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[Java.Base] Begin binding JDK-11 java.base module (#909)
Context: #858 What do *I* want? To be able to use our wonderful Java binding infrastructure against *Desktop Java*, not just Android. At the same time, I don't want "Android-isms" "leaking" into such a binding. *Just* Java.Interop, no xamarin-android. "Take over" the `generator --codegen-target=JavaInterop1` format so that it *isn't* useful for Xamarin.Android, and is instead usable for non-Android usage. This is a work-in-progress, and *far* from complete. For prototype purposes, this *only* binds: * `java.lang.Class` * `java.lang.Math` * `java.lang.Number` * `java.lang.Object` * `java.lang.Throwable` The `Java.Base` binding is only for .NET 6 and above. I'm not interested in .NET Standard support at this point in time. ~~ Build Changes ~~ Additionally, this `Java.Base` binding is only for the `java.base.jmod` file provided by JDK-11. `make prepare` is updated to look for a JDK-11 installation path. ~~ Test Changes ~~ Update `samples/Hello` so that it (1) works, and (2) instantiates the `Java.Lang.Object` binding: dotnet run --project samples/Hello Update `tests/generator-Tests` so that `tests/generator-Tests/Unit-Tests/CodeGeneratorExpectedResults/JavaInterop1` is now used *exclusively* for `generator --codegen-target=JavaInterop1` output; `generator --codegen-target=XAJavaInterop1` now has its own separate files in `tests/generator-Tests/Unit-Tests/CodeGeneratorExpectedResults/XAJavaInterop1`. (This contributes to much of the commit diff.) Update `tests/generator-Tests/SupportFiles` so that types in `Android.*` are excluded when `JAVA_INTEROP1` is `#define`d, and update the unit test infrastructure so that building for `JavaInterop1` causes `JAVA_INTEROP1` to be `#define`d. This allows many of the unit tests to ensure that *some* `JavaInterop1` constructs *compile*. However, not all unit tests compile under `JavaInterop1`. The new `BaseGeneratorTest.TryJavaInterop1` property can be set to false to prevent compiling a test suite using `JavaInterop1`. This will allow us to slowly implement `JavaInterop1` support over time. The build logs will also now emit a command-line that can be used to manually compile unit test code. See e.g. `bin/TestDebug/TestOutput-generator-Tests.txt`. ~~ API Changes ~~ Update `Java.Interop.JavaObject` so that `JavaObject.DisposeUnlessReferenced()` is now `virtual`. Override `DisposeUnlessReferenced()` from the `Java*Array` types so that if the instance was created via the new `JniEnvironment.Arrays.CreateMarshal*Array()` methods, the array instance will be disposed. This is intended for marshaling array parameters: public void WithArray(int[] array) { const string __id = "withArray.[I"; var native_array = JniEnvironment.Arrays.CreateMarshalInt32Array (array); try { JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue [1]; __args [0] = new JniArgumentValue (native_array); _members.StaticMethods.InvokeVoidMethod (__id, __args); } finally { if (array != null) native_array.DisposeUnlessReferenced (); } } Add `Java.Interop.JavaTypeParametersAttribute(string[] typeParameters)` from Xamarin.Android. ~~ Bindings vs. Xamarin.Android ~~ Pull in `src/Java.Base/Transforms/map.csv` [from xamarin-android][0], removing the `android*` types. Instead of `[Android.Runtime.RegisterAttribute]` on types, use `[Java.Interop.JniTypeSignatureAttribute]`. Java arrays are bound as appropriate `IList<T>`, using the `Java.Interop.Java*Array` types as an intermediary. This should help reduce marshaling logic & overhead, as if the "source" array is a `Java*Array`, it doesn't need to be "deep copied". The exception is C# `params` arrays, which continue to be bound as arrays, and are marshaled via an appropriate `Java*Array` type. `` isn't bound as `System.IO.Stream`, etc. "Java.Interop-style" constructors are used (25de1f3), e.g. // This DeclaringType (ref JniObjectReference reference, JniObjectReferenceOptions options); // Not Xamarin.Android-style DeclaringType (IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership transfer); "Java.Interop-style" wrapper construction is used, e.g. // This var wrapper = JniEnvironment.Runtime.ValueManager.GetValue<DeclaringType>(ref h, JniObjectReferenceOptions.CopyAndDispose); // Not this var wrapper = Java.Lang.Object.GetObject<DeclaringType>(handle); ~~ TODO: Marshal Methods ~~ Marshal methods are currently skipped. Java-to-managed invocations are not currently supported. Xamarin.Android uses Java Callable Wrappers + `Runtime.register()` to specify which methods to register, via lots of reflection, etc. Proposal: For Desktop, JCW's shouldn't need to specify all the methods to register. Instead, use the `jnimarshalmethod-gen`- originated strategy of `[JniAddNativeMethodRegistrationAttribute]` within the binding, and then have it use `MarshalMethodBuilder` to generate the marshal methods. Need to update `MarshalMethodBuilder` to look for overrides in addition to methods with `[JavaCallable]`, which in turn may require an equivalent to `[Android.Runtime.RegisterAttribute(…)]`. Perhaps `[JniMethodSignatureAttribute(string name, string sig)]`? In the meantime, `Java.Base` will skip all marshal-method logic plus runtime method generation. Leave that for later. ~~ TODO: Other Binding Changes? ~~ We should eventually "unify" `java.lang.Object` and `System.Object`. Consider `java.lang.Class`: /* partial */ class Class<T> { public boolean isInstance(java.lang.Object); public java.lang.Object[] getSigners(); } If we unify `java.lang.Object` and `System.Object`, we'd have a binding of: partial class Class { public bool IsInstance (object value); public IList<object> GetSigners(); } ~~ Open Questions ~~ What's up with `java.lang.Class.getAnnotationsByType()`? During an iteration of this PR, I got: public unsafe Java.Interop.JavaObjectArray<Java.Lang.Object>? GetAnnotationsByType (Java.Lang.Class? annotationClass) { const string __id = "getAnnotationsByType.(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation;"; From `__id` we see that the Java return type is `Annotation[]`, yet we bind it as an `Object` array? This is because of [#669][1]. That said, it's currently "differently *worse*"; I don't know why, but `__id` is now: const string __id = "getAnnotationsByType.(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/Object;"; i.e. the return type is an `Object` array instead of an `Annotation` array, which is wrong, as per `javap`: % javap -s java.lang.Class … public <A extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> A getAnnotation(java.lang.Class<A>); descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/annotation/Annotation; This needs additional investigation. [0]: [1]: #669
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