- Make a directory:
mkdir [directoryname]
- New file:
touch [filename.extension]
- Check contents of file (?):
cat [filepath]
- New terminal tab: ctrl+shift+t
- New terminal window: ctrl+alt+t
- Switch to a specific tab: alt+[tab #]
- Close current tab (or window): ctrl+shift+w
- Copy: ctrl+shift+c
- Paste: ctrl+shift+v
- But how to I highlight text? What to do the equivalent of the Windows ctrl+shift+[arrow]
Check if your PC can run Hyper-V
Go to the Microsoft Store and install Ubuntu 20.04 (or whatever version you want).
From Windows, check what has been installed with
wsl --version
wsl -l -v
Within WSL, update apt
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
should already be installed, if not you can install it with
sudo apt-get install git
To check if WSL has internet access:
From within WSL run
ping google.com
Terminate the command with ctrl+c
If you do not have internet access, be sure you are on the correct network (via VPN), if needed. Alternativly, you may need to modify the resolv.conf
file. This thread describes how to do this. For some reason this gets undone on its own, so you may have to redo this again.
Where is this repo in my local? I can get to it from the Ubuntu terminal using
cd dev_workflow
cd /home/francisco/dev_workflow
In Windows I can find it at