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Releases: elastic/eui


25 Sep 19:06
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  • Updated EuiCallOut with a new onDismiss prop (#7156)
  • Added a new renderCustomToolbar prop to EuiDataGrid, which allows custom rendering of the toolbar. (#7190)
  • Added a new allowResetButton prop to toolbarVisibility.showDisplaySelector of EuiDataGrid, which allows hiding the "Reset to default" button from the display settings popover. (#7190)
  • Added a new additionalDisplaySettings prop to toolbarVisibility.showDisplaySelector of EuiDataGrid, which allows rendering extra settings inside the display settings popover. (#7190)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid's toolbar display settings button icon (#7190)
  • Updated EuiTextTruncate with significantly improved iteration performance. Removed measurementRenderAPI prop, as EuiTextTruncation now only uses more performant canvas render API (#7210)
  • Updated EuiPopover with a new configurable repositionToCrossAxis prop (#7211)
  • Updated EuiDatePicker to support compressed input styling (#7218)
  • Added gradient and palette icon glyphs. (#7220)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiPopover's missing animations on popover close (#7211)
  • Fixed EuiInputPopover anchoring to the wrong side and missing shadows on smaller screens (#7211)
  • Fixed EuiSuperDatePicker icon spacing on the quick select button (#7217)
  • Fixed a missing type in EuiMarkdownEditor's default processing plugins (#7221)


21 Sep 18:23
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed missing classNames on EuiTextTruncate (#7212)
  • Fixed titles on EuiComboBox dropdown options to always be present (#7212)
  • Fixed EuiComboBox truncation issues when search is an empty space (#7212)


18 Sep 23:35
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  • Updated EuiComboBox to allow configuring text truncation behavior via truncationProps. These props can be set on the entire combobox as well as on on individual dropdown options. (#7028)
  • Updated EuiInMemoryTable with a new searchFormat prop (defaults to eql). When setting this prop to text, the built-in search bar will ignore EQL syntax and allow searching for plain strings with special characters and symbols. (#7175)

Bug fixes

  • EuiComboBox now always shows the highlighted search text, even on truncated text (#7028)
  • Fixed missing i18n in EuiSearchBar's default placeholder and aria-label text (#7175)
  • Fixed the inline compressed styles of EuiDescriptionListTitle to use a taller line-height for readability (#7185)
  • Fixed EuiComboBox to correctly truncate selected items when displayed as pills and plain text (#7193)


  • Added aria-current attribute to EuiTablePagination (#7186)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiDroppable and EuiDraggable to Emotion; Removed $euiDragAndDropSpacing Sass variables (#7187)


11 Sep 19:15
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  • EuiGlobalToastList now shows a "Clear all" button by default once above a certain number of toasts (defaults to 3). This threshold is configurable with the showClearAllButtonAt prop (#7111)
  • Added an optional onClearAllToasts callback to EuiGlobalToastList (#7111)
  • Added the value, onChange, and onCancel props that allow EuiInlineEdit to be used as a controlled component (#7157)
  • Added grabOmnidirectional, transitionLeftIn, transitionLeftOut, transitionTopIn, and transitionTopOut icon glyphs. (#7168)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiInlineEdit components to correctly spread attributes to the parent wrapper (#7157)
  • Fixed EuiListGroupItem to correctly render the extraAction button when showToolTip is also passed (#7159)

Dependency updates

  • Updated @hello-pangea/dnd to v16.3.0 (#7125)
  • Updated @types/lodash to v4.14.198 (#7126)


  • EuiAccordion now correctly respects reduced motion settings (#7161)
  • EuiAccordion now shows a focus outline to keyboard users around its revealed children on open (#7161)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiSplitPanel to Emotion (#7172)


05 Sep 21:58
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  • Added a new EuiTextTruncate component, which provides custom truncation options beyond native CSS (#7116)
  • Fixed-positioned EuiHeaders now set a global CSS --euiFixedHeadersOffset variable, which updates dynamically based on the number of fixed headers on the page. (#7144)
  • EuiFlyouts now dynamically set their position, height, and mask based on the number of fixed headers on the page. (#7144)
  • Sticky-positioned EuiPageSidebars now dynamically set their position and height based on the number of fixed headers on the page. This can still be overridden via the sticky.offset prop if needed. (#7144)
  • EuiPageTemplate now dynamically offsets content from any fixed headers on the page. This can still be overridden via the offset prop if needed. (#7144)
  • Updated EuiAccordion with a new borders prop (#7154)
  • Updated EuiAccordion with a new buttonProps.paddingSize prop (#7154)


  • Deprecated the Sass euiHeaderAffordForFixed mixin. Use the new global CSS var(--euiFixedHeadersOffset) variable instead. (#7144)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Except for generic CSS utilities, EUI is moving away from providing global classNames that are component-specific. As part of this effort, we have removed the following EuiAccordion-specific classes: (#7154)
    • Removed .euiAccordionForm styles. Use the borders="horizontal" prop instead
    • Removed .euiAccordionForm__button styles. Use the buttonProps={{ paddingSize: 'm' }} prop instead
    • Removed .euiAccordionForm__extraAction styles. Convert this to your own custom CSS if necessary.
    • Removed .euiAccordionForm__title styles. Convert this to your own custom CSS if necessary.


31 Aug 18:14
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  • Added font.defaultUnits theme token. EUI component font sizes default to rem units - this token allows consumers to configure this to px or em (#7133)
  • Updated EuiDescriptionList with new columnWidths prop (#7146)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's keyboard shortcuts popover display (#7146)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Renamed useEuiFontSize()'s measurement option to unit for clarity (#7133)


28 Aug 19:17
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  • Updated EuiDescriptionList with a new columnGutterSize prop (#7062)


  • Deprecated EuiSuggest. We recommend using EuiSelectable or EuiComboBox instead (#7122)
  • Deprecated EuiControlBar. We recommend using EuiBottomBar instead (#7122)
  • Deprecated EuiColorStops. We recommend copying the component to your application if necessary (#7122)
  • Deprecated EuiNotificationEvent. We recommend copying the component to your application if necessary (#7122)

Breaking changes

  • Renamed EuiDescriptionList's gutterSize prop to rowGutterSize (#7062)
  • EuiDescriptionList's rowGutterSize prop now defaults to a size of s (was previously m) (#7062)


  • Fixed the dark mode colors of inline EuiDescriptionListTitles to meet WCAG color contrast requirements (#7062)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiKeyPadMenuItem to Emotion; Removed $euiKeyPadMenuSize and $euiKeyPadMenuMarginSize (#7118)


21 Aug 20:58
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  • EuiResizableButton is now available as a generic top-level export (#7087)
  • Added new alignIndicator prop to EuiResizableButton. Defaults to center, and can now additionally be configured to start and end (#7087)
  • Updated useGeneratedHtmlId hook to use React.useId as the source of unique identifiers when available (#7095)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiResizableButton to Emotion; Removed $euiResizableButtonTransitionSpeed and $euiResizableButtonSize (#7081)
  • Converted EuiResizableCollapseButton to Emotion (#7091)


15 Aug 16:43
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  • Updated the underlying library powering EuiAutoSizer. This primarily affects typing around the disableHeight and disableWidth props (#6798)
  • Added new EuiAutoSize, EuiAutoSizeHorizontal, and EuiAutoSizeVertical types to support EuiAutoSizer's now-stricter typing (#6798)
  • Updated EuiDatePickerRange to support compressed display (#7058)
  • Updated EuiFlyoutBody with a new scrollableTabIndex prop (#7061)
  • Added a new panelMinWidth prop to EuiInputPopover (#7071)
  • Added a new inputPopoverProps prop for EuiRanges and EuiDualRanges with showInput="inputWithPopover" set (#7082)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiToolTip overriding instead of merging its aria-describedby tooltip ID with any existing aria-describedbys (#7055)
  • Fixed EuiSuperDatePicker's compressed display (#7058)
  • Fixed EuiAccordion to remove tabbable children from sequential keyboard navigation when the accordion is closed (#7064)
  • Fixed EuiFlyouts to accept custom aria-describedby IDs (#7065)


  • Removed the default dialog role and tabIndex from push EuiFlyouts. Push flyouts, compared to overlay flyouts, require manual accessibility management. (#7065)


08 Aug 17:32
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  • Added beta componentDefaults prop to EuiProvider, which will allow configuring certain default props globally. This list of components and defaults is still under consideration. (#6923)
  • EuiPortal's insert prop can now be configured globally via EuiProvider.componentDefaults (#6941)
  • EuiFocusTrap's crossFrame and gapMode props can now be configured globally via EuiProvider.componentDefaults (#6942)
  • EuiTablePagination's itemsPerPage, itemsPerPageOptions, and showPerPageOptions props can now be configured globally via EuiProvider.componentDefaults (#6951)
  • EuiBasicTable, EuiInMemoryTable, and EuiDataGrid now allow pagination.pageSize to be undefined. If undefined, pageSize defaults to EuiTablePagination's itemsPerPage component default. (#6993)
  • EuiBasicTable, EuiInMemoryTable, and EuiDataGrid's pagination.pageSizeOptions will now fall back to EuiTablePagination's itemsPerPageOptions component default. (#6993)
  • Updated EuiHeaderLinks's gutterSize spacings (#7005)
  • Updated EuiHeaderAlert's stacking styles (#7005)
  • Added toolTipProps to EuiListGroupItem that allows customizing item tooltips. (#7018)
  • Updated EuiBreadcrumbs to support breadcrumbs that toggle popovers via popoverContent and popoverProps (#7031)
  • Improved the contrast ratio of disabled titles within EuiSteps and EuiStepsHorizontal to meet WCAG AA guidelines. (#7032)
  • Updated EuiSteps and EuiStepsHorizontal to highlight and provide a more clear visual indication of the current step (#7048)

Bug fixes

  • Single uses of <EuiHeaderSectionItem side="right" /> now align right as expected without needing a previous side="left" sibling. (#7005)
  • EuiPageTemplate now correctly displays panelled={true} (#7044)

Breaking changes

  • EuiTablePagination's default itemsPerPage is now 10 (was previously 50). This can be configured through EuiProvider.componentDefaults. (#6993)
  • EuiTablePagination's default itemsPerPageOptions is now [10, 25, 50] (was previously [10, 20, 50, 100]). This can be configured through EuiProvider.componentDefaults. (#6993)
  • Removed border prop from EuiHeaderSectionItem (unused since Amsterdam theme) (#7005)
  • Removed borders object configuration from EuiHeader.sections (#7005)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiHeaderAlert to Emotion; Removed unused .euiHeaderAlert__dismiss CSS (#7005)
  • Converted EuiHeaderSection, EuiHeaderSectionItem, and EuiHeaderSectionItemButton to Emotion (#7005)
  • Converted EuiHeaderLinks and EuiHeaderLink to Emotion; Removed $euiHeaderLinksGutterSizes Sass variables (#7005)
  • Removed $euiHeaderBackgroundColor Sass variable; use $euiColorEmptyShade instead (#7005)
  • Removed $euiHeaderChildSize Sass variable; use $euiSizeXXL instead (#7005)