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Running THOR on slurm using the slurm batch script

nabajour edited this page Jul 20, 2020 · 2 revisions

To run THOR on slurm without creating batch files all the time, there is a python script that can submit multiple consecutive jobs.

First create its config file in ~/.config/THOR-gcm/slurm.cfg containing this:

# # working directory where slurm is run from
# working_dir = /path/to/thor/directory/
# # email address to send slurm report to
# user_email = [email protected]
# # where to log data in
# log_dir = /path/to/log/dir
# # slurm ressource request
# gpu_key = gpu:gtx1080ti:1
# # slurm partition
# partition = gpu

Replace the values with what you need.

Then, you can launch a job with:

$ python tools/ -jn <job name> -n <number of jobs> -o <output directory> <config file>

: how it appears in the emails and jobs from the job queue. : after a time limit, jobs get stopped on slurm (23:00, in our case). To run longer jobs, you need to launch multiple consecutive jobs, so that THOR can resume it's work. : where the data gets writen. : the configuration file for the THOR simulation.

For example:

$ python tools/ -jn alf_wasp -n 3 -o ../thor-data/alf_wasp ifile/alf_wasp_alf.thr