Note September 2023 check out new folder at TFLITE-2023 I don't really have this working yet.
Note: May 2023.
Fixing these examples using the very old TensorflowLite version allows this code to run. Download this version and install the zipped file in your arduino IDE and then the following examples should run.
The github for it (or something similar) is at
This code does not work with the present version of tensorflowLite, that is at
The issue is the file which only defines the Nano33Ble so work would have to be done to make it work with other boards.
# Machine Learning on Micro-controllers. Specifically the new $100 Dual Core Arduino Portenta H7
Note: It seems the Arduino_TensorFlowLite library has disappeared so I put it here []( for you to download and install in eh normal zipped file arduino library install.
-------------------- old solution over ---------------------------------------
This TensorflowLite C++ API should be usefull
Note: PortentaH7 has only one arduino library, but the Nano 33 BLE has a library connected with the Portenta and a library for the nRF528x boards. The nRF528x boards only work with my code.
b00_template/b04_makerML_template.ino MakerML template. This will be the latest template that seperates the model from the sketch and has been made to work on as many Arduinos as possible. This is a 2 file program, but most of the examples below combine the model with the sketch so that one program can be easily emailed, downloaded, loaded etc. For any of the examples once working it is fairly easy to seperate the model.
b01_makerML_hello_world.ino This will be the base, single file demo of the sine wave program to test on your board. Note the model.h file is built into this sketch to simplify uploading. It is your choice if you want to move it to a new tab and include that tab into your program. Probably best to test if it works first. The onboard LED should blink and the serial plotter should show a sine wave. video here
b02_makerML_xor.ino This is my example xOr logic program. The TensorflowJS 20keras-xOr.html example is here and the conversion of the saved model to a model.h file is here. If the inputs are both HIGH or both LOW the output should be near 0. If either input is HIGH and the other LOW the ouput should be close to 1. video here
b03_makerML_layers.ino This program gives information about the model that has been loaded and tests if the model can be loaded. It does not do a prediction so knowing input and output dimensions or types is not needed. The program should actually assist in showing types and dimensions. More work is needed here. Output is on the serial monitor. minimal blinking is done in this program. video here
b04-digital.ino Taken from the TensorflowJS Javascript browser version at
b05_makerML_medium_image.ino A medium image entered as an array of numbers representing colors. The TensorflowJS helper page is at
b06_makerML_one_hot.ino. This was not very successful. The training set was probably too small. Basically it works to show one hot training but the final trained model is not vey good. I have combined the model in the same file for simplicity, you are welcome to move it to it's own tab. Tensorflowjs helper page at
b07_m4_rpc_m7_print.ino This is exciting, getting the inner M4 core to do the machine learning while the outer M7 core handles the serial print by using RPC calls. This one actually changes the Serial.println to RPC1.println, see next example for an easier technique Next I need to see how big a model I can fit on the M4 core.
b08-rpc-m4-hello-world-sine.ino Same as b01_makerML_hello_world.ino but with code to run RPC on M7 and the Hello world sine wave on M4. Bit advanced. Note: If you have lots of Serial.println then put a delay(2); infront of it. also Serial.begin() takes no integer.
Key feactures
#ifdef CORE_CM4 // Start M4 programming
#define Serial RPC1 // So the M4 regular serial prints to RPC
void setup(){
Serial.begin(); // note no speed 9600 or 115200, since it is now RPC1
void loop() {
delay(2); Serial.println("Your print stuff");
deprecated/ shows how to get the default example working by changing LED_BUILTIN to pin 5 a PWM pin. Because of Serial print sensitivity this program only loads to the M7 core for me.
deprecated/a02-EloquentTinyML-to-M4.ino Note: uses version 0.0.2 and new library is coming out soon. This loads to both the M7 core and the M4 core. The serial plotter only works for the M7 core. On either core the LED connected with a resistor from D5 to ground pulses. Reminder to have it work on the M4 core you need in to run this blank setup code on the M7 core so that it only loads the M4 core the following code
void setup() {
void loop() {
- deprecated/a03-eloquentTinyML-from-github.ino Uses the new EloquentTinyML from the github. Need to manually update the library.
Note: The above EloquentTinyML library is great, except I never like using libraries that are based on Google LIbraries, that extra layer of installed libraries means certain pain when Google updates there library. So from now on I will try to use only the arduino_TensorflowLite libary.
deprecated/a04-digital.ino DRAFT present issue as it stilluses a library. Also only M7 core as it uses Serial.print. Has 8 digital inputs of on or off become 4 deciaml outputs from 0-1 1 being fully on and 0 fully off. Uses the model in the lite-for-arduino folder called digital_model.h
deprecated/a05-myNetron.ino. Note: Only for M7 core as it uses Serial.print. The netron program shows model data for other types of Tensorflow models but not c header files. (A simple python program can convert a c header file to a tflite file). So without Python load this program on your Portenta and load a model frm the lite-for-arduino file and see information about the model. note: models array must be called "unsigned char model_tflite[] = {"
6/ deprecated/a06_rocksetta_hello_world.ino This file is starting to be how I would like the ML programs to be. Does not call an extra libary that has to be maintained only uses the Arduino_tensorflowlite library but is reasonably easy.
Note: The tflite-models folder has several models that have not yet been tried on the Portenta. These may get deleted
- lite-for-arduino This folder actually has the converted to header file TensorflowLite pre-compiled models. Presently untested so proceed with caution.
I have made lots of Machine Learning models using TensorflowJS my examples here and my personal opinion is that Machine Learning is not yet ready for microcontrollers. in this directory I will show whatever I can get working on the Portenta, however, my solution for machine learning on microcontrollers is to use a powerful cell phone to do the Machine Learning and to connect that cell phone to the microcontroller using a web socket. My time lag is about 10 us based on the wifi/internet connection speed. I am in the process of converting this concept to arduino boards.
My toy car web socket TensorflowJS solution of Machine Learning using microcontrollers youtube video is at
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I have tested the arduino_tensorflowLT library using the nano 33 BLE sense. Presently Aug 2nd, 2020 I have got the hello_world program working. Using the serial plotter you get a nice sine wave.
I tried the magic_wand, very cool program that detects a W and O and an L using the serial monitor but it has some edits you need to do explained here
since I don't have an accelerometer connected to the Portenta, I am not really interested in this yet. Prsently I will just test the Hello_world. A bit of a concern is that the Helo_world works fine on the Nano 33 BLE sense using the regular Nano board manager, but I am having some issues using the mBED version for the Nano 33 BLE. The port finding and labelling is not working.
Update about August 4th, 2020
I have got the Hello_World program working on the Portenta, see above files, but I am leaning towards the eleoquentTinyML library since it seems very condensed and easier to understand.
A few other TensorflowLiTe tutorials for a camera connected arduino are here
Useful reference
TFLite Ops page
This might be the latest supported ops
converter command line reference