- @jkleinsc
- @nornagon
- @zcbenz
- @codebytere
- @itsananderson
- @ckerr
- PRs
- Discussion - what PRs should be marked as api-review/requested 🗳?
- Jeremy - suggests review by default
- Maybe have an automated bot to let folks know there are API reviews needed?
- Ad hoc approvals have happened and we should continue to do so
- This group should help reduce the number of breaking changes by making sure APIs are well designed
- Could we measure how we are doing in API design - eg measure number of breaking changes that were due to poor API design
- Decision - review APIs by default but reduce review time
- Meeting time
- miniak - some meetings were at 1 AM Prague time
- Maybe alternate meeting times
- New API WG chair
- @nornagon