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Creating a new release

Chrissy LeMaire edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 8 revisions

Here's my process for creating a new release, which generally takes 4-8 hours.

Gathering info

  • Go to the releases page and find the date of the last release
  • Edit the last release and copy/paste the code into a new draft release. Keep tab open.
  • Go to the compare page to see what's been committed since last time or I use GitHub for Windows history (usually)

  • Determine what significant bug fixes have been made. What constitutes significant? Check out our last few releases to see
  • Check out dbatools.psd1 in the development branch. See what's been added to FunctionsToExport since the last release. Note that not all commands listed in FunctionsToExport will have made it to the dev branch, yet. No big deal

Doing the work

  • Next, I switch to the dev branch in my repo
  • Then, I check the drafts on to make sure I haven't created a draft page already for the page I post
  • Then I create a bunch of template pages for all the new commands, using a previous command's raw code

Get members of all roles on a SQL instance. Default output includes columns SqlServer, Database, Role, Member.

### Screenshots


### Examples

To return a custom object displaying SQLServer, Database, Role, Member for all DatabaseRoles.

> Get-DbaRoleMember -SqlServer ServerA

To return a gridview displaying SQLServer, Database, Role, Member for all DatabaseRoles.

> Get-DbaRoleMember -SqlServer sql2016 | Out-Gridview

To return a gridview displaying SQLServer, Database, Role, Member for both ServerRoles and DatabaseRoles.

> Get-DbaRoleMember -SqlServer ServerA\sql987 -IncludeServerLevel

### Author
This command was created by Klaas Vandenberghe. You can find Klaas on [Twitter]( and [his blog](
  • Note, this is a WordPress Page and not a Post. Posts are blog posts, and pages are our help pages
  • All Help Pages are named after their command, nothing more, nothing less. In the case for the command above, the post's title would be Get-DbaRoleMember