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State Machine Retry processor refactor


We'll refactor the RetryProcess component that's currently used by the *Manager components to provide retry mechanism for actions executed during state transitions.


The current RetryProcess design doesn't permit to have multiple operations concatenated. This missing feature has been tricked with including subsequent actions into the first one onSuccess block, like (ref.):

private boolean processTerminating(TransferProcess process) {
    if (process.getType() == CONSUMER && process.getState() < REQUESTED.code()) {
        return true;

    return entityRetryProcessFactory.doSyncProcess(process, () -> terminateDataFlow(process))
            .onSuccess((p, dataFlowResponse) -> sendTransferTerminationMessage(p))
            .onFailure((t, failure) -> {
                if (t.terminationWasRequestedByCounterParty()) {
                    transitionToTerminatingRequested(t, failure.getFailureDetail());
                } else {
                    transitionToTerminating(t, failure.getFailureDetail());
            .onFatalError((p, failure) -> transitionToTerminated(p, failure.getFailureDetail()))
            .onRetryExhausted((p, failure) -> transitionToTerminated(p, failure.getFailureDetail()))
            .execute("Terminate data flow");

private boolean sendTransferTerminationMessage(TransferProcess process) {
    var builder = TransferTerminationMessage.Builder.newInstance()

    var dispatch = process.terminationWasRequestedByCounterParty()
            ? entityRetryProcessFactory.doAsyncStatusResultProcess(process, doNothing())
            : dispatch(builder, process, policyArchive.findPolicyForContract(process.getContractId()), Object.class);

    return dispatch
            .onSuccess((t, content) -> {
                if (t.getType() == PROVIDER) {
            .onFailure((t, throwable) -> transitionToTerminating(t, throwable.getMessage(), throwable))
            .onFatalError((n, failure) -> transitionToTerminated(n, failure.getFailureDetail()))
            .execute("send transfer termination to " + process.getCounterPartyAddress());

In this case the sendTransferTerminationMessage is instantiating a new RetryProcess (in the dispatch method) with a different set of handlers (that are pretty much duplicated from the ones on top).

This design doesn't permit the code to be expressed in a clear and fluent representation, in addition to requiring duplicated error handler.

The current design has also additional flaws, as:

  • onFatalError and onRetryExhausted handled in a different way, but in fact they should be the same, because a "retry exhausted" error can be considered a fatal error, an event that must stop retry
  • a lot of logic is duplicated in the RetryProcess subclasses
  • hard to understand abstract design

The current implementation will be deprecated, and a new implementation will be provided to be used in parallel at first, until the deprecation expires and the old one can be deleted.



  • Process: a function that given an Entity and an input can execute a sync or async operation and returns the Entity and the output of the operation into an enclosing type
    • the enclosing type is CompletableFuture, this because it permits to handle sync and async operation interchangeably.
  • RetryProcessor the component that will permit to set a chain of Processes that can be executed. Based on the result of the operation and the retry conditions it will call one of the handlers:
    • onSuccess: is called when all the processors execute successfully
    • onFailure: is called when there's a failure but the operation is meant to be retried, depending on how many retries the entity already went through and what is the configured retryLimit
    • onFinalFailure: is called when retries are expired or an unrecoverable error happens the processor returns true if the at least one process gets executed or false if not (such case happens when a retry strategy is waiting to be satisfied and processing will happen again on the next state machine iteration)

Please note that all the Processes need to be idempotent, this will permit intermediate failures to be retried.



It is a simple record that wraps an entity instance and a content that will be used as input and output of the Process:

public record ProcessContext<E extends StatefulEntity<E>, C>(E entity, C content) { }

An example of its usage is available in the next section.


It's a component that given a ProcessContext in input, it returns a CompletableFuture<ProcessContext>, it takes care of executing the operation, returning the content wrapped in a CompletableFuture and handling eventual exception in the proper way, distinguishing standard errors with unrecoverable errors.

The interface looks like:

public interface Process<E extends StatefulEntity<E>, I, O> {
    CompletableFuture<ProcessContext<E, O>> execute(ProcessContext<E, I> context);

Different Process implementation will be provided to be able to handle different operation return types:

  • result: StatusResult<C>
  • future: CompletableFuture<C>
  • futureResult: CompletableFuture<StatusResult<C>>


The RetryProcessor will have a processorChain field of type Function<Void, CompletableFuture<ProcessContext<E, C>>>. Let's break it down:

  • the processor chain when executed will accept null and it will return a CompletableFuture<ProcessContext<E, C>>
  • ProcessContext is just a record that contains the Entity (of type E) involved and the content (of type C).
  • the Function has a Void input type because for the first process won't have an input.

To chain different processors the approach is to start with an "identity" process chain defined as:

v -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new ProcessContext<>(entity, null))

and then, for every processor added it gets overridden by another processChain that calls the previous and it concatenates the processor:

public <C1> RetryProcessor<E, C1> doProcess(Process<E, C, C1> process) {
    return new RetryProcessor<>(entity, monitor, clock, configuration, c -> processChain.apply(c).thenCompose(process));


That's how it will look from the outside (example taken from the TransferProcessManager.startTransferFlow method):

        // instantiate the retry processor on a `TransferProcess Instance
        return entityRetryProcessFactory.retryProcessor(process)
                // add a first processor that executes synchronously and returns a `StatusResult`
                .doProcess(result("Start DataFlow", (t, c) -> dataFlowManager.start(process, policy)))
                // add a second processor that executes asynchronously and returns a `CompletableFuture<StatusResult>>`
                .doProcess(futureResult("Dispatch TransferRequestMessage to: " + process.getCounterPartyAddress(),
                        (t, dataFlowResponse) -> {
                            var messageBuilder = TransferStartMessage.Builder.newInstance().dataAddress(dataFlowResponse.getDataAddress());
                            return dispatch(messageBuilder, t, Object.class).<StatusResult<DataFlowResponse>>thenApply(result -> -> dataFlowResponse));
                // on success handler, it will get the output of the last processor in input
                .onSuccess((t, dataFlowResponse) -> transitionToStarted(t, dataFlowResponse.getDataPlaneId()))
                // on failure handler
                .onFailure((t, throwable) -> onFailure.accept(t))
                // on retry exhausted or unrecoverable error handler
                .onFinalFailure((t, throwable) -> transitionToTerminating(t, throwable.getMessage(), throwable))