Update version in approxposterior/init.py to, e.g. 0.4
Update version in doc/conf.py
Create/Make sure CHANGES.md is up to date for the release
Commit change and push to master
git add . -u git commit -m "MAINT: bump version to 0.4" git push origin master
Tag the release:
git tag -a v0.4 -m "version 0.4 release" git push origin v0.4
Create the release distribution
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
Upload to PyPI via twine
twine upload dist/*
Build and push the docs website:
cd doc make html ghp-import -n -m "message" _build/html/ git push origin gh-pages
update version in doc/conf.py
add a new changelog entry for the unreleased version
Commit change and push to master
git add . -u git commit -m "MAINT: bump version to 0.4.0dev" git push origin master