A simple Python API for controlling speakers from LG that can otherwise be controlled via the LG wifi speaker app.
Device discovery is out of scope of this project. Use an mdns module such as netdisco to locate devices on your network.
Connect to a speaker at
import temescal
speaker = temescal.temescal("")
Connect with a registered callback:
import temescal
speaker = temescal.temescal("", callback=speaker_callback)
The callback will be called whenever Temescal receives a packet from the speaker. This may be a response to a sent command or a gratuitous status update triggered by another control event.
Get the current equaliser state:
import temescal
speaker = temescal.temescal("", callback=speaker_callback)
The callback routine will be called with the response.
Set the volume to 20:
import temescal
speaker = temescal.temescal("", callback=speaker_callback)
This is not an officially supported Google project.