- Node ✔
- Yarn ✔
- Babel ✔
- JavaScript ✔
- HTML ✔
Install Node and yarn
Install dependencies
yarn add @babel/cli yarn add @babel/preset-env yarn add @babel/core
- Create file .babel for all the browsers know the features of ES6, ES7, ES8
- Create script "dev" for run with yarn and test babel file
- Parent class
- Child class
- Construct method
- Static method
- Mutation
- Scopo
- Map() Go through each item in the array and return some value.
- Reduce() Consumes the array and turns it into a single value.
- Filter() Get all even or odd items from the array.
- Find() Checks if there are any items in the array.
Used whenever an anonymous callback / function
- 1º Removes the word function.
- 2º Insert => before {}.
- 3º When there is only 1 parameter, you can remove the parentheses from the parameter.
- 4º When it returns only one result and not several lines, it removes the {} and the return.
- Defines values in the function parameters
- How to get values from an object
Install plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
yarn add @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
- add in file .babelrc "plugins": ["@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread"]
Using REST operatior in object
Using REST operatior in array
Using REST operatior in functions
- Using SPREAD for Array Merge
- Using SPREAD for update value in key of object
- In ES6, when the variable is the same name as the key, you can remove the value and leave the key alone.
Webpack config.
- 1º In package.json file update "dependencies" for "devDependencies"
- 2º For install webpack, run command:
yarn add webpack webpack-cli -D
- 3º Config. the file webpack.config.js
- 4º Install babel-loader -D
yarn add babel-loader -D
- 5º Replace the scritp: "dev": "babel ./main.js -o ./bundle.js -w" for "dev": "webpack --mode=development -w" in package.json
- 6º Create an file called function.js and insert the code:
export function soma(a, b) { return a + b; }
- in file main.js insert the code:
import { soma } from './funcoes'; console.log(soma(5,5)); // Output 10 // OBS: IN THE ARCHIVE WHERE EXPORT FUNCTIONS ARE // DEFAULT CAN BE PLACED IN THE FUNCTION YOU WANT AND THE OTHER DOES NOT HAVE DEFAULT. // export default function mult(a, b) { // return a * b; // } export function soma(a, b) { return a + b; } export function sub(a, b) { return a - b; }
7º Organize workflow
In the src folder are all files that the webpack will monitor. In the public folder are the files that do not need to be monitored by the webpack.
then, adjust the file paths in the webpack.config.js file and install the package:
yarn add webpack-dev-server -D
8º To generate the bundle.js in public, add in the package.json file:
"build": "webpack --mode=production"