- Feat: add "POE Bulk" section in the filters
- Feat: use "min" of "Quantity" to hide an item if the stock of the offer is insufficient
- Feat: use "max" of "Quantity" to limit the quantity of the text in the textarea
- Feat: use "max" of "Buyout Bulk Price" to limit the quantity of the text in the textarea
- Feat: check "Automatic sending of whisper" to send the whisper when the item is displayed
- Fix: memory optimization
- Feat: update the rounding rule for exalted to divine
- Fix: memory optimization
- Remove: drop compatibility with the "Bulk item exchange" tab
- Feat: make it compatible with the "Bulk item exchange" tab
- Feat: update the text in the textarea when the item is udpated
- Feat: remove the textarea when the item is gone or outdated
- Feat: update the bookmarklet script in order to load source from this github meaning no further manual update needed
- Fix: memory optimization
- Fix: display the error to the console when jQuery is missing
- Feat: addition of a green bottom border to the textarea after copy
- Fix: memory optimization
- Initial version