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Releases: danieleteti/delphimvcframework

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC7

07 May 18:55
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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC7

  • New! Added Nullable support in MVCActiveRecord (nullables defined in MVCFramework.Nullables.pas)! Check activerecord_showcase sample.

  • New! Added non autogenerated primary keys in MVCActiveRecord! Check activerecord_showcase sample.

  • New! Complete support for nullable types in the default serializer (nullables defined in MVCFramework.Nullables.pas)

  • New! Added ncCamelCase and ncPascalCase to the available attribute formatters.

    MVCNameCase Property/Field Name Rendered Name
    ncUpperCase Cod_Article COD_ARTICLE
    ncLowerCase Cod_Article cod_article
    ncPascalCase Cod_Article CodArticle
    ncPascalCase CodArticle CodArticle
    ncPascalCase _WITH__UNDERSCORES_ WithUnderscores
    ncCamelCase Cod_Article codArticle
    ncCamelCase CodArticle codArticle
    ncCamelCase _WITH__UNDERSCORES_ WithUnderscores
  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)

  • New! Attribute MVCDoNotDeserialize. If marked with this RTTI attribute, a property or a field is not deserialized and its value remain the same as was before the object deserialization.

  • New! ObjectDict function is the suggested way to render all the most common data types. It returns a IMVCObjectDictionary which is automatically rendered by the renders. Check the renders.dproj sample. Here's some example of the shining new ObjectDict()

Example 1: Rendering a list of objects not freeing them after rendering


procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;
  Render<TPerson>(GetPeopleList, False);

New approach with ObjectDict

procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;
  Render(ObjectDict(False).Add('data', GetPeopleList));

Example 2: Rendering a list of objects and automatically free them after rendering


procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;

New approach with ObjectDict

procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;
  Render(ObjectDict().Add('data', GetPeopleList));

Example 3: Rendering a list of objects adding links for HATEOAS support


procedure TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOAS;
  p: TPerson;
  People: TObjectList<TPerson>;
  People := TObjectList<TPerson>.Create(True);

{$REGION 'Fake data'}
  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Daniele';
  p.LastName := 'Teti';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1979, 8, 4);
  p.Married := True;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'John';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1879, 10, 2);
  p.Married := False;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Jane';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1883, 1, 5);
  p.Married := True;

  Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
       .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
       .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
       .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
       .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
       .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
       .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
       .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

New approach with ObjectDict

procedure TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOAS;
  p: TPerson;
  People: TObjectList<TPerson>;
  People := TObjectList<TPerson>.Create(True);

{$REGION 'Fake data'}
  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Daniele';
  p.LastName := 'Teti';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1979, 8, 4);
  p.Married := True;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'John';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1879, 10, 2);
  p.Married := False;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Jane';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1883, 1, 5);
  p.Married := True;

  Render(ObjectDict().Add('data', People,
    procedure(const APerson: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(APerson).ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + TPerson(APerson).FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

ObjectDict is able to render multiple data sources (datasets, objectlists, objects or StrDict) at the same time using different casing, HATEOAS callbacks and modes.

procedure TTestServerController.TestObjectDict;
  lDict: IMVCObjectDictionary;
  lDict := ObjectDict(false)
    .Add('ncUpperCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncUpperCase)
    .Add('ncLowerCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncLowerCase)
    .Add('ncCamelCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncCamelCase)
    .Add('ncPascalCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncPascalCase)
    .Add('ncUpperCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncUpperCase)
    .Add('ncLowerCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncLowerCase)
    .Add('ncCamelCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncCamelCase)
    .Add('ncPascalCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncPascalCase)
    .Add('meta', StrDict(['page'], ['1']));

ObjectDict is the suggested way to renders data. However, the other ones are still there and works as usual.

  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! MVCNameAs attribute got the param Fixed (default: false). If Fixed is true, then the name is not processed by the MVCNameCase attribute assigned to the owner type.
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added support for Spring4D Nullable Types - check (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added OnRouterLog event to log custom information for each request (thanks to Andrea Ciotti for the first implementation and its PR)
  • New! Optionally load system controllers (those who provide /, / and / system actions) setting Config[TMVCConfigKey.LoadSystemControllers] := 'false'; in the configuration block.
  • Improved! Now the router consider Accept:*/* compatible for every MVCProduces values
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception by default if the record is not found - optionally can returns nil using new parameter RaiseExceptionIfNotFound
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! `TMVCActiv...
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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC6

14 Apr 11:01
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  • New! Added Nullable support in MVCActiveRecord! Check activerecord_showcase sample.
  • New! Added non autogenerated primary keys in MVCActiveRecord! Check activerecord_showcase sample.
  • New! Complete support for nullable types in the default serializer.
  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)
  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added support for Spring4D Nullable Types - check (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added OnRouterLog event to log custom information for each request (thanks to Andrea Ciotti for the first implementation and its PR)
  • Added TMVCJSONRPCExecutor.ConfigHTTPClient to fully customize the inner THTTPClient (e.g. ConnectionTimeout, ResponseTimeout and so on)
  • Improved! Now the router consider Accept:*/* compatible for every MVCProduces values
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception by default if the record is not found - optionally can returns nil using new parameter RaiseExceptionIfNotFound
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Store which automatically executes Insert or Update considering primary key value.
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord allows to use table name and field name with spaces (currently supported only by the PostgreSQL compiler).
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework and DMSContainer)
  • New! SQLite support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL, so that MVCActiveRecord can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
  • Default JSON Serializer can verbatim pass properties with type JsonDataObjects.TJSONObject without using string as carrier of JSON
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! All ActiveRecord methods which retrieve records can now specify the data type of each parameter (using Delphi's TFieldType enumeration).
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possible to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.

  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.

  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitly defined with MVCInheritable attribute.

  • New! JSONRPC Hooks for published objects

    //Called before as soon as the HTTP arrives
    procedure TMyPublishedObject.OnBeforeRouting(const JSON: TJDOJsonObject);
    //Called before the invoked method
    procedure TMyPublishedObject.OnBeforeCall(const JSONRequest: TJDOJsonObject);
    //Called just before to send response to the client
    procedure TMyPublishedObject.OnBeforeSendResponse(const JSONResponse: TJDOJsonObject);
  • SSL Server support for TMVCListener (Thanks to Sven Harazim)

  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performance improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to

  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)

  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria

  • New! TMVCActiveRecord can handle non autogenerated primary key.

  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.

  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!

  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.

  • New Sample! Server in DLL

  • Added new method in the dataset helper to load data into a dataset from a specific JSONArray property of a JSONObject procedure TDataSetHelper.LoadJSONArrayFromJSONObjectProperty(const AJSONObjectString: string; const aPropertyName: String);

  • Improved! New constants defined in HTTP_STATUS to better describe the http status response.

  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in CreateInsert if not autogenerated.

  • New! Added support for TArray<String>, TArray<Integer> and TArray<Double> in default JSON serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)

  • Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to Vinicius Sanchez for his work on issue #241

  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its functionalities at each build!

  • New! StrToJSONObject function to safely parse a string into a JSON object.

  • New! Serialization callback for custom TDataSet descendants serialization in TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.

procedure TMainForm.btnDataSetToJSONArrayClick(Sender: TObject);
  lSer: TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer;
  lJArray: TJSONArray;
  lSer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
    lJArray := TJSONArray.Create;
      lSer.DataSetToJsonArray(FDQuery1, lJArray, TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase, [],
        procedure(const aField: TField; const aJsonObject: TJSONObject; var Handled: Boolean)
          if SameText(aField.FieldName, 'created_at') then
            aJsonObject.S['year_and_month'] := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm', TDateTimeField(aField).Value);
            Handled := True;
	  //The json objects will not contains "created_at" anymore, but only "year_and_month".
      Memo1.Lines.Text := lJArray.ToJSON(false);
  • New! Shortcut render' methods which simplify RESTful API development
    • procedure Render201Created(const Location: String = ''; const Reason: String = 'Created'); virtual;
    • procedure Render202Accepted(const HREF: String; const ID: String; const Reason: String = 'Accepted'); virtual;
    • `procedure...
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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC5

13 Feb 23:02
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WARNING! This release fixes a serious vulnerability which affects some deployments which use the built-in WebServer. It doesn't add new features and fix only this issue. However, it is a strongly raccomended update for all dmvcframework users which use the built-in webserver to serve static files.

Many thanks to Stephan Munz to have discovered the bug.

  • New! Added Nullable support in MVCActiveRecord! Check activerecord_showcase sample.
  • New! Complete support for nullable types in the default serializer.
  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)
  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added support for Spring4D Nullable Types - check (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • Added TMVCJSONRPCExecutor.ConfigHTTPClient to fully customize the inner THTTPClient (e.g. ConnectionTimeout, ResponseTimeout and so on)
  • Improved! Now the router consider Accept:*/* compatible for every MVCProduces values
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception by default if the record is not found - optionally can returns nil using new parameter RaiseExceptionIfNotFound
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Store which automatically executes Insert or Update considering primary key value.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework and DMSContainer)
  • New! SQLite support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL, so that MVCActiveRecord can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
  • Default JSON Serializer can verbatim pass properties with type JsonDataObjects.TJSONObject without using string as carrier of JSON
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possible to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.
  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitly defined with MVCInheritable attribute.
  • SSL Server support for TMVCListener (Thanks to Sven Harazim)
  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performance improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to
  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria
  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.
  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!
  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.
  • New Sample! Server in DLL
  • Added new method in the dataset helper to load data into a dataset from a specific JSONArray property of a JSONObject procedure TDataSetHelper.LoadJSONArrayFromJSONObjectProperty(const AJSONObjectString: string; const aPropertyName: String);
  • Improved! New constants defined in HTTP_STATUS to better describe the http status response.
  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in CreateInsert if not autogenerated.
  • New! Added support for TArray<String>, TArray<Integer> and TArray<Double> in default JSON serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)
  • Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to Vinicius Sanchez for his work on issue #241
  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its functionalities at each build!
  • New! StrToJSONObject function to safely parse a string into a JSON object.
  • New! Serialization callback for custom TDataSet descendants serialization in TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.
procedure TMainForm.btnDataSetToJSONArrayClick(Sender: TObject);
  lSer: TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer;
  lJArray: TJSONArray;
  lSer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
    lJArray := TJSONArray.Create;
      lSer.DataSetToJsonArray(FDQuery1, lJArray, TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase, [],
        procedure(const aField: TField; const aJsonObject: TJSONObject; var Handled: Boolean)
          if SameText(aField.FieldName, 'created_at') then
            aJsonObject.S['year_and_month'] := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm', TDateTimeField(aField).Value);
            Handled := True;
	  //The json objects will not contains "created_at" anymore, but only "year_and_month".
      Memo1.Lines.Text := lJArray.ToJSON(false);
  • New! Shortcut render' methods which simplify RESTful API development

    • procedure ResponseCreated(const Location: String = ''; const Reason: String = 'Created'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseAccepted(const HREF: String; const ID: String; const Reason: String = 'Accepted'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseNoContent(const Reason: String = 'No Content'); virtual;
  • Added de/serializing iterables (e.g. generic lists) support without MVCListOf attribute (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte).

    It is now possible to deserialize a generic class like this:

      TGenericEntity<T: class> = class
        FCode: Integer;
        FItems: TObjectList<T>;
        FDescription: string;
        constructor Create;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode;
        property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
        // MVCListOf(T) <- No need
        property Items: TObjectList<T> read FItems write FItems;


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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC4

05 Feb 18:53
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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC4

WARNING! Considering the huge amount of features added in 3.1.1-beryllium during its RC phase, the dmvcframework-3.1.1-beryllium has been renamed to dmvcframework-3.2.0-boron.

If no critical bugs will be found, this version will become the final release

Features added, features improved and bug fixes

  • New! Added Nullable support in MVCActiveRecord! Check activerecord_showcase sample.
  • New! Complete support for nullable types in the default serializer.
  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)
  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added support for Spring4D Nullable Types - check (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • Added TMVCJSONRPCExecutor.ConfigHTTPClient to fully customize the inner THTTPClient (e.g. ConnectionTimeout, ResponseTimeout and so on)
  • Improved! Now the router consider Accept:*/* compatible for every MVCProduces values
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception by default if the record is not found - optionally can returns nil using new parameter RaiseExceptionIfNotFound
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Store which automatically executes Insert or Update considering primary key value.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework and DMSContainer)
  • New! SQLite support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL, so that MVCActiveRecord can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
  • Default JSON Serializer can verbatim pass properties with type JsonDataObjects.TJSONObject without using string as carrier of JSON
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possible to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.
  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitly defined with MVCInheritable attribute.
  • SSL Server support for TMVCListener (Thanks to Sven Harazim)
  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performance improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to
  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria
  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.
  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!
  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.
  • New Sample! Server in DLL
  • Added new method in the dataset helper to load data into a dataset from a specific JSONArray property of a JSONObject procedure TDataSetHelper.LoadJSONArrayFromJSONObjectProperty(const AJSONObjectString: string; const aPropertyName: String);
  • Improved! New constants defined in HTTP_STATUS to better describe the http status response.
  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in CreateInsert if not autogenerated.
  • New! Added support for TArray<String>, TArray<Integer> and TArray<Double> in default JSON serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)
  • Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to Vinicius Sanchez for his work on issue #241
  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its functionalities at each build!
  • New! StrToJSONObject function to safely parse a string into a JSON object.
  • New! Serialization callback for custom TDataSet descendants serialization in TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.
procedure TMainForm.btnDataSetToJSONArrayClick(Sender: TObject);
  lSer: TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer;
  lJArray: TJSONArray;
  lSer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
    lJArray := TJSONArray.Create;
      lSer.DataSetToJsonArray(FDQuery1, lJArray, TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase, [],
        procedure(const aField: TField; const aJsonObject: TJSONObject; var Handled: Boolean)
          if SameText(aField.FieldName, 'created_at') then
            aJsonObject.S['year_and_month'] := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm', TDateTimeField(aField).Value);
            Handled := True;
	  //The json objects will not contains "created_at" anymore, but only "year_and_month".
      Memo1.Lines.Text := lJArray.ToJSON(false);
  • New! Shortcut render' methods which simplify RESTful API development

    • procedure ResponseCreated(const Location: String = ''; const Reason: String = 'Created'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseAccepted(const HREF: String; const ID: String; const Reason: String = 'Accepted'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseNoContent(const Reason: String = 'No Content'); virtual;
  • Added de/serializing iterables (e.g. generic lists) support without MVCListOf attribute (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte).

    It is now possible to deserialize a generic class like this:

      TGenericEntity<T: class> = class
        FCode: Integer;
        FItems: TObjectList<T>;
        FDescription: string;
        constructor Create;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode;
        property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
        // MVCListOf(T) <- No need
        property Items: TObjectList<T> read FItems write FItems;
Read more

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC2

01 Dec 19:58
Choose a tag to compare

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron (currently in RC phase)

WARNING! Considering the huge amount of features added in 3.1.1-beryllium during its RC phase, the dmvcframework-3.1.1-beryllium has been renamed to dmvcframework-3.2.0-boron

  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)
  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added support for Spring4D Nullable Types - check (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • Added TMVCJSONRPCExecutor.ConfigHTTPClient to fully customize the inner THTTPClient (e.g. ConnectionTimeout, ResponseTimeout and so on)
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception if the record is not found
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework and DMSContainer)
  • New! SQLite support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL, so that MVCActiveRecord can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
  • Default JSON Serializer can verbatim pass properties with type JsonDataObjects.TJSONObject without using string as carrier of JSON
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Breaking Change! In MVCActiveRecord attribute MVCPrimaryKey has been removed and merged with MVCTableField, so now TMVCActiveRecordFieldOption is a set of foPrimaryKey, foAutoGenerated, foTransient (check activerecord_showcase.dproj sample).
  • Breaking Change! TDataSetHolder doesn't renders dataset in a property called items but in a property named data (to be more standard)
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possible to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.
  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitly defined with MVCInheritable attribute.
  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performance improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to
  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria
  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.
  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!
  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.
  • New Sample! Server in DLL
  • Added new method in the dataset helper to load data into a dataset from a specific JSONArray property of a JSONObject procedure TDataSetHelper.LoadJSONArrayFromJSONObjectProperty(const AJSONObjectString: string; const aPropertyName: String);
  • Improved! New constants defined in HTTP_STATUS to better describe the http status response.
  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in CreateInsert if not autogenerated.
  • New! Added support for TArray<String>, TArray<Integer> and TArray<Double> in default JSON serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)
  • Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to Vinicius Sanchez for his work on issue #241
  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its functionalities at each build!
  • New! StrToJSONObject function to safely parse a string into a JSON object.
  • New! Serialization callback for custom TDataSet descendants serialization in TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.
procedure TMainForm.btnDataSetToJSONArrayClick(Sender: TObject);
  lSer: TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer;
  lJArray: TJSONArray;
  lSer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
    lJArray := TJSONArray.Create;
      lSer.DataSetToJsonArray(FDQuery1, lJArray, TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase, [],
        procedure(const aField: TField; const aJsonObject: TJSONObject; var Handled: Boolean)
          if SameText(aField.FieldName, 'created_at') then
            aJsonObject.S['year_and_month'] := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm', TDateTimeField(aField).Value);
            Handled := True;
	  //The json objects will not contains "created_at" anymore, but only "year_and_month".
      Memo1.Lines.Text := lJArray.ToJSON(false);
  • New! Shortcut render' methods which simplify RESTful API development

    • procedure ResponseCreated(const Location: String = ''; const Reason: String = 'Created'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseAccepted(const HREF: String; const ID: String; const Reason: String = 'Accepted'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseNoContent(const Reason: String = 'No Content'); virtual;
  • Added de/serializing iterables (e.g. generic lists) support without MVCListOf attribute (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte).

    It is now possible to deserialize a generic class like this:

      TGenericEntity<T: class> = class
        FCode: Integer;
        FItems: TObjectList<T>;
        FDescription: string;
        constructor Create;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode;
        property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
        // MVCListOf(T) <- No need
        property Items: TObjectList<T> read FItems write FItems;

    Before it was not possible because you should add the MVCListOf attribute to the TObjectList type property.

  • New! The MVCAREntitiesGenerator can optionally register all the generated entities also in the `ActiveRecordMappingRegi...

Read more

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC1

15 Oct 10:59
Choose a tag to compare

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron-RC1 RELEASE NOTES

WARNING! Considering the huge amount of features added in 3.1.1-beryllium during its RC phase, the dmvcframework-3.1.1-beryllium has been renamed to dmvcframework-3.2.0-boron

  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)
  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception if the record is not found
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework and DMSContainer)
  • New! SQLite support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL, so that MVCActiveRecord can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Breaking Change! In MVCActiveRecord attribute MVCPrimaryKey has been removed and merged with MVCTableField, so now TMVCActiveRecordFieldOption is a set of foPrimaryKey, foAutoGenerated, foTransient (check activerecord_showcase.dproj sample).
  • Breaking Change! TDataSetHolder doesn't renders dataset in a property called items but in a property named data (to be more standard)
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possible to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.
  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitly defined with MVCInheritable attribute.
  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performance improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to
  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria
  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.
  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!
  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.
  • New Sample! Server in DLL
  • Improved! New constants defined in HTTP_STATUS to better describe the http status response.
  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in CreateInsert if not autogenerated.
  • New! Added support for TArray<String> and TArray<Integer> in default JSON serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)
  • Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to Vinicius Sanchez for his work on issue #241
  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its functionalities at each build!
  • New! StrToJSONObject function to safely parse a string into a JSON object.
  • New! Serialization callback for custom TDataSet descendants serialization in TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.
procedure TMainForm.btnDataSetToJSONArrayClick(Sender: TObject);
  lSer: TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer;
  lJArray: TJSONArray;
  lSer := TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.Create;
    lJArray := TJSONArray.Create;
      lSer.DataSetToJsonArray(FDQuery1, lJArray, TMVCNameCase.ncLowerCase, [],
        procedure(const aField: TField; const aJsonObject: TJSONObject; var Handled: Boolean)
          if SameText(aField.FieldName, 'created_at') then
            aJsonObject.S['year_and_month'] := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm', TDateTimeField(aField).Value);
            Handled := True;
	  //The json objects will not contains "created_at" anymore, but only "year_and_month".
      Memo1.Lines.Text := lJArray.ToJSON(false);
  • New! Shortcut render' methods which simplify RESTful API development

    • procedure ResponseCreated(const Location: String = ''; const Reason: String = 'Created'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseAccepted(const HREF: String; const ID: String; const Reason: String = 'Accepted'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseNoContent(const Reason: String = 'No Content'); virtual;
  • Added deserializing generic lists support without MVCListOf attribute (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte).

    It is now possible to deserialize a generic class like this:

      TGenericEntity<T: class> = class
        FCode: Integer;
        FItems: TObjectList<T>;
        FDescription: string;
        constructor Create;
        destructor Destroy; override;
        property Code: Integer read FCode write FCode;
        property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
        // MVCListOf(T) <- No need
        property Items: TObjectList<T> read FItems write FItems;

    Before it was not possible because you should add the MVCListOf attribute to the TObjectList type property.

  • Fixed! issue184

  • Fixed! issue278

  • Fixed! issue164

  • Fixed! issue182

  • Fixed! issue232 (Thanks to Thank you to João Antônio Duarte)

  • New Installation procedure!

    • Open the project group (select the correct one from the following table)
    • Build all
    • Install the design-time package (dmvcframeworkDT)
    • Add the following paths in the Delphi Library Path (here, C:\DEV\dmvcframework is the dmvcframework main folder)
      • `...
Read more

DelphiMVCFramework 3.1.1-beryllium-RC6

17 Sep 13:34
Choose a tag to compare

DelphiMVCFramework 3.1.1-beryllium (currently in RC phase)

  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception if the record is not found
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in ActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework)
  • New! SQLite Support in MVCActiveRecord and RQL, so that MVCActiveRecord can be used also for Delphi mobile projects!
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Fix! issue184.
  • Breaking Change! In MVCActiveRecord attribute MVCPrimaryKey has been removed and merged with MVCTableField, so now TMVCActiveRecordFieldOption is a set of foPrimaryKey, foAutoGenerated, foTransient (check activerecord_showcase.dproj sample).
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possibile to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • Fixed! issue164
  • Fixed! issue182
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.
  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitely defined with MVCInheritable attribute.
  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performace improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to
  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria
  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.
  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!
  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.
  • New Sample! Server in DLL
  • Improved! New consts defined in HTTP_STATUS to better describe the http status response.
  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in "createinsert" if not autogenerated.
  • New! Added support for TArray<String> and TArray<Integer> in default json serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)
  • Improved JWT Standard Compliance! Thanks to Vinicius Sanchez for his work on issue #241
  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its funtionalities at each build!
  • New! Shortcut render' methods which simplify RESTful API development
    • procedure ResponseCreated(const Location: String = ''; const Reason: String = 'Created'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseAccepted(const HREF: String; const ID: String; const Reason: String = 'Accepted'); virtual;
    • procedure ResponseNoContent(const Reason: String = 'No Content'); virtual;
  • New Installation procedure! Just open the project group, build all and install the design-time package (which is dmvcframeworkDT)
Delphi Version Project Group
Delphi 10.3 Rio packages\d103\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo packages\d102\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.1 Berlin packages\d101\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.0 Seattle packages\d100\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi XE8 packages\dxe8\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi XE7 packages\dxe7\dmvcframework_group.groupproj

DelphiMVCFramework 3.1.1-beryllium-RC5

19 May 13:30
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DEAR RC USERS: If no critical bugs will be found in this RC, it will become the official 3.1.1-beryllium final version

  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
//Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception if the record is not found
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in ActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework)
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Fix! issue184.
  • Breaking Change! In MVCActiveRecord attribute MVCPrimaryKey has been removed and merged with MVCTableField, so now TMVCActiveRecordFieldOption is a set of foPrimaryKey, foAutoGenerated, foTransient (check activerecord_showcase.dproj sample).
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possibile to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON (custom type serializers not supported in log).
  • Fixed! issue164
  • Fixed! issue182
  • New! StrDict(array of string, array of string) function allows to render a dictionary of strings in a really simple way. See the following action sample.
procedure TMy.GetPeople(const Value: Integer);
  if Value mod 2 <> 0 then
    raise EMVCException.Create(HTTP_STATUS.NotAcceptable, 'We don''t like odd numbers');
      ['id', 'message'],
      ['123', 'We like even numbers, thank you for your ' + Value.ToString]
  • New! Custom Exception Handling (Based on work of David Moorhouse). Sample "custom_exception_handling" show how to use it.
  • Improved! Exceptions rendering while using MIME types different to application/json.
  • Improved! JSONRPC Automatic Object Publishing can not invoke inherited methods if not explicitely defined with MVCInheritable attribute.
  • Improved! Datasets serialization speed improvement. In some case the performace improves of 2 order of magnitude. (Thanks to
  • New! Added in operator in RQL parser (Thank you to João Antônio Duarte for his initial work on this)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Count<T>(RQL) to count record based on RQL criteria
  • New! Calling <jsonrpcendpoint>/describe returns the methods list available for that endpoint.
  • New! Experimental (alpha stage) support for Android servers!
  • New! Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override to work behind corporate firewalls.
  • New Sample! Server in DLL
  • Improved! Now Firebird RQL' SQLGenerator can include primary key in "createinsert" if not autogenerated.
  • New! Added support for TArray<String> and TArray<Integer> in default json serializer (Thank you Pedro Oliveira)
  • Improved! DMVCFramework now has 130+ unit tests that checks its funtionalities at every build!
  • New Installation procedure! Just open the project group, build all and install the design-time package (which is dmvcframeworkDT)
Delphi Version Project Group
Delphi 10.3 Rio packages\d103\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo packages\d102\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.1 Berlin packages\d101\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.0 Seattle packages\d100\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi XE8 packages\dxe8\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi XE7 packages\dxe7\dmvcframework_group.groupproj

DelphiMVCFramework 3.1.1-beryllium-RC3

08 Mar 08:50
Choose a tag to compare

DelphiMVCFramework 3.1.1-beryllium-RC3

  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS in renders.dproj sample)
    //Now is really easy to add "_links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
	  Render<TPerson>(People, True,
		procedure(const Person: TPerson; const Dict: TMVCStringDictionary)
		  Dict['x-ref'] := '/api/people/' + Person.ID;
		  Dict['x-child-ref'] := '/api/people/' + Person.ID + '/child';
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception if the record is not found
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a CSV file). Based on an idea by Nirav Kaku ( Check the sample in \samples\middleware_analytics\
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteAll deletes all the records from a table
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.DeleteRQL deletes records using an RQL expression as where clause.
  • New! Microsoft SQLServer Support in ActiveRecord and RQL (thanks to one of the biggest Delphi based company in Italy which heavily uses DMVCFramework)
  • Improved! ActiveRecordShowCase sample is much better now.
  • Improved! In case of unhandled exception TMVCEngine is compliant with the default response content-type (usually it did would reply using text/plain).
  • Fix! issue184.
  • Breaking Change! In MVCActiveRecord attribute MVCPrimaryKey has been removed and merged with MVCTableField, so now TMVCActiveRecordFieldOption is a set of foPrimaryKey, foAutoGenerated, foTransient (check activerecord_showcase.dproj sample).
  • Added! New overloads for all the Log* calls. Now it is possibile to call LogD(lMyObject) to get logged lMyObject as JSON.
  • Fixed! issue164
  • Fixed! issue182
  • New Installation procedure! Just open the project group, build all and install the design-time package (which is dmvcframeworkDT)
Delphi Version Project Group
Delphi 10.3 Rio packages\d103\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo packages\d102\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.1 Berlin packages\d101\dmvcframework_group.groupproj
Delphi 10.0 Seattle packages\d100\dmvcframework_group.groupproj

For older Delphi versions still there aren't complete packages available, but DMVCFramework is usable from XE7 without any issues. If you use a version previous of Delphi 10.1 Berlin and you want to contribute, please provide your group project using the distributed packages as example.

DelphiMVCFramework 3.1.0-lithium

08 Jan 14:33
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What's New in 3.1.0 lithium

  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord framework (check sample activerecord_showcase and activerecord_crud)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecordController (check sample activerecord_crud)
  • Automatic permissions handling for TMVCActiveRecordController (check sample activerecord_crud)
  • EntityProcessor for TMVCActiveRecordController (check sample activerecord_crud)
  • Config[TMVCConfigKey.FallbackResource] is served only if request path is empty or /.
  • New! Now the JSON-RPC executor provides methods to handle HTTP headers for JSON-RPC requests and notifications.
  • TDataSetHolder is a new render that is able to render a dataset with a set of custom metadata (eg count,page etc). Check issue #137
  • 404 and 500 status code returns always a text/plain content-type
  • Refactored ISAPI sample
  • Speed improvement! Removed enhanced visibility for action methods. Now only public and published methods can be used as actions.
  • TMVCController.Create is virtual! Now on your base controllers can be even more powerful!
  • New! Added MAX_REQUEST_SIZE for limiting the size of the incoming HTTP requests. IDE Expert is updated too!
  • New! Added method TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.ListToJsonArray
  • New! TMVCResponse for handle generic (non error) response
  • New! TMVCErrorResponse for handle generic error response
  • New! Added class TMVCActiveRecordList used in the manual TMVCActiveRecord programming
  • New! Added gzip compression support in addition to deflate in TCompressionMiddleware
  • FIX for issue #143
  • FIX for issue #141
  • Removed deprecated methods in IRESTResponse
  • FIX misspelled header name in IRESTResponse
  • New! Added gzip and deflate support in TRestClient when reading responses
  • TCompressionMiddleware has been renamed in TMVCCompressionMiddleware
  • New! TMVCCompressionMiddleware is added by IDE Expert by default
  • Removed the old JSON serializer based on `System.JSON.pas', now the only available JSON serializer is based on JsonDataObjects parser (Thank you Andreas Hausladen).
  • Changed! Custom Types Serializer must be registered by media-type only, without charset definition (e.g. just application/json and not application/json;charset=utf-8)
  • Changed! IMVCTypeSerializer is more powerful and simple to use!
  • Sending wrongly formatted JSON now returns a more correctly 400 Bad Request and not 500 Internal Server Error as in the previous versions
  • New! Support for Spring4d nullable types (check samples\renders_spring4d_nullables)
  • New! TMVCJSONRPCPublisher allows to easily expose plain Delphi objects (and even datamodules) through a JSON-RPC 2.0 interface!
  • Breaking Change! The JSON RPC Client layer is now interface based.