Releases: hashgraph/guardian
2.2.0-prerelease - do not use in Production
v 2.2.0-prerelease
This is a pre-release software to be used for testing and release planning. This release will deliver major additions to functionality as per the description below.
- Revocation of issued VCs and VPs.
- Renaming Root Authority to Standard Registry
- Initialisation Message (in global Topic) by Standard Registry (SR)
- Event-driven policies supporting branching and if/else decisions
- Custom Standard Registry schemas
- Units of measure definition in policies
- Enhanced Documentation
- Bug fixes and improved diagnosability
- Guardian VC revocation architecture #611
- Workspaces setup #766
- Hello Message Standards #869
- Events to be created #859
- Hello World Message #803
- Showing latest documents in Grid after revocation #882
- Schema creation set field name as
#884 - RootAuthority schema & Root Authority VC #896
- Editing Policy Definition Language section #900
- Updating Hedera SDK #915
- Refresh via Web Socket #929
- Minting errors are missing in admin logs #941
- Improve release procedure #943
- Adding Reason for Rejection #961
- Units of Measure #965
- Publish message to nats for external handle #949
- merge logger-helper into common project #860
- Demo Documentation to be updated #964
- Implementation of Verra Redd with respect to topics #881
- Reviewing and Updating Status #963
- Rationalization of the images #989
- Renaming Root Authority #967
- To be more descriptive #988
- Need to disable tabs when we are finishing the setup #998
- GUI Documentation on Schema #990
Bug Fixes
- Bug: Error when delete schema #901
- Bug:
Invalid Owner
when publish schema/Policies #903 - 504 Gateway Timeout error when trying to View TrustChain from Token History of REDD Demo Policy #912
- "Invalid VC proof" troubleshoot help #930
- Change Guardians to Guardian #897
- Error when using ref schema #916
- missing VC documents issued by Root Authority on Trust-chain audit page #977
- Can we please configure this page meta/description properly? #982
- Why are there console.error in try? #983
- Empty function #984
- Error logs without message and details #953
v2.1.3 Hotfix for dependecies
This is a hotfix release to 2.1.0 and 2.1.2 fixing build dependencies as per #975 .
v2.1.2 Hotfix for math expression validations
This is a hotfix release delivering #931, and a fixed version string
v2.1.1 Hotfix for match expressions
This is a hotfix release to deliver fix for match expressions in validate functions #931
v2.1.0 Aggregation in Policy Workflows and NATS message broker
- Added support for complex Policy Workflows with Aggregation
- Implementation of NATS to replace FASTMQ
- Enhanced Documentation (please see Notes section below)
- Several Bug Fixes
- aggregateDocumentBlock UI Properties : Rule and Threshold are deprecated.
- iREC 2 API Demo documentation is currently incomplete.
- MRV data collection history #704
- Unit Tests on Policies, Topics and mapping - #708
- API workflow for iREC -2 Demo #805
- VC Data Calculation #705
- Mandating MRV Reporting Period #706
- Policy Workflow Enhancements #839
- A better alternative to FastMQ is required as the message broker #574
- Script for iREC 2 Demo #857
- Error Handling of MRV data #842
- URLs and Ports to be documented #845
- Release docker to docker hub or public github docker registry #741
- Documentation on Postman Script of iREC 2 Demo #858
Bug Fixes
- Guardian Thread blocking #432
- [API] - Undocumented response when import new policy from zip file - #769
- ERROR TypeError: window.showOpenFilePicker is not a function appears in Firefox console - #776
- Cannot submit generated profile - #777
- Problem publishing policies #802
- Add Registrant to Demo Panel #836
- ExternalDataBlock is missing in IREC 2 Policy #867
- VC form not show data #743
- Alignment of Text #834
v2.0.0 Discoverable decentralized Guardian
- Policies, Projects and Hedera Topics message mapping
- Enhanced documentation
- Bug fixes
Important Note
- Removed SCHEMA_TOPIC_ID from our documentation
- Removed VC-Modules from our documentation
- Policies, Projects and Topics mapping #387
- Creation of Generic Block #573
- Creation of list of Heavy loading tasks #564
- did-sdk-js removal #563
- Report Initialization Progress #612
- Removal of some functions from Block #656
- Don't close dialogues on 'escape' key presses, require explicit button press #661
- Verra Redd Demo Documentation #532
- Same Block is used for Minting of different Policies #686
- Introduce 'Projects' to express relationships between concepts/entities #357
- Trustchain api need support pagination query #681
- iREC Documentation #663
- UI/UX to be improved to show Policy and Schema relationship #616
- Architectural Diagram for Topic Mapping #713
- Dropdown to select Data Source #770
Bugs Fixed
- Remove console logs in API Gateway #576
- Renaming of method : registerPingPongAnswers #578
- Filters by date range in Admin panel does not work correctly #567
- Not possible to filter by message in logs if search input contains special characters #575
- Not able to generate a demo key when localhost started #644
- Guardian-service exits at first boot when Hedera fails to respond for > 2 minutes #453
- Wrong Signatories in the Policy Block of Verra Red Trustchain #550
- Processes are missing in Trustchain #565
- Server is not available #609
- UI - Calendar date picker selector goes out of calendar bounds #650
- Description is incorrect in iREC Demo #671
- Documentation of manual building of every component to be updated #679
- Need to add VC-modules and Interfaces in documentation #678
- 504 Error when rebuilding Guardian using Docker #689
- Policy roles are missing in Demo Admin Panel Dropdown #659
- createVP error #680
- Update documentation for updated block names #692
- Hedera SDK Update Issue #542
- Validation for required fields does not work as expected #703
- Typos in iREC Policy #712
- Typos in Verra Redd Policy #726
- Some error in swagger #742
- Infinity spinning when cancel policy import #738
APIs Deprecated and will be Discontinued on August 9th
- POST /api/v1/schemas/
- POST /api/v1/schemas/import/message
- POST /api/v1/schemas/import/file
Full changelog
- Via github compare: v1.2.1...v2.0.0
- Squash-merge from develop.
I-REC demo hotfix
- Updated I-REC demo
- Improved Documentation
- Fixed Bugs
- Schema Deprecation Policy #461
- Note to be added for Initialization Progress #613
- Creation of new Policy for iREC #655
- Creation of new Schema for iREC #653
Bug Fixes
- UI config missing attribute for interfacedocumentssourceblock #579
- InterfaceDocumentsSourceBlock required documentssourceaddonblock to display data #610
Full changelog
- Via github compare: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
v1.2.0 API stability, Verra Redd+ Policy support
- API stability
- Development of Verra Redd+ Policy.
- Delivers a number of enhancements to the UI/UX and API.
- Improved documentation
- Multiple bug fixes
- More Complex Policy Workflow Action - Aggregation #53
- Development of Verra Redd+ Policy #263 #264 #367
- Notify users about availability of new version of Schemas/ Policies #421
- Implemented Guardian Admin Panel #171 #545
- Video on collecting Verra Redd+ Policy requirements #490
- Error handling in Policy Processing #502
- Data Validation at the backend #488
- UI changes to show auto calculated VCs at TrustChain and form level #487
- API De-coupling #328
- Tokenization Process for Verra Redd Policy #506
- Support for IF-THEN-ELSE branching in the policy definition language #271
- Guardian UI hides some schemas #429
- Gitbook configuration #451
- API Deprecation Policy #390
- Code Markdown File #186
- Policies Deprecation Policy #460
- Adding Icons to VCs in Trustchain #508
Bugs Fixed
- Import from IPFS causes 500 error. #548
- Unable to Unzip downloaded #538
- Filtering by Schema is missing #531
- Policy Export Config Object #430
- Blocks naming standard #466
- Ignoring Package Lock files #467
- Optional Integers in Schemas #503
- Optional Booleans in Schemas #504
- DID issue in Policy #431
- Normalize API Endpoints #505
- Export button in Draft Policy should generate zip file #434
- API endpoints and docs for executing Policy steps as Actors #428 #456
- Unexisting Block Error #465
Known Issues
- Guardian-service exits at first boot when Hedera fails to respond for > 2 minutes #453
Full changelog
- Via github compare: v1.1.1...v1.2.0
This is a hotfix release addressing the build failure issue #469, it is based on v1.0.5 and subsequent hotfix v1.1.0 and delivers working versioning and publishing/importing of policies and schemas onto IPFS.
Release content
See base release content v1.0.5 .
- Failing build issue #469
Known issues:
- Guardian-service exits at first boot when Hedera fails to respond for > 2 minutes #453
Full changelog
- Via github compare: v1.1.0...v1.1.1
With this release we bring version numbering to the appropriate level. This release includes the hotfix for the policy import timeout issue, it is based on v1.0.5 and delivers working versioning and publishing/importing of policies and schemas onto IPFS.
Release content
See base release content v1.0.5 .
- IPFS policy import timeout #454
Known issues:
- Guardian-service exits at first boot when Hedera fails to respond for > 2 minutes #453
Full changelog
- Via github compare: v1.0.5...v1.1.0