surfacevel2strain ("surface velocity to strain rate")
contact: Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks, [email protected]
download the zipped file or use this command:
git clone --depth=1
Carl Tape, Pablo Muse, Mark Simons
A Matlab code for a a spherical-wavelet-based estimation of velocity fields on the sphere from discrete 3-component (or 2-component) GPS observations.
Tape, C., P. Muse, M. Simons, D. Dong, and F. Webb, 2009, Multiscale estimation of GPS velocity fields, Geophysical Journal International, v. 179, p. 945-971.
Step 0: note the directories in surfacevel2strain:
gmt -- Perl scripts for plotting in GMT
data -- input data files
matlab -- matlab codes (surfacevel2strain.m)
matlab_output -- output files from matlab
USER_INFO -- PDF notes and documentation
Step 1: read the documentation in USER_INFO/:
Step 2:
cd matlab
Start with sphereinterp.m, the 1D example shown in surfacevel2strain_manual.pdf
Matlab toolboxes required:
mapping -- areaquad.m, distance.m, etc
(In the future it would be nice to eliminate dependencies on other toolboxes.)