16

New features

  • Proper support for Feature and FeatureCollection in GeoJSONReader and GeoJSONWriter
  • Support for auto-calculating the bbox attribute in GeoJSONWriter
  • New method: Geometry::transform() transforms Geometry coordinates to a new SRID
  • New method: Geometry::toXY() returns a new Geometry with no Z and M coordinates
  • New method: Geometry::withoutZ() returns a new Geometry with the Z coordinate removed
  • New method: Geometry::withoutM() returns a new Geometry with the M coordinate removed
  • New method: Geometry::getBoundingBox() returns the south-west and north-east bounds of a Geometry
  • New method: CoordinateSystem::isEqualTo() compares against another CoordinateSystem

🐛 Fixes

  • Doctrine types could hydrate a parent Geometry proxy class, but now hydrate the correct Geometry proxy sub-class by introspecting the WKB without fully loading it


  • Proxy data is now always sent as is to the DatabaseEngine

💥 BC breaks

  • Minimum PHP version is now 7.4
  • New signature for CoordinateSystemException::sridMix()
  • New signature for CoordinateSystemException::dimensionalityMix()

The following breaks only affect you if you use the GeoJSON reader/writer:

  • GeoJSONReader now instantiates Features and FeatureCollections as Feature and FeatureCollection objects, instead of Geometry and GeometryCollection objects
  • GeoJSONWriter will now write GeometryCollections as GeometryCollection type, instead of FeatureCollection

The following breaks will only affect you if you're writing your own geometry engine, or your own WKB reader:

  • AbstractWKBReader::readGeometryHeader() signature was changed
  • WKBReader::read() signature was changed
  • GeometryEngine has a new transform() method
  • ProxyInterface has a new isProxyBinary() method

0.5.1 - 2021-04-20

🐛 Fixes

  • Fixed bug with PDO MySQL when using non-emulated prepared statements

0.5.0 - 2021-03-05

🐛 Fixes

  • Fixed illegal parameter data type issue on MariaDB

💥 BC breaks

Note: these breaks will likely not affect you, unless you're writing your own geometry engine.

  • DatabaseEngine::$useProxy is now private, and must be provided through a parent constructor call.
  • DatabaseEngine::executeQuery(), when provided with geometry data, now takes GeometryParameter objects instead of Geometry objects directly.

0.4.0 - 2020-12-29

New features

  • New method Point::azimuth() (#17) thanks to @Kolyunya
  • centroid() is now available on the root Geometry class (#20) thanks to @Kolyunya
  • Psalm annotations on the whole codebase

🐛 Fixes

  • Fixed wrongly documented return types

💥 BC breaks

Note: these breaks will likely not affect you, unless you're writing your own geometry engine or WK(B|T) parser.

  • GeometryEngine interface adds an azimuth() method
  • GeometryEngine::centroid() now returns Point
  • constants in WKTParser / EWKTParser are now protected
  • WBKBuffer::readDoubles()'s $count parameter is now typed

0.3.0 - 2020-12-14

New features

  • compatibility with PHP 8
  • compatibility with brick/reflection 0.4

💥 Breaking changes

  • minimum PHP version is now 7.2
  • deprecated Doctrine function EarthDistanceFunction has been removed

Earth distance calculations should be delegated to the geometry engine, that should be able to handle geographic computations; MySQL 8, for example, supports calculating distances in meters between two SRID 4326 points.

0.2.6 - 2019-12-24


Doctrine function EarthDistanceFunction is now deprecated, and will be removed in 0.3.0.


This version extends compatibility to brick/reflection version 0.3.

0.2.5 - 2019-03-30

New methods

  • Geometry::withSRID()
  • CoordinateSystem::withSRID()

These methods return a copy of the original object, with the SRID altered.

0.2.4 - 2019-03-30

New method: Geometry::swapXY()

This methods returns a copy of the Geometry, with X and Y coordinates swapped. It is useful when needing to convert geometries from Lat, Lng to Lng, Lat and conversely.

0.2.3 - 2019-01-26

Improvements to GeoJSON reader and writer classes:

  • GeoJSONReader can now be lenient with documents containing wrong case types, such as POINT instead of Point:
$reader = new GeoJSONReader(true); // case-insensitive
  • GeoJSONWriter can now pretty-print the JSON output:
$writer = new GeoJSONWriter(true); // pretty-print

0.2.2 - 2019-01-24

This version adds support for importing from and exporting to GeoJSON:

  • Brick\Geo\IO\GeoJSONReader
  • Brick\Geo\IO\GeoJSONWriter

Thanks @michaelcurry 👍

0.2.1 - 2017-11-08

Fixed a potential Error when an Exception is expected in WKBReader and EWKBReader.

0.2.0 - 2017-10-03

Minimum PHP version is now 7.1.

0.1.0 - 2017-10-03

First beta release.