From 0f94d84e979edbf5d29fe502bf4b35c1c33e5460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Ruskin <> Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 18:21:35 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] (#160) Hides KeyTool Output --- scripts/Get-Helpers.ps1 | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 33 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/scripts/Get-Helpers.ps1 b/scripts/Get-Helpers.ps1 index 2545ec6..361bba9 100644 --- a/scripts/Get-Helpers.ps1 +++ b/scripts/Get-Helpers.ps1 @@ -1654,33 +1654,41 @@ function Set-NexusCert { $TempCertPath = Join-Path $env:TEMP "$(New-Guid).pfx" try { - Write-Verbose "Exporting .pfx file to C:\, will remove when finished" + # Temporarily export the certificate as a PFX Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\ | Where-Object { $_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint } | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1 | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath $TempCertPath -Password $KeystoreCredential.SecurePassword # TODO: Is this the right place for this? # Get-ChildItem -Path $TempCertPath | Import-PfxCertificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\My -Exportable -Password $KeystoreCredential.SecurePassword - Write-Warning -Message "You'll now see prompts and other outputs, things are working as expected, don't do anything" - $string = ($KeystoreCredential.Password | & $KeyTool -list -v -keystore $TempCertPath) -match '^Alias.*' - $currentAlias = ($string -split ':')[1].Trim() - + if ((Test-Path $KeyStorePath)) { Remove-Item $KeyStorePath -Force } - & $KeyTool -importkeystore -srckeystore $TempCertPath -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $KeystoreCredential.Password -destkeystore $KeyStorePath -deststoretype JKS -alias $currentAlias -destalias jetty -deststorepass $KeystoreCredential.Password - & $KeyTool -keypasswd -keystore $KeyStorePath -alias jetty -storepass $KeystoreCredential.Password -keypass chocolatey -new $KeystoreCredential.Password - - $xmlPath = 'C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml' - [xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path 'C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml' - foreach ($entry in $xml.Configure.New.Where{ $ -match 'ssl' }.Set.Where{ $ -match 'password' }) { - $entry.InnerText = $KeystoreCredential.Password + # Using a job to hide improper non-output streams + $Job = Start-Job { + $string = ($using:KeystoreCredential.Password | & $using:KeyTool -list -v -keystore $using:TempCertPath) -match '^Alias.*' + $currentAlias = ($string -split ':')[1].Trim() + & $using:KeyTool -importkeystore -srckeystore $using:TempCertPath -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $using:KeystoreCredential.Password -destkeystore $using:KeyStorePath -deststoretype JKS -alias $currentAlias -destalias jetty -deststorepass $using:KeystoreCredential.Password + & $using:KeyTool -keypasswd -keystore $using:KeyStorePath -alias jetty -storepass $using:KeystoreCredential.Password -keypass $using:KeystoreCredential.Password -new $using:KeystoreCredential.Password + } | Wait-Job + if ($Job.State -eq 'Failed') { + $Job | Receive-Job + } else { + $Job | Remove-Job } - - $xml.Save($xmlPath) } finally { if (Test-Path $TempCertPath) { Remove-Item $TempCertPath -Force } } + # Update the Nexus configuration + $xmlPath = 'C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml' + [xml]$xml = Get-Content -Path 'C:\ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml' + foreach ($entry in $xml.Configure.New.Where{ $ -match 'ssl' }.Set.Where{ $ -match 'password' }) { + $entry.InnerText = $KeystoreCredential.Password + } + + $xml.Save($xmlPath) + $configPath = "C:\ProgramData\sonatype-work\nexus3\etc\" # Remove existing ssl config from the configuration @@ -2088,12 +2096,18 @@ function Set-JenkinsCertificate { # Temporarily export the certificate as a PFX $null = Get-ChildItem Cert:\LocalMachine\TrustedPeople\ | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint -eq $Thumbprint} | Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath $CertificatePath -Password $CertificatePassword.SecurePassword - Write-Host "Do NOT " -NoNewline # There is no way to hide the input, but the pipelining works after a second - $CurrentAlias = ($($CertificatePassword.Password | & $KeyTool -list -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore $CertificatePath) -match "^Alias.*").Split(':')[1].Trim() - Write-Host "" # Adds a newline, after this command has finished. + # Using a job to hide improper non-output streams + $Job = Start-Job { + $CurrentAlias = ($($using:CertificatePassword.Password | & $using:KeyTool -list -v -storetype PKCS12 -keystore $using:CertificatePath) -match "^Alias.*").Split(':')[1].Trim() - $null = & $KeyTool -importkeystore -srckeystore $CertificatePath -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $CertificatePassword.Password -destkeystore $KeyStore -deststoretype JKS -alias $currentAlias -destalias jetty -deststorepass $Passkey - $null = & $KeyTool -keypasswd -keystore $KeyStore -alias jetty -storepass $Passkey -keypass $CertificatePassword.Password -new $Passkey + $null = & $using:KeyTool -importkeystore -srckeystore $using:CertificatePath -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass $using:CertificatePassword.Password -destkeystore $using:KeyStore -deststoretype JKS -alias $currentAlias -destalias jetty -deststorepass $using:Passkey + $null = & $using:KeyTool -keypasswd -keystore $using:KeyStore -alias jetty -storepass $using:Passkey -keypass $using:CertificatePassword.Password -new $using:Passkey + } | Wait-Job + if ($Job.State -eq 'Failed') { + $Job | Receive-Job + } else { + $Job | Remove-Job + } } finally { # Clean up the exported certificate Remove-Item $CertificatePath