If using @nativescript
tns plugin add nativescript-material-progress
If using tns-core-modules
tns plugin add [email protected]
Be sure to run a new build after adding plugins to avoid any issues.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you include xmlns:mdp="nativescript-material-progress"
on the Page element
<Page xmlns:mdp="nativescript-material-progress">
<StackLayout horizontalAlignment="center">
<mdp:Progress value="50" maxValue="100"/>
mdprogress {
ripple-color: blue;
elevation: 4;
import { NativeScriptMaterialProgressModule } from "nativescript-material-progress/angular";
imports: [
<MDProgress v-model="value" maxValue="100"></MDProgress>
import ProgressPlugin from 'nativescript-material-progress/vue';
<MDProgress value="50" maxValue="100"></MDProgress>
Inherite from Nativescript Progress so it already has all the same attributes
- elevation optional
An attribute to set the elevation of the progress. This will increase the 'drop-shadow' of the progress.
- rippleColor optional
An attribute to set the ripple color of the progress.