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92 lines (56 loc) · 1.71 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (56 loc) · 1.71 KB

CLI Tools

  • RPM

    • rpm - basic command for interacting with installed RPMs or RPM files
    • yum/dnf - front end for rpm, handles repositories
    • yum-utils - collection of several related tools
    • repoquery - part of yum-utils, query repositories
  • DEB


install package

  • RPM
    • rpm -i $pkg
    • yum localinstall $pkg
    • yum install $pkg
  • DEB
    • dpkg $pkg
    • apt-get install $pkg

update package

  • rpm -u
  • yum update

uninstall package

  • rpm -e
  • yum erase

basic package query

  • rpm -q $pkg

show package information

  • rpm -qi $pkg
  • yum info $pkg

list all installed packages

  • rpm -qa

what package owns file

  • rpm -qf

show package config files

  • rpm ‐qc packagename

show all files from package

  • rpm ‐ql packagename

list available updates

  • yum check‐updates

lists all packages that provide $thing. could be a file, a package name, or a capability

  • yum provides $thing

clears all yum caches (except for disabled/removed repos)

  • yum clean all

package signing

  • RPMs are signed with GPG keys
  • Repositories usually place their keys in /etc/pki/rpm‐gpg.
  • Yum will bug you to accept a key if you haven't already imported it into the RPM keyring.

package signing keys

  • rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7

version strings

  • NEVRA - name, epoch, version, release, arch
  • semantic

shared libraires versus bundled libraries