Important: Skip to original player for upto 3.x.x releases
- Fix for repeated downloads and deletes in group players when some of the players have additional groups or playlists
- Avoid location verification and disable GMail support for white label customers
- Add validity field for asset download list
- Added support for SAML based SSO signup and login
- Power BI reports support added - use PowerBI type asset link under add assets button
- Fixed issues of empty login error message and other minor issues
- Features added needed for upcoming New-UI and Interactive features
- Security features added - Please make sure you are able to access the email ID registered with your account, otherwise write to support to update your email ID
- Fixed - CEC not working after HDMI enable on TV on event, restarting the player to enable CEC upon TV on event
- Fixed - certain case TV on/off not working
- SD Card image supporting all models of Pi (32 bit only for Pi 0,Pi 0 W,Pi 0,2W, 1,2)
- BETA - Introduce non-chromium linux players for Image, Text, Video and PDF players for Pi zero, Pi 1, Pi 2 models (32 bit Raspberry OS only)
- Remove gap between PDF slides in presentation mode (evince player)
- Fixed - RSS feed of few sites was not working
- Fixed - Issue with Access point not working
Known issue
- While playing youtube video a camera allow popup may appear on the srreen. Issue following command on piShell/terminal &
reboot to avoid this(will be fixed in the next release)
echo '--use-fake-device-for-media-stream' > /home/pi/.config/chromium-flags.conf
- Fixed - 5.3.0 update causing screen not occupying full screen and toolbar being seen
- Fixed - HDMI interface on/off issue present in 5.3.0 version
- Ability to change boot log - copy splash.png to /boot folder
- player-config.txt based configuration support on every boot (not just first boot)
- Fixes for image generation
Please note, this updates all bookworm OS based players(5.x.x platform version) to latest OS release dated Nov 2024 and to a new Window Manager labwc, update may take 15-30 minutes
- New Window Manager labwc - supports widgets on front of the screen like ticker, logo, emergency message, clock etc.
- Wayland windowing system support for Raspberry Pi 3 and Pi Zero models
- Brings back support to kiosk, webpage link confined to zones and hardware widget support
- Tile mode for 2 screens support is enabled for 5.x.x players
- Autodetection of HDMI interfaces and reconfigures within 30 seconds
- Support for SD card based configuration in player-config.txt file in the boot partition on every boot (not just first boot)
- Fixed - player update failing in some cases and player becoming unuseable
- Fixed - Rare race condition causing repeated downloads
- Fixed - cast icon showing up in videos
- Update to latest OS release dated 28 Oct 2024
- Remove labwc-prompt from autostart after upgrade
- Fixed - Older version of bookworm players showing blank screen on poweron or stuck on pi logo
- Videos not playing when VLC is selected under group - Fixed
- Applying OS updates
- SD card image release support using Raspberry OS Debian 12 (bookworm) dated 4 July 2024
- Supports both 64bit OS and 32bit OS with support for Pi 5,4 and 3 models
- Support for both wayfire and X11 window managers
- This release supports 4 zone weblink,PIO and interactive feature support on legacy relases based on bullseye OS(4. 9.x, 5.1.0-legacy)
- Added support for 64bit bookworm OS (needs a new SD card image of 5.2.0)
- Weblink positioning in case of multi-zone playlist - fixed (use zoom factor of 1 only)
- Player webUI - start the last playing playlist on poweron
- Mirrored the second HDMI port in case of 2 displays connected
- More robust display detection and resolution detection
- Support for GPIO based playlist play and media control keys (fwd,prev,pause/play)
- More details at GPIO media control instructions
- Support added for the Interactive features to be introduced soon
- piSignage using lower resolution when switched on when TV is OFF - fixed
- Fixed resolution at 1080p when TV settings are not readable, for more details please refer to TV Resolution issues
- Login screen/piSignage restarting issue in case of weblinks - fixed
- bookworm OS upgrade as per
- In case of session crash auto-restart, not all previous pisignage related programs were getting closed - fixed
- When emergency message is empty, small rectangle is shown on center of screen - fixed
- Added chromium flags to avoid browser metrics collection
- Login screen appearing after some time while displaying weblinks - fixed using workaround of autologin
- Disable AP issues for image 5.0.5 - fixed
- Unable to set DNS and Static IP from player webUI - fixed
- Added "vc4.force_hotplug=1" to cmdline.txt to emulate HDMI always connected
- Removed unnecessary gtk.css
- Startup logo changed to more subtle one
- When default playlist is combined with a multi-zone playlist, other zones are copied from scheduled playlist 1 to default playlist zone so that non-main zones start playing from the beginning
- Uopdates Raspberry OS - sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
- Fixes login screen issue when monitor is siwtched off (raspberrypi/bookworm-feedback#217)
- Fixed - Wifi needing second configuration after connecting to server
- Bookworm (5.0.5) release - CEC functionalities improved and screen off support added
- Bookworm (5.0.5) release - force browser widgets only
- Fixed - Player name change was not reflected in hostname of device
- Unlimited Browser crash messages in log - fixed
- Recent OS updates for both bookworm and legacy releases pushed to player
- Other bug fixes
- Ticker not working properly - fixed
- Hardware widgets for clock, logo and emergency message disabled to avoid flickering while changing assets
- Wifi AP not reflecting player ID - fixed
- Welcome screen to update connection status and IP address periodically
- Wifi AP name was not reflecting last 4 digits of player ID - fixed
- Auto connect to wifi was not working on poweron - fixed
- cursor was showing up in 5.0.1 image - fixed
- Player continuous crash (and not starting) in case of video file being added using "Add asset to playlist" feature under assets tab and the playlist is played in non-main zone - Fixed
- New image based on Raspberry Bookworm release to support Pi 5 and Pi 4
- Bookworm OS/wayland architecture
- Upgraded nodejs to v20 and npm packages to latest(security updates)
- ES6 module support
- Hardware ticker and widgets moved to wayland/wayfire from X/mutter window manager
- Network Manager added instead of dhcpcd for network management
- Browser based PDF reader instead of evince program
- Moved TV control (CEC) program to cec-ctl from cec-client
- See known issues
- Fixed - webpage link show getting stuck and slide show not progressing
- Fixed - ticker message showing "null"
- Fixed - certain crashes making display black
- Fixed - issue of download in progress message appearing when hide system messages option was selected
- Fixed issue of ticker not scrolling
- Imported fixes from Android app branch for the issues faced
- Video play/stop issues
- Use screen parameters instead of innerHeight and innerWidth for resolution in templates
- Fixes for stop Video for adverts
- Fixed rare issue of two players having the same ID
- API for showing Emergency message in full screen for player
- Change server command from server to facilitate server name change of player from server
- Force TV ON disable was not working - fixed
- Added app install logic for player2 for customer app installation
- Write code and upload as to assets folder
- This gets copied to /home/pi/pisignage-app folder after unzip
- Entry point is which is executed on every poweron
1.Avoid download of the file to player when timestamp is not new and content length is same
- fix for download error (MEDIA_SETTINGS_SLICE not defined)
- Including .htm extension for html files
- Make greater resolution of the 2 (HDMI-1, HDMI-2) connected TVs as promary display
- YouTube play support when the default player is selected using YouTube API
- Reading TV power status and sending ON/OFF command as needed - added
- Reporting CEC TV status as well CEC support status to server - added
- Support for play-once option for keyboard playlists
- Audio getting restarted every cycle - fixed
- Auto-detect https/http protocol for server when not specified
- Kiosk mode -propagate mouse events from inside iframe
- custom_layout issue fixes
- Playlist name missing in player tab during TV_OFF - fixed
- Added 5 week scheduling support
- wifi: support for space character in SSID
- Update install script for more platforms and fixed non-starting of piSignage on power on in few platforms
- OS and yt-dlp upgrades along with software upgrade
- Fixed few crashes, scroll bar in few cases
- Making https as default for pisignage server for wget download
- Fixing the issue of wifi Access Point disable as selected from Group settings
- Support for both horizontal and vertical flip
- Flickering due to double playlist change being called on power-on
- Black screen when asset does not exist instead of skipping - fixed
- Advertizement video playling issue - resolved
- Issue with break video duration to play adverts in between - resolved
- Domination playlist duration incorrect - issue resolved
- RTSP transport defaults to UDP for mpv option
- Gap between CEC command "as" after "on"
- Updates the Raspberry OS with apt full-upgrade command(takes around 10 minutes)
- Disable auto-fill in kiosk and other forms
- Added temperature and uptime support
- Support VLC for You-tube videos as well
- Several bug fixes
- Handling of more cases to get available resolution like disconnected displays, resolution not available from xrandr etc.
- Fixed issues related to TV ON/TV OFF and monitor resolution change operations
- Browser crash in cases where resolution is not available from screen - fixed
- Avoid continuos pings to websocket of crashed browser
- Continuous mediaCompletionPromise errors in forever_err.log - fixed
- Scheduling issue when start and stop time span across days - fixed
- Playlist not getting scheduled sometimes during player poweron and tv on - fixed
- Modified piShell history (up-arrow button) to include new commands like xrandr
- Added adavanced settings for player webUI
- Set system volume using Pulse Audio utilities
- Use System audio output and volume for all audio and video players (mpv,vlc,chromium)
- Reboot everyday feature not working - fixed
- VLC video play - 5sec file caching added to avoid gaps between videos
- webpage link and kiosk launch issue with 4.7.3 - fixed
- Player webUI, wifi access points were not detected - fixed
- Always use VLC player for mkv extensions(H.265) irrespective of video player selection
- Zone size corrections for mpv,vlc for portrait mode
- Welcome screen, emergency message and clock sizes based on screen resolution
- Scheduling issue when start and stop times cross midnight - fixed
- White label support for ticker message in case of non-license added
- mpv option not playing in Rsspberry Pi - fixed
- Dual display support
- Use 2c/2d/2bp layout, side or bottom layout is mapped to the second screen
- Use 4K for single screen mode to play 4K videos
- Use mirror in case of 2 displays and need to duplicate the content
- Video play a long gap - fixed
- screenshot not working in Intel platforms - fixed
- Side zone weblink not killed in some cases - fixed
- Added resolution change watch to take care of TV resolution change after poweron
- Support for 2 display in Pi 4 - mirror mode (content is replicated in both screens) and 4K mode (adds 4kp60 and turbo_mode flag for vlc,single display only)
- Support for http headers in weblink (webpage type) for authentication support
- Monitor resolution change, cable insertions and auto resolution adjustment
- Non-main zone asset flickering when main zone asset changes - fixed
- After TV_OFF, playlist will not start - fixed
- Fixed issues like playlist restart after API play, sleep times etc., logo title visibility
- mpv - audio fixes and added hwdec=auto flag for other platforms
- Logo - text display issue fixed
- Better handling of primary display when more than single display exist
- Black screen on boot-up in devices which do not have Ethernet interface
- Few Keystrokes not working for weblink - fixed
- YouTube Streaming support for mpv player using yt-dlp
- Support for spaces in wi-fi access point name
- keypress playlists support for player2, fixes in keycode for x86 architecture
- Fixed issues with nodejs exit for license loading/settings change, event playlist, online playlists
- Sleep and reboot were not resetting after set - Fixed
- Checking and opening http websocket connections (in place of https websocket) for local servers when needed
- Reducing unnecessary delay during upgrade process (using old node module packages wherever possible)
- YouTube URL normalization for fullscreen autoplay from various share URLs
- Download returning error if robot.txt is not present - Avoided & Fixed
- Locking of application and dark screen if browser load event was not received - fixed
- This player uses new code base, based on learnings of all these years and to take care of newer technologies of Raspberry Pi OS.
- Also, portable across various Linux Single Board computers, web platforms and Android PWA.
- First version released for general availability with feature set of 3.1.1 as reference (there are few features missing like keyboard playlists which will be documented soon)
- Fixed - rare issue of player starting multiple TCP connections to server and going offline
- Reboot the player for the player to come online if offline and upgrade to 3.3.0
- Added upload/download statistics
- Added number of players under Groups tab, total duration of playlist under playlists screen
- Fixed issue with multiple playlist assignments under assets screen
- Feature to add duration and modify option for multiple assets under playlists screen
- Show players selected in Reports screen for reports
- Added new feature to manage locations for players (for e.g. TV OFF/ON based on location)
- UI improvements to show more info - player notes, creation date etc.
- Added Two Factor authentication with email OTP or Google Authenticator support
- Rememeber me option while login
- Ability to change email, username or password under profile settings page
- Help while renewing subscription - minimum needed for next month and value for next 1 year
- Ability to add invoice details during purchase
- Avoid playlist corruption
- Fix server crashes when playlist is corrupted
- Package UI to speed up loading of server UI
- Create billing entry for player disable/enable
- Avoid playlist corruption while drag and drop
- Convert RazorPay to INR from USD
- Use mangodb aggregator for report generation instead of deprecated mapReduce
- Player continuous crash (and not starting) in case of video file being added using "Add asset to playlist" feature under assets tab and the playlist is played in non-main zone - Fixed
- Buster OS upgrades and yt-dlp update - may take 10-15 minutes
1.Avoid download of the file to player when timestamp is not new and content length is same 2.Fix server crashes and UI changes
1.Avoid unnecessary downloads to player on player poweron
- Including .htm extension for html files
- Player Status circle icon - "CEC not supported by TV" status added
- Player Status circle icon - Warning when player storage exceeds 90% (useful especially in case of Android players)
- Play once feature - when a key is pressed for keypress playlists
- Issue of line breaks missing in notice description - fixed
- Prevent deletion of custom template file when in use by any of the playlists
- Avoid playlist name conflicts in case of group restricted collaborator creations
- Provision to add multiple playlists to multiple groups under playlists tab
- Bug fixes - saving layout changes, billing details etc.
- Fixed issues related additional groups and playlists feature for player
- Schedule playlists only from primary group to avoid confusion (default is used if none available)
- Append other group playlists and player playlists by forcing schedule all playlists flag
- Fixed issue of screen going blank in certain cases due to absence playlist name
- In certain RSS feed links, avoid player crash due to feed error
- Added 5-week cycle scheduling in addition to 3 & 4
- Added support for mongodb v5 and speed up queries
- Playlist/Playlists download option similar to Assets/Groups
- Asset search and select all issue - fixed
- Hover on playlist thumbnail enlarges the thumbnail
- Support for flip mode - horizontal and vertical
- Kiosk UI stability issues - fixed
- Change "both" flag to "hdmi" for omxplayer audio output to improve audio quality
- Notice template format improvements
- Retain 30 days log instead of 7 days
- Automatically adding duration and thumbnail for the YouTube links
- Log of user activity available for last 7 days - see under settings tab, show log activity
- Account getting locked after adding emergency playlist - fixed
- Auto invoice generation for online payment
- Asset or playlist renaming - update Groups and Playlists as needed
- Asset or playlist deletion - update Groups and Playlists as needed
- Group deletion - allow only when there are no players attached, update otherGroups assocaited with players
- Group rename - update Player groups and otherGroups as needed
- Update playlists during get operation for deleted and validity expiration of assets
- Allow validity provisioning during upload of assets
- Added emergency playlist and emergency message feature to deploy to all players across installation under Groups
- Add validity to multiple assets at once
- invert display option in player2 orientation
- Dual display support UI under Group settings for player2 4.7.0 release onwards
- Fixed issue of playlist search and categories bar missing
- Increased limit of schedulable playlists to 150 (from 100)
- Player can be assigned with additional groups and playlists under player settings (beta)
- Can be used only in conjunction with "Combine content of all scheduled playlists"
- Report did not include count of files played in non-main zones - fixed
- Media RSS - support for showing title and description fields together
- When Group is renamed, players still showed old group names - fixed
- Support for GPIO based media control keys (fwd,prev,pause/play)
- More details at GPIO media control instructions
- New French translation file and Vietnamese language support
- Player Status filters added to Dashboard
- Group collaboration rights viewonly issue fixed
- tvUpTime included in reports
- Auto deploy to all players when auth credentails are changed in settings
- Other issue fixes like thumbnails not showing up in filtered assets
- In addition, all deprecated packages have been updated to latest to address possible security risks
- Added yt-dlp as an option instead of youtube-dl for YouTube videos, this has better performance in some cases
- Selective deploy to a player from piShell
- Auto deploy to player when a group is changed
- Missing select icon from scheduler dropdowns - fixed
- Auto deploy when password or user settings changed
- For randomization option, update log to tell which file is playing now
- chromium-browser showing new Tab in front of signage - fixed by adding "--no-startup-window" flag
- Added keyPress playlist type - play when a key is pressed till next key is pressed or deploy from server
- Note, please use the keycode which you can check from player log and not character
- Do not change image during upload if there is no size reduction needed or orientation change
- Enabled non-websocket communication for old client for reliability
- Fixed week of year issue in scheduling
- License issue when server URL in player configuration contains username along with domain - fixed
- Kiosk URL starts from homepage for next user after inactivity timeout
- Alternate week schedule for playlists (upto modulo 4 based on week number starting from Jan 1)
- Provision to disable download files when eth0/wlan0 interfaces are not available (to save modem usage costs)
- Disabled this feature for open-source servers: Forcing to use only websocket protocol for performance and avoiding alert emails
- Occasional browser crash and asset validity ignored while changing player group - fixed
- Forcing to use only websocket protocol for performance and avoiding alert emails
- weblink keep in memory option not working after 1 hour - fixed
- License revoke issue for managed players - fixed
- TV_OFF playlist was not schedule-able - fixed
- Provision to add notes to players
- Progressive thumbnail load and disabling of playlist wise asset listing feature to avoid screen freeze
- Fixed custom layout issues with fullscreen
- Ticker and clock adjustment as per custom layout size
- Player list download as csv file
- Few bug fixes on webUI
- Ticker height can be changed in ticker popup for larger ticker messages
- Ticker speed was always default - fixed
- Playlists stop playing when Domination playlist together with option playAllEligiblePlaylists - fixed
- SD player-config.txt - timezone option added
- SD player-config.txt - auto license generation added
- SD player-config.txt - wi-fi config not working in certain cases - fixed
- Stripe payment gateway option added for credit card payment
- playlist ui - remember last option used feature added and UI changes
- Deploy not working with large number of playlists - fixed
- Asset download list - link asset type issues fixed
- German translations - updated
- Fixed upgrade not going through error of 2.9.6
- Subscribe for alert emails when players go offline or online (aggregated every 15 minutes)
- Support for multiple RSS feeds in ticker and Media RSS (separate links by ;)
- Disable player in settings to avoid billing from next month (instead of completely deleting)
- PayPal API integration- migration to newer server apis
- Credit card payment to server integration for instant update
- Player API support for get volume level and mute, few custom API additions
- Minor fixes
- Text over image/video was not showing in non-main zones - fixed
- Ability to rename non-main zones in settings and also in template designer, the same name will appear in playlist screen
- Show only zones enabled in custom layout under playlist screen
- Playlist list screen - Show group names which are using the playlist
- Ability to download assets list with details under asset screen
- Ability to select Group filter under Consolidated reports screen
- Server scaling improvements
- Enable cluster technology for load balancing
- Enable worker threads for upload file processing
- Enable logs (morgan)
- Player UI and API enhancements
- Added wi-fi country selection and hidden AP support
- Player 2 UI support for multiple interfaces
- 4 APIs to player to control playlist scheduling
- Auto refresh for weblink - define key and interval, for e.g. control+r,repeat=10 (every 10 seconds send control+r key)
- Playlist navigation, weblink was not closing - fixed
- Server scaling enhancement
- idle timeout tuning
- avoiding unnecessary in-memory sort operations
- query fixes
- Deploy everyday fixes
- Added year to asset details
- Report selection per group
- Reverted "websocket as the first option for" as it was causing connectivity issue in few OS cases
- Restart after server name change or license change needed power cycling - fixed
- weblink will not close(always in front) after 1 hour if cached - fixed
- OS update and upgrade (may take 10-20 minutes to complete) for video playing issue especially in portrait mode
- youtube-dl update
- Server support for player2
- Preparation for node14 version and upgrade path to player2
- support for mpv Audio delay option under Group settings
- weblink links in memory, update every hour
- When resolutions are fixed, add ignore edid based resolution flag in config.txt file
- Avoid wget fail in few cases where server certificate validation fails
- websocket as the first option for
- Report download issues - fixed
- Streaming issue in side zones, video not playing - fixed
- Video in non-main zones not getting stopped when the main asset changes - fixed
- Streaming videos - added support for TCP streaming (--avdict rtsp_transport:tcp)
- Autoplay flag for weblinks added for chromium-browser
- Corrected - 2.8.0 introduced an issue wherein resolution was always set to TV settings rather than Group settings (Forced auto resolution always)
- Auto copying zone parameters for video window sizes from custom template (avoiding re-entering of values in layout popup)
- Option to display date in clock widget
- Fixed - Certain images were not shown in Media RSS feeds
- Playlist navigation and pause using player USB keyboard ( right-arrow or F for next asset, left-arrow or B for prev asset and P or up-arrow or down-arrow to pause)
- Ability to add a fixed default custom template for a group which is applied to all playlists for that group for custom displays
- Ability to hide download buttons and right click option for assets (under installation settings)
- Fixed - Licenses purchased were credited to collaborator account instead of main account
- Other UI enhancements and fixes
- Kiosk mode not getting disabled after enable - fixed
- Support for RCA (PAL/NTSC) for Raspberry Pi 4
- Restart kiosk UI in case of any crash
- "Can´t update Chromium...." popup with 2.7.1 image - avoided
- Auto registration of players by adding installation, group, name and player_pin in player-config.txt
- Wi-fi disabled in some cases - added rfkill unblock wi-fi in startup script
- Emergency message and logo not seen on top non-main zone videos in Pi 4 - fixed
- Chromium-browser, removed deprecated disable-web-security flag
- Disabled collaborator login issue - fixed
- UI changes - Refresh button on players, dashboard screen, more meaningful message for player wi-fi setting
- SD card image based on Raspbian OS, 2020-02-05-raspbian-buster-lite
2.7.0 Media control for Playlist play and prev/pause/next from server, common categories across tabs, many fixes & more
- Play a different playlist once option under piShell for a player
- Playlist media control - prev, play/pause, next under piShell and under player webUI
- Support for German Umlauts in file names with conversion of characters as mentioned below
- "ä":"ae", "ö":"oe", "ß":"ss", "ü":"ue", "æ":"ae", "ø":"oe", "å":"aa", "é":"e", "è":"e"
- Addition of delay in milli-seconds to the key send sequence of weblink (for e.g. u,s,e,r,tab,2000ms,n,e,x,t should end with ms)
- Avoid of weblink crash for invalid keys
- Settings to disable TV power check under user settings
- Ability to play event playlist once
- Shuffle playlist every cycle instead of just once in the beginning
- Audio Playlist supports single Radio Streaming link
- Non piSignage Cron jobs were getting deleted on poweron - fixed
- Local folder single file path, player was crashing - fixed
- USB import error if _timestamp.txt is not present in /home/pi directory
- Framework for Screen brightness control based on schedule as well sensor input
- Ticker not shown after exit from kiosk UI - fixed
- Norwegian (Bokmål) translation (thanks to Asbjørn Stokka)
- Categories can be common across assets, players, groups and playlists (makes categories shareable under user settings)
- Registering players with no group attached and deletion of stale player specific groups
- Drag and drop improvements under playlist screen - scroll while dragging
- Ability to download (uploaded) assets in assets tab of server UI
- Option to cancel updateAll schedule (just delete the time)
- Report section was broken in server - fixed
- Custom logo for server UI issues - fixed
- Redirection to the correct URL when user logs in (instead of login screen)- fixed
- Removed livestreamer option for Youtube play as it is no longer maintained
2.6.0 Pi 4 Added missing support for emergency message, hardware ticker, clock, weblink caching for faster switch, weblink support for other zones, settings
- When piSignage player boots, it used to kill all python startup programs - fixed
- Player crash in certain CEC cases - fixed
- Live-streamer crash in Pi 4 - fixed
- White label server support for new installations
- Firmware update for Pi 4 video freeze & black screen issue
- Media RSS item duration was always 10 seconds and not picked from UI value - fixed
- Security vulnerability in player API for log download - fixed
- Group setting to enable/disable weblink caching in memory
- Daily deploy issue when the playlist contains zero assets during initial saving
- Ad index getting reset to zero during domination playlist play - fixed
- Filter local folder assets to supported assets only and sort them to play
- weblink zoom used to shift the window in some cases - fixed
- Convert to 1080p video if the mp4 video dimensions is more than 1920x1080 pixels
- Reduced the duration of initial second display screen "not supported" to 30 seconds
- Increased show player count limit to 2000 in players screen
- exit the USB import script if any command gives error
- Clear cache in side and bottom zone weblinks on poweron
- Added Credit card payment option other than PayPal
- Clock memory leak issue fixed
Enhanced weblink support
- Caching upto 3 links in main zone (program keeps running in background and only window is minimized)
- 3rd window is used for loading all the rest of the links if there are more than 3 links (1 & 2 are always cached)
- Enabling weblink type asset in side and bottom zones
- Auto scroll feature for weblink sites
Server settings per group to
- Disable Player webUI interface
- Disable Player wi-fi Access Point
- Disable Player hardware warning symbols for power supply, temperature (use with caution)
Pi 4 and Buster OS features
- SDL based hardware ticker support for buster OS (Pi 4 support)
- Emergency message, debug messages and clock support in Pi 4 (buster OS)
- Upgrade of buster OS to latest while 2.6.0 update (may take upto 15 minutes with good Internet speed)
- "Switch display" message on second display of Pi 4 for 2 minutes on startup
- 12 hour format clock display not working in Pi 4 - fixed
Other enhancements
- Collaborators can view the screenshot even if piShell access is disabled
- Added ability to add all types of images to custom template
- CEC support for certain types of TVs (which do not return CEC version) was not detected - fixed
- Added time-wise sorting of Assets
- Viewing and deletion of player specific groups under Groups view
- Group API request with string name not working - fixed
- Playlist rename - name was not reflected in JSON structure - fixed
- API support for collaborator access not working - fixed
- Under players screen, sometimes buttons are disabled on initial load - fixed
- mpv availability for 2.5.0 image for continuous video change-over
- Fixed domination scheduling issue on date roll-over
- Fixed server software update check for Pi 4
- Previous image shown under zone videos and during next switch - fixed
- Transparent modal for long lists - fixed
- Increase number of files upload limit to 100
- Lexicographic sorting of lists for assets, playlists, groups, players, labels & others
- for e.g. Slide1.png, Slide4.png, Slide10.png are sorted numerically
- Security Headers & fixes
- Render 404 pages for not found groups, labels, players
- Addition of security headers in http responses (CSP,XSS protection, HSTS, nosniff)
- Reseller portal support
- Do not show piSignage homepage upon logout
- Email made optional for reseller-client and collaborator additions
- Use reseller email for reseller-client communications (renewal requests, sending license )
- Use reseller logo for reseller-clients
- Do not show piSignage title, banner images
- Do not show twitter message link
- Details of subscription page hidden for reseller-clients
- Reseller purchases and assigns licenses/credits to clinets, right now done by piSignage team manually
- Privacy policy added and Terms of Service updated
- Player software
- Make sure logs and events for previous hour are not deleted for first five minutes of the hour in the player
- Fix the issue of side/bottom zones not changing in case of continuous video assets in main zone & mpv option is selected
- In Custom layout, fullscreen option not working if main zone was starting at non-zero positions - fixed
- OpenVG crash avoided in some cases of TV not supporting CEC
- Added style support for media RSS link in Add link popup
- 4K support for Pi 4
- Auto mode resolution selection based on HDMI EDID code
- Layouts support for all resolutions
Pi 4 Support with the following changes
- OpenVG is not supported in Pi 4 and hence disabled. So emergency message won't be supported till we publish alternative method
- Device ID for Pi 4 will start from "9" (instead of "1") to avoid clash with piSignage chrome based players
- Change of chromium browser path (internal note)
Reseller portal support - ability to add clients, manage their clients and custom domain support
Add collaborator without prior user signup
- Asset validity extended to hours- specify start hour and end hour to start/expire at the specified hour on the validity start/end date
- Ability to show the text message on video and image - specify the banner text in the playlist asset row
- Asset specific text can be shown in ticker instead of overlay - enable "show asset associated text" in the ticker popup for this
- When the playlist contains a single video, sometimes adverts are not playing, broken in 2.4.0 - fixed
- Daily reboot job was not getting removed when it was rescheduled or disabled under Group settings - fixed
- Side and Bottom zone videos were getting terminated after 5 minutes if the duration was longer - fixed
- Future valid files were shown as expired in playlist creation screen - fixed
- License check for white label server validity
- Fixed side/bottom zone mrss/local folder issues
- Local folder/file play support (including network folders)
- Native support for media RSS with video, image and links
- Reads various fields (image,enclsoures,links) from the feed and duration
- Can be used to create a playlist of items to play as an alternative of uploading of assets
- Ticker is hidden when media RSS text is shown
- If duration is not provided in link popup or RSS feed, playlist duration is taken for each item
- RSS default image is removed
- Player crash if protocol(http/https) is not present in the link - fixed
- When TV_OFF is scheduled, playlist not being stopped - fixed
- Option for Random shuffle of assets in the player before start of play
- Option to interleave assets from different playlists while combining assets from multiple scheduled playlists(instead of sequential add)
- Custom layout background image not shown - fixed
- Youtube-dl update to latest version
- Youtube play - option for mpv player included with increased I/O buffer
- Enhancement of portrait mode snapshot
- Adjust the weblink window size based on zoom factor
- Categories
- Feature added to playlists and groups in addition to assets and players
- Remove deleted category from assets, players and other databases
- Bulk assigning of categories for assets, playlists and groups added
- Group
- Selection of playlist which is to be added as default for scheduling rows
- Auto adjustment of end-date when start-date is changed to the same date if not later
- Group settings rearranged for clarity
- Debug mode is added which can be enabled from player webUI or piShell popup (reboot removes the debug mode)
- Debug mode enables enhanced logging and onscreen display of asset/duration
- Use only for debugging issues and reporting
- Support for pi Shell and snapshot from player webUI
- Playlist detail screen highlights validity expired assets along with deleted assets
- Fixed issues related to playlists assignment to groups (for collaborators)
- Logging of player deletion event
- Default resolution of new groups changed to 1080p
- Clear weblink cache on poweron
- Upload limit enhanced to 5GB for a file
- Display CPU temperature both in Centigrade and Fahrenheit
- Welcome notice display duration linked to browser load
- fixed issue of weblink/pdf assets not being shown on poweron when welcome screen is disabled
- Ticker text getting truncated when special characters present (in OpenVG mode) - fixed
- Stop the previous audio asset before starting the next audio asset in background mode - fixed
- MPV player audio volume not working - fixed
- Domination content scheduling issue when not eligible - fixed
- Wrong count of managed players after player deletion and re-addition - fixed
- Upon server restart, scheduled jobs for group deploy and player updates were not started - fixed
- Unable to delete filenames with "%" - fixed
- Possibility to add empty label in upload assets popup - fixed
- Users next billing date is shown under admin panel
- Collaborator accounts not working in case of no subdomain - fixed
- Support for custom-hs.css for server UI (copy instruction in
- Change password not working - fixed
- User sessions removed upon change of password or deletion
- Player license file not attached to email - fixed
- Cookie usage notice added
- Aux port support for mpv player
Video support in zone4 in addition to main, side, bottom zones (zone4 only in custom template & video window definition needed)
Ability to play Streaming video in main, side, bottom and zone4 zones (only main was possible earlier)
Mute option for video streaming and youtube links added
Video playing in full screen upon first deploy of other layouts - fixed
Issue of CSS for text messages in nested Playlist - fixed
Glitch while showing text message in side/bottom bar - fixed
Fullscreen transition during blend animation synchroinized
Add piplayer name for mdns discovery (name is changed to remove special characters and space is replaced by -)
Dark Sky weather api and example added
Increase addition of playlists to a Group upto 100
Kiosk asset show timeout has been increased to 5 minutes from inactivity timeout (30 seconds default)
Error in showing ticker after TV on in Openvg option - fixed
Livestreamer or Youtube-dl selection not working - fixed
Show update image till video is shown and add delays to improve reliability of upgrade
youtube-dl update
Brand image made bigger on navbar
Add logout redirect and smooth logout
Logout in mobile screens was not shown - fixed
Clear cache of chromium-browser on poweron
Double ticker issue for uzbl browser - fixed
Mongoose query for detailed report, non existant ts field - fixed
HS customize script and instructions for image generation added
Ability to execute custom script after update complete to copy custom assets
Remove port information from license generation for HS
2.3.0 Kiosk UI, Gapless Video Play(beta), offline loading with USB, Android remote app, third party login ....
*** Needs Internet access for the player to upgrade ***
- Kiosk UI (either in-built or provide url/zip of your UI app)
- Built-in UI: Press any key to show Assets list, touch an asset to play and go back after a inactive timeout
- Instead of default UI, custom UI also can be loaded, use open-sourced React UI app as the starting point
- SIGUSR2 event also triggers UI if event playlist is not present
- Gapless video play (BETA)
- Use of hardware accelerated mpv( player (select through group option selection)
- Audio is only through HDMI (not aux or both) as of now
- USB export and import (for offline players)
- Deploy under Group and export asset repository to USB stick.
- Connect the USB stick to Pi player to import and deploy automatically
- player will reboot after copying assets and settings from USB
- Under schedule, date scheduling works for extended times of next day
- For e.g. 2 Jan 2019 6PM - 2AM works from 2 Jan 2019 6PM till 3 Jan 2019 2AM
- Revamped Android app for piSignage remote launched -
- Reduced player network data consumption
- reduced unwanted logs, objects transfer
- increased default reporting interval from 3 minutes to 5 minutes, can be further increased under server settings
- Auto login using token obtained through API - allow third party server authentication and redirection
- Allowing special characters in SSH password setting - fixed
- Snapshot taking capability in player webUI and API
- Network Diagnostics disabled if "Do not show startup welcome screen" is selected
- Avoids DHCPDISCOVER request for the MAC Address de:ad:c0:de:ca:fe
- Option to enable/disable network access point in player webUI
- Programmable delay for sending keystrokes to webpage link screen instead of fixed 10 seconds
- Play file API - added duration as query parameter for play
- Port 8001 http request sends pi player signature
- Decouple TV on/off scripts from CEC support of TV - execute them all times
- Monthly report enhancement to select a player
- Make youtube-dl as the default program for Youtube playing, updates to latest during upgrade
- Multiple playlist delete not working from dropdown menu - fixed
- Ctrl+N (F6) menu
- unable to give server with http or https prefix - fixed
- hidden API - default option in ctrl+N changed to NO
- Software update video used to stop and black screen during update - fixed partially
- .repo directory deletion in player if zip file is removed from playlist
- Show only current active licenses
- Player not starting with 2.2.1 in case of certain errors - fixed
- White label license - support for port number in server domain
- OpenVG ticker - fixes to avoid ticker freeze
- Chromium browser taking too much processing time & sometimes overheating of Pis - fixed
- licensing issues when server name had http:// or port - fixed
- player uptime shown in player screen
- added "disable-pinch" flag to disable zooming in kiosk mode
- Unable to upgrade player in cases of player behind firewall - fixed
- API change - query assets based on a label, api/files?label=xxxxx
2.2.0 New for increased reliability and faster events for player-server communication, online only playlists
- Faster events and increased reliability on player to server connectivity - Upgraded to latest with backward compatibility
- Option to schedule a playlist only if player is online, this way fallback playlists when player is offline can be scheduled
- Availability of variables __cpuid__, __group__, __playername__ and __ipaddress__ for use in links and messages (can be used to get player specific content)
- Issue of video fullscreen playing when custom layouts had customized video window size - fixed
- Player getStatus API returns deployed playlist names
- Minimum advert playlist interval reduced to 5 seconds from existing 30 seconds
- Increased reliability in case of OpenVG based tickers
- Few player crash fixes
- License related fixes for redemption of licenses
- RCA Video playing slow - fixed
- window.print not working in HTML repos - fixed
- openVG ticker makes piSignage software crash in old OS images - fixed
- Fix issues related to openvg based ticker
- zip repositoriy index.html files are served from the local server rather than file loading in the server
- Helps to load repositories based on web apps
- Option to play ticker in GPL(OpenVG) to avoid freezing
- Same ticker option can be used to play rolling text with configurable font-size, position and width
2.1.0 Daily scheduled deploy, Upgrade all, Dashboard, Auto rotate, CEC, validity and other player fixes
- Auto daily deploy moved to group settings and takes care of playlist changes for group assets update
- Daily deploy for all groups under group list screen
- Dashboard to see player status and configurations
- Assign assets and playlists to groups for collaborator use
- Assign default schedule for playlist which gets copied to groups when assigned
- Default dates and times assigned to group schedule in schedule calendar popup
- Player reported and synced time shows time ago (tooltip shows actual time)
- Bulk delete option under playlists screen and avoid TV_OFF copy
- Bulk update of players to a version - schedule to issue upgrade command at scheduled time or there-after when player comes online
- Collaborator had access to group default playlist change even when not given permission - fixed
- Lists are sorted alphabetically instead of last created for Assets, Playlists, Categories and Groups
- Scrollbar to appear if needed for touch access
- Bulk delete under assets had issues - fixed
- Usage of time object for time inputs and fixing issues with schedule time displays in Group schedule
- Under assets screen, show more button missing - fixed
- Avoid sending duplicate emails for purchase request - fixed
- Auto rotate image based on image header values during upload
- Show player CPU temperature in server player screen
- Provision to play audio playlist through HDMI port under playlist settings
- Play weblink using API in player one after another without issuing stop command
- When CEC is not supported by TV, cec-client processes were not terminated in Pi - fixed
- Do not send periodic TV OFF messages unless configured under settings - fixed
- When multiple instances of the asset in playlist, asset validity was not working - fixed
- Zip repository playing issues for filenames with space and folder zips - fixed
- Translation popup in weblinks - New chromium flag added to avoid translation popup in future releases
- Issue of full screen not-working after nested playlist in side/bottom zone - fixed
- Not able to change playlists under zone4/zone5/zone6 with deploy - fixed
- In player webUI, sleep timer should reflect server settings - fixed
- Ability to play a link with play API of player (for e.g. curl --user pi:pi -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: text/html' 'http://localhost:8000/api/play/files/play?file=')
- Option to reboot the player everyday at fixed time (although this is not needed)
- Inform users to select the video window size when custom layout is chosen
- Ticker logic changed to use transform property of CSS
- Download option for custom layout for manual edit and upload
- Notification when credits are low in menu bar
- Provision to deploy everyday to a group
- fixed - wireless reconnection issue in case of disconnect
- fixed - webUI was broken in 2.0.2
- If domination playlist has a single video, it will continue to play in a loop - fixed
- Playlist not starting on startup(black screen) if welcome screen is disabled and player is offline -fixed
- Experimental PDF reader with evince - full screen mode without ticker, displays each page for the set duration
- use it to display multiple slides from the PDF
- Media RSS - display text only option without image
- Blend mode, iframes not shown in some cases - fixed
- Bulk delete and assign categories in assets screen
- Categories display 20 characters instead of current 10 in button
- Incorrect display of licenses available - fixed
- Customized logo in server UI for collaborators was not displayed - fixed
- Added cursor back to screen when the mouse is moved
- Removed Google Calendar type - instead refer to help article to display calendar
- Multiple Media RSS issues fixed and load image from image.url,,enclosure.url,enclosures[0].url fields, if other field please modify /home/pi/piSignagePro/templates/media-rss.html file accordingly
- When logo and clock displayed, making TV OFF and ON will not display videos & images - fixed
- Added variable for link for identifying the player, __playername__,__group__,__ipaddress__, __cpuid__
- Force TV ON setting used to switch on TV even when TV was supposed to be OFF - fixed
- RSS empty title or empty description used to return "No feed available" - fixed
- Disabled chromium pop-up for device discovery notifications
- Ignore second SIGUSR2 event within the duration of event playlist
- Option to disable welcome screen on poweron
- Asset and Playlist access control per group added
- Forcibly terminate cec-client program after 20 seconds if not terminated
- Blank overlay when emergency message is enabled and no message has been added - fixed
- Tool for designing custom template added (
- Addition of total online, but not playing count for players
- Unable to add Google Calendar asset - refer to help article
- Added support for latest Raspbian OS (Strecth, March 2018) based image
- Moved to DHCPCD based network configuration(/etc/dhcpcd.conf) and dropping /etc/network/interfaces based configuration
- Commenting Overscan value lines in case of disable_overscan mode is selected, otherwise overscan values are taken even though overscan mode is disabled
- Support for letterboxed mode for Image display (scaled to full screen keeping the aspect ratio intact)
- Added Blend transition support for images and HTML pages
- Added blend transition for media RSS images
- Showing Mac address was not working for newer releases - fixed
- Asset validity extended to advert and audio playlist assets as well
- Fix a bug where first playlist is not scheduled if default playlist was an advert, domination or audio playlist
- Support for line breaks in text message display
- RSS ticker broken in 1.8.9c - fixed in 1.9.9aa
1.9.8 Play a playlist at selected intervals, play multiple items of advt playlist, zoom & send keystrokes to weblink
- Support for capital letters and special characters in keystrokes for webpage links (use shift+b,shift+2 etc.)
- Start every 3 minutes if network is not available earlier (used to take 12 minutes to start earlier)
- Issue of player not-starting when playlists are empty - fixed
- In certain cases, change of Playlist is not reflected in the player - fixed
- Media RSS and Ticker RSS feed, links with query parameters were not working - fixed
- Provision to send keystorkes for the webpage after launch (10 sec delay), add keystrokes in Add Link details page
- Ability to play multiple advt items at once during advt insertion
- Introduction to domination playlist which plays once at prescribed intervals
- Change channel to HDMI when TV ON command is issued
- Show the type of playlist in Group details page
- Added youtube-dl program as a second option for youtube video streaming, select this option under user settings tab if youtube videos do not work
- Support for zoom option while launching webpage links, works only for 1.0 or greater, default is 1.0
- Issue CEC TV on command when emergency message is updated
- Disable scrolling of signage window to blank - fixed
- wi-fi access point names standardised to piplayer_xxxx (last 4 digits of player id)
1.9.7 Emergency Message, separate audio playlist, enhanced clock widget support,domination playlist,youtube fix and fixes
- Emergency message display issue - fixed
- Changed the address of wireless access point to to avoid clash with router addresses
- Fixed issue of scheduling not working in case of empty default playlists and other such errors
- Added validity check for nested playlist assets also
Server changes in 1.9.7c
- Possibility for delayed sync by scheduling at a later time
- Speed up of playlist and asset screens by delayed rendering of list items
- Show asset details and editing for more text type
- Search and category selection options under Asset Edit screen
- Flag to setup default for license type (managed or license only) under settings
- mongodb driver update
- Introduced Emergency message feature per group which will displayed on the current signage content.
- Clock widget enhancement - shown on top of video as well, two positions and 12/24 hour format support
- Added support for separate audio playlist which can be played on audio jack in addition to the normal signage on HDMI port
- Added a flag to support CEC TV on
- Video on side zone continues to play for the next asset in case of fullscreen - fixed
Fixes in 1.9.6a
- image generation and wi-fi access point related issues - fixed
- access point address changed to
- Player UI - non chrome warning message removed
New Features
- Variable ticker speed support - full, medium(66% of full), slow(33% of full)
- Introduction of event playlist for IoT applications
- send SIGUSR2 event to process "node pi-server.js" and event playlist will be played for a fixed duration or till next event (0 sec duration)
- Make any playlist as event playlist under playlist -> settings and add it to the group
- Ability to change ssh password of player from Server UI (under Settings Tab)
- Added fifo and streaming timeout flags for audio streams
- Boot logo(Raspberry) disable option under Ctrl+N
- Individual audio song play support under Player webUI
- Send CEC TV On command every 5 minutes if TV is off
- Read CEC TV on status and report to server (under Player status)
- Execute python script file if present for TV on/off commands
- while TV OFF
- while TV ON
- 1.9.6 SD card image additions
- player acts like wi-fi access point to facilitate network configuration with wi-fi upon first time boot
- configure using a file stored in boot partition from laptop (server name and wi-fi options)
- Disabled wireless power management to increase reliability of wi-fi connection
- Playlist content not in sync with players in some cases - fixed
- Change playlist at the end of current cycle made to work for current single video playlist - fixed
- Playlist drag and drop screen, duplicate item was not displayed correctly - fixed
- Remove special characters like "#" from the playlist name while adding since "#" is not supported for playlist name
- Asset validity date was not properly displayed - fixed
- In some cases server name getting changed to under Ctrl+N configuration - fixed
- Show registered email for the username under "Welcome user" button
- Confusion of Add with Search box in List Group and Playlist screens - Added Serach bar
- Remove Report icon in home screen of player webUI
- Accept username in forgot password - done
- Stop sending license messages and wrong calculation in case of license-only options
- Disable right click on web-page links for Layout 1 and 2a (use of kiosk flag) - fixed
- Add a separator between ticker messages in case of scroll mode
1.9.4/1.9.5 Asset Expiry, Audio Features, Independent playlist support for non-main zones, New UI, Server performance and more...
Features in 1.9.5/1.9.5a
- Make beta UI as the main UI and option to go back to old UI under settings
- Added duration for each RSS item for media RSS link and RSS ticker
- pi Player - Support for DNS server configuration under DHCP (both in ctrl+N and webUI)
- pi Player - Log files download under player webUI for debugging purposes
- pi Player - Settings file editing under player webUI - for advanced usage
- Fixed issue- scheduling playlists in the player completely offline will not work
- Fixed issue- Restart chromium if it has crashed and refusing to take commands
- Fixed issue- Scheduling start and end date not shown correctly under Group details
- (1.9.5a) RSS maximum number of items increased to 100
- (1.9.5a) Player UI issues fixed with respect to Add file, CSS colors
New Features
Enhanced Audio support
- Recognises extensions .mp3,.m4a,.mp4a,.aac as Audio files
- Songs can be played to completion in addition being used as background music
- Videos can be muted to use background music (or video from other zones)
- New type of link for Audio Streaming has been added (can be used in place of Audio files for background music)
- Priority for Sound selection is Main zone > side zone > bottom zone > background music
- Background music will continue till one of the zones has audio
- Background music option is supported only for playlists that are played in the main zone
Streamlining of nested playlist and other zone content play
- Audio and Video play play in loop for other zones (instead of stopping after end) till the main zone moves to next asset
- Switching between fullscreen and multi-zone layout corrected for advert playlists, nested playlists and video-to-image transitions with the following notes
- If full screen video is used, add side and bottom zone assets for the next asset again
- If an image is needed in fullscreen and the previous side zone contains a video, add an image to the sidezone to clear the previous video
- Background music does not play across all the assets in nested playlists (use in the main playlist instead)
- Livestream and CORS link are supported only in main-zone
- Video interruption to play adverts is supported only in main-zone
Independent playlists for non-main zones (select play independently while selecting playlists for these zones)
Validity period for asset can be added to automatically start/stop playing the asset. Useful for content which has limited period like sales promotions.
PDF documents are shown without toolbar
New UI (you can switch to the old UI under settings-scroll down to end)
RSS description field can be used instead of title in RSS ticker and Media RSS
Support uploading brand_intro_portrait.mp4 video for portrait displays (and made names case-insensitive)
Auto save when the playlist is changed
Shuffle option while preparing playlist
Category Names can be seen by hovering the mouse(tooltip)
- Full screen transition issues in multi-zone layouts - fixed
- Livestreaming and video termination - smoothened
- Resize images bigger than 1920x1920 to within keeping aspect ratio to prevent pi from heating up
- Connection to server disconnect in some cases - fixed
- CORS weblink screen size has been fixed for all landscape and portrait modes
- Pi heating if the playlist goes in tight loop - added a 1 second timeout to avoid such cases
- Restore bubble popup in case of browser crashes - fixed
- Addition of chrome flags to CORS webpage like disable translation
- Accidental registration of already registered pi in a different account - avoided
- Issues with ctrl+N static address selection - fixed
- Server performance improvements to handle large number of players
1.8.0 Chromium Browser based signage introduced, UI changes, local file support from webUI, Restricted Collaborator access
- Fixed - webUI for player was broken in 1.9.2
- Fixed - Assets and playlists of the same size were not getting synced to the player - fixed
- Fixed - Chromium caching image in every cycle when url reload option is selected, leading to memory leak
- Fixed - Hardware portrait mode, resolution was not getting set properly
- Fixed - Continuous download of asset in case of network error, limited to 5 retries at varying intervals
- Fixed - URL reload every time not working
- Fixed - Once enabled, pause video feature was not getting disabled (setting 0 to Time to Stop Video)
- boot video play in loop for short videos
- Fixed - Setting volume of video to zero
- Introduced a time gap of 30 second between issuing CEC command and switching off HDMI interface (for TV OFF and TV ON commands)
Server side
- Playlist Preview mode - we are still working on it, RTSP,YouTube, RSS & weblinks are not working
- Playlist UI toolbar changes
- Warn if no regular playlists assigned to Group
- Fixed - Change password not working
- Fixed - unable to keep the original size for images
- Fixed - with new Raspbian updates,popup on poweron mentioning "Restore pages? Chromium didn't shut down correctly."
- HTML repo, if index.html is not present, entry point auto selection as first html file in the directory.
- If there is an RSS feed fetch error, use previous messages instead of displaying "no messages or feed error".
- Option to retain video aspect ratio under Group settings (default is fill the screen).
- For images, fill zone option is made as default.
- UI changes for Group settings popup.
- Fixed some issues with chromium-browser height calculations.
- License download upon re-registration.
- Display default logo if the pi player contains logo.png at ~piSignagePro/public/app/img/logo.png
Major Features
- Ability to add Text messages along with CSS style under Assets
- Option to Combine assets of all scheduled playlists to play (layout is fixed to that of first scheduled playlist)
- Support for multiple Advertisement Playlists to be added to a Group (For e.g. you can have one playlists at 60 second interval and other at 5 minute interval)
- Pause the video and insert advertisement after certain interval (select ineterval under Group settings)
- PDF support (only with chromium-browser available in image 1.8.5 onwards)
- Ticker option to scroll from left to right
- 3gp video format support
Minor Features and fixes
- Hide url bar in weblink window
- Quick reconnect to server (in less than 3 minutes) after network reconnect
- Snapshot quality improvement ( more buffer size allocation)
- Fixed issue - Possibility of blank screen on poweron if uzbl is not installed
- Next advertisement timer to start after completion of current ad play (instead of start of ad play)
- Hide system message option for empty playlist and rss ticker error
- Clock widget shifted to 24 hour format
- In deploy all, avoid unnecessary error messages
- Delete brand intro from players if deleted in server
- Screen background color selection using html5 color widget
- Thumbnail fix for videos of duration less than 8 seconds
- Drag and Drop files and links to upload them to
- Knowledge base with prediction(beta) added
- Clock widget added which can be enabled under Group Settings
- Rearranging scripts to take care of latest Raspbian release
- UI changes (delete button for assets, playlists & groups)
- Issue fixes
- Ctrl+N server name getting changed to when ESC key os pressed
- Chrome browser crash issues fixed
- Collaborator access to multiple groups
- Minor bug fixes
- Shoutcast support under streaming link
- Removed tvon command on poweron (as it is given in boot already)
- Issue with nested playlist when the media file is not present
- Fixed - Custom layout template loading error in Chrome
- Fixed - Player crash if ticker message is empty and ticker is enabled in slide mode
- Fixed - Youtube videos were not playing in 1.8.0/1.8.1
- Fixed - custom layout not working 1.8.0/1.8.1
- SVG animation with more styles added (for both uzbl & chrome versions)
- Multiple custom_layouts can be defined
- File name should be custom_layout*.html (* can be anything), for e.g. custom_layout_weather.html
- Assign in the layout popup to a playlist
- Asset delete - wrong deletion of asset file fixed
- Unable to select assets for side and bottom zones - fixed
- Uniqueness of thumbnail across installation - issue fixed
- Player settings screen made as a pop-up
- Minor UI & bug fixes
- Chromium browser(needs latest image for pi or running /home/pi/piSignagePro/misc/ to install)
- Chrome supports transient eevnts and faster loading of URLs (people who complained their URLs not loading can now try with Chrome)
- Ability to interrupt the playlist and play files from Player using webUI
- Restrict collaborator to a single group and various other permissions added
- Support basic animation if Chromium-Browser is present (for advanced animations please convert the images to video and use, for e.g. in Powerpoint save slides as video)
- getstatus API for Player returns Current playing file
- Player settings UI made more informative
- Option to resize images to occupy full screen under Group>Display mode
- Suppress "download in progress" messages using option under Group>Display mode
- Scripts modified to support various Raspbian release (Sep 2016) and misc/ added to install Chromium Browser
- Server UI enhanced based on various feedback
- Home screen of webUI - playlist selection for playing introduced
- Support for mpg/mpeg format Video and bmp format Image
- Protractor based system testing added for Release testing
- Instead of error object (500) send rest error for not found URLs
- Error fix in combining default playlist check
- Player disk usage stats - wrong reporting issue fixed
- For resized assets, correct filesize was not reflected - corrected
- converting to yuv420p profile in case of yuv422p profile videos (certain videos were not playing)
- x-access-token allowed in APIs
- Assets filter under Playlist creation issues resolved
1.7.0 Independent playlist support for side/bottom zones, media RSS, open wi-fi, player level deploy,scheduling enhancements, UI improvements, Volume control
- FIXED - Sometimes large video file gets corrupted due to 2 wget processes running
- FIXED - corrupt image files halt the browser from displaying subsequent images
- Delete old files after playlist change if not needed
- Option to wait till the end of the playlist loop to load new playlist
- Nested playlist support with video
- 6 zone support in custom layout
- Skip empty playlists while scheduling (except default which will be used in any case)
- Side and Bottom zone videos are played at layer 5
- Issue in scheduling ad playlist fixed
- Added option not to show Media RSS title
- Scheduling logic added for Advertisement playlists as well
- Added Cookie & Session-Cookie support for the http requests
- Fixed a player crash related to Media RSS support
New Features
- Support independent playlists for side and bottom zones (supports images, html files, links) (simply add a playlist to the side or bottom zone in playlist screen)
- Directly deploy to players without creating group(Choose none under group selection)
- Media RSS support (select under Assets link for default template or use html file from github examples directory)
- Combine assets of default playlist with the scheduled playlist (select under Group Details screen)
- Scheduling for multiple week days or month days
- local API support for media RSS in usage for html files
- Open wi-fi network support
- Support for space characters in wi-fi name
- Pi Volume control under Group settings
- Allow upto 20 scheduled playlists under Group
- UI Changes
- Assign Asset directly to multiple playlists from Asset screen or Asset details screen
- Delete option in Asset Details screen
- Deploy playlist directly from Playlist screen
- Sync All Groups button under Group list screen
- Display MAC address both in welcome screen and under players screen (click the IP address of the player)
- Allow minimum duraton of 2 second for images and 10 second for other types of assets
- Reliability
- Retry download after 5 minutes of network error
- Occasional Screen going blank on poweron due to browser not starting - Fixed
- Restrict image sizes to 2560x2560 for large images upload
- Faster load times for player and admin screens
- webUI, font files served locally instead from Google site
- Fine tuning of parameters for cache, gzip compression
- Licensing - support for domain name level licenses
- Increased upload file size allowed to 3GB (subject to user account size limit)
- Billing report added
- Avoid http auth for the APIs originating from localhost to player
- Started work on supporting Firefox and Safari browsers for server UI
- Remove special characters from the file name to avoid non-playing of assets which contain #,' characters
- RSS issue when the RSS feed contained ' character
- Allow upto 500 groups and labels
- Bug fixes under Group Deploy,player wi-fi immediate connection, immediate refelction of Group settings upon sync,
- Player WebUI playing since field was showing wrong time - Corrected
- Shceduling issue when start time was greater than start time - Fixed
- Removed Seek message upon video loop for single videos, software upgrade video
- API not accessible due to token object - fixed
- html zip file support issue (when file name contained string zip other than .zip)
- File created date was not updated when the file was uploaded again
- CEC message for TV OFF was sent after HDMI shut off - corrected
- regex issue while checking file names - fixed
- 1 pixel border issue - removed
- Favicon added to webUI
- CSS rotation based on screen size, no hard coding for 2ap, 2bp layouts
1.6.0 Website link support, New Browser release, Custom Layout, Player Snapshots, UI changes, fixes for Ctrl-N issue and Youtube link not playing
1.6.3 Features and Fixes
- When there is a single item playlist with video, video is played in a loop with no loading time (no ad playlists should be present)
- Bootup video & update software screen videos changed
- Issues fixed in install scripts related to screenshot, uzbl and wi-fi interface
- Ctrl-N interface made fullscreen
1.6.2 Features and Fixes
- Ability to overlay a png logo at group level (configure in Set Display Mode under Groups)
- Modify Video duration in playlist (default is displayed and it can be changed if the duration is not proper)
- Upgrade issues fix for snapshot feature not working
- Node restart during upgrade - fixed
- Custom layout support in Portrait mode
- 3 new Layouts - custom, custom portrait right and custom portrait left, they enable to upload a custom_layout.html file and display. Use id fields main, side, bottom and ticker to display respective content
- Take Snapshot of the player available in the shell popup screen for the player
- Use weblink to display websites which were earlier not shown due to Cross Origin issues
- Newer version of browser added which is faster and plays video files too (select weblink and add a youtube link)
- Allow category selection in Edit links and Notice Creation screens
- UI Changes
- Default duration (10 seconds) can be changed under Settings
- User can upload his own logo and url for the brand logo on the left side of top msnu bar under settings
- Display accounts links for which the user is collaborator under User dropdown menu
- Show associated playlists for a particular asset in Show Assets and Edit Assets screens (For this you need to go to Playlist details screen and save the playlist for previous playlists
- Display thumbnail in Edit Assets screen to identify assets easily
- Sort selection for players either latest reported or Alphabetic
- Alphabetic ordering of Assets, Playlists and Groups in List screens
- More details added to Group and Playlist list screens
- Licensed status is available at server, player name color is based on licensed
- Player shell popup is always enabled to view the previous snapshot
- Build and install
- sudo place of is checked to avoid permisson issues after piSignage install on top of Rasbian
- Avoid overwriting of cmdline.txt during install
- Creation of white-labelled server images
- Reduce image size by removing unwanted packages
- increase reliability while generation
- Script to upgrade players manually after downloading the image
- piSignage image size - overall size of the image is reduced
- Ctrl-N and Player settings screens, DNS addition to the interfaces file and avoid screen going blank
- Send 404 error for files which are not present (if the asset is deleted and still present in playlist)
- Thumbnail creation issue for videos
- Youtube videos not playing - issue fixed
- Config Server copied from the previous version (instead overwriting as
- Playlist copy used to copy wrong layout - fixed
1.5.3 Minor Release
- Apply Advanced Video Window paratameters even in case of fullscreen & layout "1"
- Upgrade installation script to support pi 3 (rpi-update)
1.5.2 Minor Release
- Occasional screen going blank during deploy while Youtube link is playing
1.5.1 Minor Release
- Scheduling check at 0th second of every minute to roughly synchronise playlists across players
- Fixed the issue - Accidental power ON command on bootup in case RCA modes, this used cause distortions in TV signal from Pi
New features
A. Server
- Chromecast support as pisignage player, Just connect Chromecast and press "cast" button in the menubar to add
- File upload size increased to 1.5GB
- Make link editable from Read-only in Assets
B. Player Software
- Support for both HTML/CSS Portrait mode (Just select Layouts 2ap,2bp,2ap270,2bp270) and Hardware portrait mode
- Support for both "Right" and "Left" Portrait
- Introduction TV-Off playlist which can be scheduled or as used default to switch off TV when not used
- Group level Ticker messages which will be played if there is no Playlist level Ticker
- Change to the next slide only after URL load in case of links
- Switch to next Playlist only after complete download
- Display Player-ID in web UI for convenience
Bug fixes
- Portrait video not playing in fullscreen in layout "2b"
- Fixed - Same day Scheduling not working for Timezones "behind" GMT
- Add Collaborator accepts username as well as the registered email of the user
- Portrait HD (1080x1920) video playing issue - rpi-update reverted to 4.1.12
- Accidental turn-on when playlist is deployed
- Fixed - Unsaved changes, Cancel was not working
- Avoid Deploying playlists while Group editing, Deploy only upon exit or pressing Deploy
- Avoid unnecessary Deploy every time group edit exit
New features
A. Server
- Server Accounting and purchasing Player Licenses, Managed Licenses and Renewals streamlined
- Calendar view for multiple playlists scheduling under Group
- Auto deploy when group config screen is exited
- File upload size increased to 990MB
B. Player Software
- Added server address and connection status to welcome screen
- variable __connectionstatus__ added to ticker
- CEC support added for TV ON/OFF commands in addition to HDMI signal control
- Custom template upload for notice (notice_template.ejs)
- HTML tags support in notice title, description and footer
- RCA Cable support with addition of NTSC and PAL modes
- fullscreen support for individual assets and for adverts in multi-zone playlists
- Option to set name & location for each player
- manual TV ON/OFF in shell command screen
- Player settings (webUI) enhancements to support DNS, SDTV, Schedule ON/OFF, Factory Reset
Bug fixes
- Ad playlist was getting scheduled under group as regular playlist - fixed
- Smoothening Player startup screens, showing welcome screen & playlist changes
- show system notice instead of black screen in case of errors or player not registered unless playlist is explicitly stopped (webUI, tvOff)
- Do not restart background music if already playing
- Previous image not cleared when Youtube links are loaded
- Notice template fixed width changed to 100% to fit into all layouts
- Simultaneous 2 videos playing - Fixed in 1.4.1
Image based on Jessie version of Rasbian
- Build and install scripts to support both Jessie and Wheezy version of Rasbian
New Features
- Duplicate and add the same asset multiple times to a playlist
- Ability to change the background color of Signage Player under Group Display Settings
- Introduction of new layouts 2c,2d and 2bp
- Ability to play full screen Portrait Video
- Schedule TV ON and OFF times under Group Display Settings
- Ability to Control PLayer Playlist locally after Deploy/Group Change at server
- Sync Pi time to server time in case of NTP non-availability, solves issues related to syncing
- Introduction of __cpuid__ and __myipaddress__ variables in Ticker messages to display CPU ID and IP address
- Change in welcome notice format
- Show the previous image till YouTube link loads
- Stats for files played changed to make it more scalable
- Option for not reloading link under Group Display Settings for uzbl browser
Bug fixes
- When player resolution is changed, overscan parameters used to change - Fixed
- Bootup Video to fill the entire screen both in Landscape and Portrait mode
- Portrait mode issues
- Asset following livestream video used to be skipped - Fixed
Server Specific
New Features
- Increased File Size limit for Upload to 500MB
- Rename Assets, Playlists and Groups under EDIT mode
- Duplicate Playlists and Groups
- Select All/None assets feature for a playlist
Bug fixes
- Issue with Deploy of few files were not downloaded or playlist changes were not reflected - Fixed
- Refresh the screen after link addition to reflect the addition
- Custom Video window size used to change after playlist change - Fixed
- Fixed the issue of "Crash under certain error condition"
- Timeout in case of animation event does not trigger
- Issue fixed: if network is unavailable and youtube link is being played, playlist stops
- Player is unable to upgrade 1.2.4
- Fixed the issue of player localName being not sent to server
- Improved reliability in case of wi-fi networks
- restart wi-fi if IP address is not present after every 12 minutes in case of not connected
- independent timer to retart network connection after 1 hour of no server connection
- piSignage Player playlist UI fix which was broken in 1.2.2
- layout check to see if the player supports the layout (needed for future releases)
- logger error reporting bug
- Introduced 4 new layouts with main zone at the bottom and banner zone on the top (please enable in settings, needs ALL group players at version 1.2.2 or more)
- Fixed the issue - Player not getting synced with the new deployment if it was offline while deploying and then came online
- more robust server communication
- Fixed the issue - Unable to deploy file named index.html
- 12 hour format for Calendar events and format improvements
- Enabled Google Calendar support for all installations
Please edit the existing Scheduled Playlist times in Group Tab & Deploy again, otherwise scheduled playlists may not be played as per schedule after update
New Features & Fixes
Scheduling Playlists
- Start and Stop date had to be one day before and after - fixed
- Increase the number of playlists count to 10 (from 4)
- More Scheduling features (Day of the Week, Date of the month)
- More explanations to avoid confusion for the UI
- Warn if schedule changes are not deployed
Show all IP addresses in welcome screen and server players status page
wi-fi Connection status and IP
Support for Other languages
Added French support (Thanks to Gionatan Fazio)
Few issues fixed related to Ticker appearing accidentally in the beginning, many switches during playlist change
Allow re-registration of the device to change the name without losing license
New Features
- Player settings enhanced
- Ability to change http username/password
- Ability to change config/media server
- Ticker Enhancements
- Vertical alignment of ticker to the middle
- Advanced users can add CSS for Ticker
- Provision to create new categories in Asset Upload popup
- You can add your welcome screen using html or ejs template (e.g. provided in GitHub)
- File play logs re-introduced with provision to enable/disable
- HTML link and zip file support extended to side & bottom zones
- Provision to create custom Video window sizes for advanced users in Layout selection screen
- API Support with Token based authentication for server
- Ability to delete the account in server
- Browser JavaScript code streamlined to reduce node.js communication and div elements
Bug fixes
- Removed duplicate Ticker set/clear message and start/stop playlists
- Welcome screen not showing up when animation enabled - fixed
- Added hardware scroll disable flag to enhance browser reliability during startup
- After power on Ticker used to appear in some cases even though it was not configured
- For older browser releases, memory check and reload the URL if memory exceeds certain limit.
- rss feed non-english character display issue
New Features
- Fix for timezone issue, set the timezone to that of Browser upon registration,provision for changing in registration and player screens
- Change htpasswd to that of settings to protect players access from others
- Animation support for transitions in pi 2 onwards hardware
- Ticker enhancements
- RSS feed support to display upto 10 messages from feed
- Support for both Scroll and Slide
- Multi line Ticker Message Support
- Add Button in Playlists and Group tabs brought outside from EDIT screen to list screen
- Test log added for player for testing automation, streamlined player logging with category
- Token based authentication for API framework preparation
Known issues
- Chrome and Android apps currently work with default password for players, upgrade for password change will be soon released.
- Set the player timezones for the schedule playlist feature to work properly in Playlist Tab
- Player needs to reboot for Timezone and password changes to take effect
- pisignage-server features are yet to be updated for 1.1.7 release
- Animation works only pi 2 hardware due to performance requirements
- Fixed off-line licensing issue
- RTSP support in Add link of assets
- Delaying server communications till local configuration is done
- Chrome browser check on power-on
- New release of uzbl from current branch of uzbl repository which fixes a memory leak issue and many improvements
- Canvas based image display with instant image change (no black screen in between)
- Support for MP3 files to act as background music for images/html display
- Free player licenses have been increased to 3 per installation
- Addition of links from player web interface
- Removing error "Version mismatch" while deploying from
- Correction of so that image can be built on top of Raspbian instead of entire download
- Fixes for Network settings screen on Console (Ctrl-N)
- Small fixes
- Audio out in both ports
- Resolution - 720p HD and 1080p Full HD modes
- Portrait and Landscape mode
- Zones Support (1,2 and 3 in various dimensions)
- Insert Ad playlist in between
- Android App support with play, pause and stop for playing demo videos
- Chrome app for discovery, remote and manage
- HTML repo upload support (.zip file can be uploaded with entry point as index.html)
- URL support for streaming and displaying in iframe 10.Streaming support (experimental) for video
- various bug fixes
- Added Software License feature (auto generation, manual generation, download & check)
- Keyboard support for configuration of network and admin/content server
- Configurable admin server and media server (can be separate)
- Memory leak in uzbl for background image load - removed
- reconnect after network errors and watchdog to attempt reconnect (if no updates) after 60 minutes
a. added connected and playlist log in dailystats
b. change playlist only if exists
c. send message only if Websocket is ready
d. stop logging of file change event
e. issue with async nature of connected check in players
f. report overhaul and addition of monthly reports
g. convert flv h.264 videos too
e. bug fixes with upgrade
f. UI changes for assets/playlists
g. updated mongoose npm package
h. Chrome app also supports multiple playlists and report logging
i. support for Google Calendar
Known issues error not fully resolved (as per the window below,moscajs/mosca#69 ) b.disk space due to .xsession-errors large size and forever_out.log
- Events, Logs, Files Played reporting to server and Reporting structure
- Streamlined updates
- File system check every power on for robustness 4.TV power on check for CEC supported TVs
- IST timezone issue correction
- bootstrap framework for TV notices 7.moved to ejs templating for faster boot 8.downloading status and stats display on both pi and server
- support for multiple playlists and scheduling
- file deletion and playlist change after successful download
- Audio and background music support
- video conversions for more formats 13.asset and playlist screen UI changes
- playlist scheduling moved to group
Known issues
- gcal is broken
- PC connection support (1-1): eth0:1 interface acted as default gateway (removed)
- wget failed to resolve pisignage for firmware upgrade
- add exit in if wget gives error
- make cp instead of mv from pre directory
- error appears (as per the window below,moscajs/mosca#69 )
- disk space due to .xsession-errors large size and forever_out.log
This release is used as Software for production of first 60 devices. The assembly instructions for the same is given below.
- Assemble B+ board inside enclosure and add a plastic blurb to avoid shaking
- Attach the power supply going to be shipped
- Get a HDMI cable and Ethernet cable
- Program a SD card
- Poweron the device with SD card inserted
- Note the CPU ID and print a sticker with the same
- Stick the CPUID sticker and pisignage sticker to the device enclosure
- Register the device at with the name "Unassigned xxxx" (last 4 digits of CPU iD) and group as Factory test
- Watch the ticker and 2 videos / 1 logo being played
- Check for last sync time, green circle and software version
- Sign OK on sticker
- Put waranty void seal on the SD card and ensure SD card is fastened properly
- Pack the Ethernet cable, HDMI cable and add a separator
- Pack the device in a plastic wrapper
- Wrap the power supply in a plastic wrapper
- Add the clamp inside the box
- Seal the box and ensure no shaking of the contents
- Put a seal and make a entry of the Device ID (Put a sticker of device ID on the box also)
Known issues
- Need to work on overscan_scale, framebuffer height and width to map videos and images to full screen
- TV control commands
- Format of empty screen
First Release of PiSignage
First Production Release of PiSignage images
platform v1.0.0 for Raspberry Pi v0.7.5 for pi server software v0.0.1 for central server software
Known Issues
If piSignage is not set for installation, it sends "default" installation whereas the server expects "admin". Will not be an issue if Pi is assigned to an installation.