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headius edited this page Dec 29, 2012 · 6 revisions

This is the wiki for the RubyFlux project.

RubyFlux is an attempt to compile a set of Ruby files (.rb source) into Java classes by generating Java files (.java sources) as an intermediate step. The goal is to support as much of Ruby syntax, core classes, and features as possible given that intermediate step.

Given a Ruby source file, the compiler proceeds as follows:

  1. Parse the file using JRuby's parser, to get an AST.
  2. Walk the AST, gathering method names and class structures.
  3. Generate Java source for each script and class encountered, along with core classes to support them.

The resulting Java sources are standalone; they contain all the core class logic, all the script logic from your scripts, and all the methods and classes you have defined. They can be compiled and shipped as a standalone unit, with no external dependencies.

Visit the links below for more details.

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