Syllabus Overview and Questions
- Assignments due Mondays at noon each week.
- Class will focus on pragmatics of computing.
- Plagiarism
- Searching for solutions online will probably be necessary at some point, but credit must be given.
- The same plagiarism rules apply to code as would apply to a written assignment
- Searching for solutions online will probably be necessary at some point, but credit must be given.
GitHub and Homework
- Repositories
- Collections of related files (often code)
- Formalizing as a repository allows Git to keep track of changes you make in these files through time
- All class notes and assignments
- Repositories
Markdown and Outlines
- Can take notes directly in file - maybe use block quotes?
This is a block quote. This might be an easy way to add your own notes.
To write notes on new lines, add two empty spaces or<br>
at the end of a line.
Overview of Operating Systems
- Windows
- Mac
- Linux
Some fundamentals
- Memory (RAM)
- File storage (hard drives)
Unix Filesystem
- Filesystem overview
- The Unix root (/)
- The very base of the filesystem
- Absolute paths
- All absolute paths begin at the root- start with /
- Relative paths
- Don't start with /
- Working directories
- Shortcuts for current and parent directories
- Hidden files and folders
- Names begin with
- Usually used for configuration files
- Names begin with
Assignment 1
(1) Sign up for an account on GitHub and send your username to me
(2) Apply for an LSU HPC account (https://accounts.hpc.lsu.edu/login_request.php). When you do,
list me as your sponsor. Once your account is created, send me your username.
Complete by Monday, Jan. 19. You will need these to participate in the next class.