:dfn:`XLSForm` (formerly XLS2Xform) is a tool to simplify the creation of forms. Forms designed with Excel can be converted to XForms that can be used with ODK tools.
- When this tool was renamed to XLSForm there were many changes to the syntax. The new version is mostly backwards compatible with the old syntax.
- XLSForm works with ODK Collect version 1.1.7 or later.
- To design your form, you can refer to the XLSForm form design documentation and check out the sample Excel file.
- Once your xls form is ready, you can submit it for conversion here.
- For Windows users, a standalone (non-web-based) version of this tool (without the error report) is also available on our downloads page here. If you use that tool, you should also download ODK Validate (from here) and run the generated form through that tool to generate an error report.
- Nafundi's XLSForm Offline is an app for Windows and Mac that can convert and validate forms. It is always available, very fast, and easy to use.
- :ref:`pyxform <running-pyxform>` is a Python library. It works offline and can be used on the command line to convert forms.
- XLSForm is also available through Ona.io which requires internet connection and also makes it easy to share converted forms and collected data.
- Enketo previews generated from this converter will not include media.
- Forms do not have to be uploaded to :ref:`Aggregate <aggregate-introduction>` before they are used. They can be manually added to :ref:`Collect <collect-introduction>`. Simply place them in the :file:`/odk/forms` folder on your Android device’s SD card.
- For a simpler, more user friendly form designer, try Build. For more powerful form designers, try Kobo or enketo or PurcForms. We also have sample forms (Examples forms are not available for all the features) and form design documentation. And in particular, design guidelines if you wish to design forms manually.