- Changed verbiage for Current Month & Current Year (Issue #27).
- Updated dependencies.
- Utilizes timed updates based on update_interval (in minutes).
- Adjusted power responses of 0 to return 0.0001 Lumens to Homekit (Issue #19).
- Allows for multiple instances to be loaded for the same Inverter with different measurements - Lifetime vs Current Power, without forcing a Current Power measurement on each instance (Issue #16).
- Fixed bug at end of day, was not updating current power when current power is 0 (Issue #14, Issue #15).
- Fixed a README.md typo.
- Entire re-write to a push vs. pull update model, minimizing SolarEdge API calls (Issue #11).
- Updated math rounding.
- Updated README.md.
- Good-bye 2020!
- Bug fixed. Was not displaying anything but current power.
- New config.schema.json -- REQUIRES changes to the config to remove display section
- Added option to display Current Power in Watts vs. kW
- Fixed debug logging
- Fixed some fat-fingering :P
- Modified config.schema.json
- Added update_interval to allow the use of cached data vs. API polling
- Added a debug option for logging (the default is silent)
- Modified config.schema.json
- Added backwards compatibility if a user neglected to add display config section
- Fixed a typo in config.schema.json
- Added an optional BatteryLevel display
- Modified the math to work in absolute values (my homebridge instance needed this)
- Added additional LightSensor's for: Current Day Last Month Last Year Life Time
- Converted units to kW and limited at 2 decimal places.
- Updated Config schema to allow for new settings.
- Updated documentation
- Added Git ignore file
- Cleaned up comments in index.js.
- Updated Changelog & Readme.
- Added npm publish workflow.
- Updated packages.json.
- Bug fix.
- Added information and sample config in Readme.
- Added shout-out in Readme.