与两阶段提交不同的是,三阶段提交是“非阻塞”协议。三阶段提交在两阶段提交的第一阶段与第二阶段之间插入了一个准备阶段,使得原先在两阶段提交中,参与者在投票之后,由于协调者发生崩溃或错误,而导致参与者处于无法知晓是否提交或者中止的“不确定状态”所产生的可能相当长的延时的问题得以解决。 举例來说,假设有一个决策小組由一個主持人负责与多位组员以电话联络方式协调是否通过一個提案.
In computer networking and databases, the three-phase commit protocol (3PC) is a distributed algorithm which lets all nodes in a distributed system agree to commit a transaction. Unlike the two-phase commit protocol (2PC) however, 3PC is non-blocking. Specifically, 3PC places an upper bound on the amount of time required before a transaction either commits or aborts. This property ensures that if a given transaction is attempting to commit via 3PC and holds some resource locks, it will release the locks after the timeout.
- The coordinator receives a transaction request. If there is a failure at this point, the coordinator aborts the transaction (i.e. upon recovery, it will consider the transaction aborted). Otherwise, the coordinator sends a canCommit? message to the cohorts and moves to the waiting state.
- If there is a failure, timeout, or if the coordinator receives a No message in the waiting state, the coordinator aborts the transaction and sends an abort message to all cohorts. Otherwise the coordinator will receive Yes messages from all cohorts within the time window, so it sends preCommit messages to all cohorts and moves to the prepared state.
- If the coordinator succeeds in the prepared state, it will move to the commit state. However if the coordinator times out while waiting for an acknowledgement from a cohort, it will abort the transaction. In the case where all acknowledgements are received, the coordinator moves to the commit state as well.
- The cohort receives a canCommit? message from the coordinator. If the cohort agrees it sends a Yes message to the coordinator and moves to the prepared state. Otherwise it sends a No message and aborts. If there is a failure, it moves to the abort state.
- In the prepared state, if the cohort receives an abort message from the coordinator, fails, or times out waiting for a commit, it aborts. If the cohort receives a preCommit message, it sends an ACK message back and awaits a final commit or abort.
- If, after a cohort member receives a preCommit message, the coordinator fails or times out, the cohort member goes forward with the commit.
The main disadvantage to this algorithm is that it cannot recover in the event the network is segmented in any manner. The original 3PC algorithm assumes a fail-stop model, where processes fail by crashing and crashes can be accurately detected, and does not work with network partitions or asynchronous communication.
Keidar and Dolev's E3PC algorithm eliminates this disadvantage.
The protocol requires at least 3 round trips to complete, needing a minimum of 3 round trip times (RTTs). This is potentially a long latency to complete each transaction.
了解了2PC和3PC之后,我们可以发现,无论是二阶段提交还是三阶段提交都无法彻底解决分布式的一致性问题。Google Chubby的作者Mike Burrows说过, there is only one consensus protocol, and that’s Paxos” – all other approaches are just broken versions of Paxos. 意即世上只有一种一致性算法,那就是Paxos,所有其他一致性算法都是Paxos算法的不完整版.