To view the remote repo URL, run
cat .git/config
Guide on git
To set credentials specific to the current repo, run
git config "name"
git config "[email protected]"
To set global credentials, run
git config --global "name"
git config --global "[email protected]"
Here are the credentials I use when working with a personal GitHub repo.
For the username I will use the GitHub "noreply" email (because... something about hiding my email) which can be found in personal settings on GitHub, guide.
For the password use a personal access token (PAT). It seems that in order to make use of it I need to clone the repo using HTTPS. Will create one PAT per computer.
Guide on how to create a PAT. At the top of the guide there are some valuable warnings, including one on using encrypted secrets; not storing sensitive info in repos.
When I do git push
on a new machine I get the following pop-up:
I tried using my noreply email and PAT, but that did not work and instead the CLI prompted me to enter my username. I used my noreply email and got a pop-up asking for my password. I used a new PAT (created in the moment for the machine I am using), and I was able to successfully push to the remote repo.
Using this method of entering my credentials, I did not have to enter my credentials in subsequent git push
made a new PAT (previous one had expired). I get to the pop-up window (seen above), and I was able to connect via a git bash
terminal within VSCode by loging-in with my github email (not the no-reply one) and used my new PAT as the password
However if this is a problem. I don't want to have to enter my username and password (PAT) every time, so follow this guide or maybe this guide and essentially run the following commands (at the moment, not sure that I've gotten any of this to work...):
git config --global credential.helper store
git config --global credential.helper cache
Trying to use GitHub on new machine, could not get a new PAT to work so will switch to using SSH... I tried git push
on a repo that had been using HTTPS using git bash
within VSCode. I got the pop-up to log in to GitHub, I cancenled and was asked if I wanted to let the VSCode GitHub extension have access to my GitHub account. I clicked yes, it sent me to the browser where I verified that I wanted to grant permissions... and that worked! I was able to git push
to GitHub even though I did not log-in when prompted in the terminal.
I entered in my GitHub email (should try with no-reply email). When asked about filename and passphrase, I just left those fields blank. If successful you will end up with a public key, ~/.ssh/
, and a private key, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
Add the provided code from the link to ~/.bashrc
agent_load_env () { test -f "$env" && . "$env" >| /dev/null ; }
agent_start () {
(umask 077; ssh-agent >| "$env")
. "$env" >| /dev/null ; }
# agent_run_state: 0=agent running w/ key; 1=agent w/o key; 2=agent not running
agent_run_state=$(ssh-add -l >| /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?)
if [ ! "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] || [ $agent_run_state = 2 ]; then
elif [ "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ] && [ $agent_run_state = 1 ]; then
unset env
I did not have a ~/.bashrc
file so I made one and all it contains is the code from the link above. Open up a new git bash
terminal. I got a warning about ~/.profile
not existing but it created one. I closed and re-opened git bash
and it seemed happy.
Need to provide SSH agent access to private key, however, the default location where the generated key should have been made, ~/.ssh
, is accesible right away to the ssh-agent
without us having to do anything.
Within GitHub go to settings and then "SSH and GPG keys". Click "New SSH key", give it a name, and in the Key field paste in the public key value. Similar page should be found for BitBucket, or any other repo site.
If it is all working, use git clone
using the SSH address provided to you by GitHub.
Using a personal BitBucket account use the Username found within the "Account Settings" page of BitBucket, found within the "Personal settings" page which can be accessed by clicking on the profile icon in the top left.
For the password, use an App password which you can do from the "App passwords" page within "Personal settings".
Guide from GitHub. However, when you are asked to login with your BitBucket credentials within the GitHub website, use your BitBucket username and app-password, link. Guide to generating a BitBucket app-password.
View of unstaged changes
git diff [filepath]
View staged changes
git diff --cached [filepath]
To change the message of the last commit
git commit --amend
Guide to using rebase
to squash commits together. With several commits made, we can combine them into a single commit using rebase
. For example, let's squash together the last 3 commits by running
git rebase -i HEAD~3
This will bring up a text editor where we choose what to do with the last 3 commits. In this case we want to pick
or p
the oldest commit (which will be the top one) and squash
or s
all the rest. Once we save this, we will be asked to provide a comment for the new commit. The text that given to start with will contain all the comments from the commits that are getting combined. Whatever remains as uncommented will be used as the commit message.
The part I don't like about this is that I have to squash commits that are local, if any of the squash commits have been pushed to the remote repo, this won't work. If there was a way to squash commits in the remote repo I'd be able to totally clean things up, but then again, it may be for the best that the history in the remote repo can't so easily be rewritten.
The guide also describes how to "squash and merge" during pull requests in GitHub. I used this but I don't like it because after using this merge option the Network doesn't indicate that a merge was done: the branches in the network remain separate.
Create branch using old commit, link.
git checkout -b <new-branch-name> <commit id>
View difference between two commits on GitHub<username>/<repo_name>/compare/<commit1>...<commit2>
By default, when commiting changes, git
converts end-of-line characters depending on the OS. For example, if on a Windows machines, EOL will be changed to CRLF. Here is a guide on how to change this git
setting locally.
Here is a guide on how to make these changes stick to the repo. I have a working example of a .gitattributes
file in this repo. Discussion, docs, origin of .gitattributes, working with .gitignore.