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dcampos edited this page Jan 17, 2023 · 5 revisions

Some example mappings in Lua.

Using vim.keymap.set()

Using vim.keymap.set() (Neovim 0.7+) allows creating mappings in a concise way, especially if you don't need to call setup() for a different reason. The snippy.mapping.* functions return a function themselves and allow passing a fallback key.

local mappings = require('snippy.mapping')

vim.keymap.set('i', '<Tab>', mappings.expand_or_advance('<Tab>'))
vim.keymap.set('s', '<Tab>','<Tab>'))
vim.keymap.set({ 'i', 's' }, '<S-Tab>', mappings.previous('<S-Tab>'))
vim.keymap.set('x', '<Tab>', mappings.cut_text, { remap = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', 'g<Tab>', mappings.cut_text, { remap = true })

Lazy mappings

Another approach, not using the snippy.mapping.* functions, is to use the following:

local map = vim.keymap.set

map( { 'i', 's' }, '<tab>', function()
    return require('snippy').can_expand_or_advance() and '<plug>(snippy-expand-or-advance)' or '<tab>'
end, { expr = true } )
map( { 'i', 's' }, '<s-tab>', function()
    return require('snippy').can_jump(-1) and '<plug>(snippy-previous)' or '<s-tab>'
end, { expr = true } )
map('x', '<Tab>', '<plug>(snippy-cut-text)')
map( 'n', 'g<Tab>', '<plug>(snippy-cut-text)')

These are also suitable for use with plugin managers like lazy.nvim.

Super-tab like mappings

See the nvim-cmp wiki for an example of how to do it with cmp.

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