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Ditto JavaScript client

Build Status npm node npm dom

This module is a TypeScript library to facilitate working the the REST-like HTTP API and web socket API of Eclipse Ditto.

How to use it

Install @eclipse-ditto/ditto-javascript-client-dom for the DOM (browser) implementation, @eclipse-ditto/ditto-javascript-client-node for the NodeJS implementation.

More information can be found in the descriptions of the subpackages:

Compatibility with Eclipse Ditto

The newest release of the JavaScript client will always try to cover as much API functionality of the same Eclipse Ditto version as possible. There might however be missing features for which we would be very happy to accept contributions.


npm install
npm run build
npm run lint
npm test
# or npm run test:watch


If you get strange errors, it would be best cleaning all dependencies and starting from the beginning again:

npm run clean
# by hand delete node_modules in the root folder, or use a tool like rm, rimraf, etc.
npm install
npm run build
# ...

It is important to know that during install and build some extra processes are triggered.

Dry-run a publish

# install a local npm registry
npm i -g verdaccio
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873

# publish
# on linux/mac
NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY=http://localhost:4873 lerna publish --no-git-tag-version --no-git-reset --no-push 0.0.1
# on windows (do not add whitespace around &&):
set NPM_CONFIG_REGISTRY=http://localhost:4873&&lerna publish --no-git-tag-version --no-git-reset --no-push 0.0.1

# have a look at the results:
npm pack --registry=http://localhost:4873 @eclipse-ditto/[email protected]
npm pack --registry=http://localhost:4873 @eclipse-ditto/[email protected]


This project is using lerna to split up the client into different packages. This way we can have standalone codeable subprojects (api, dom and node) but still are able to control dependencies, build processes or release processes globally.

For automatically generating barrel files, barrelsby is used during the build process.