All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.47.0 (2025-02-11)
- add edge length operator (6be21e1)
- add GN hole generator (9ec830b)
- add GN pipe generator (4b6e6c9)
- add the pipe generator operator to the fast menu replacing pipe extrude (0ad1b0e)
- fix the Flare energy offset parameter reset after energy levels have been randomised (8bfc0c4)
1.46.0 (2024-11-23)
- add an option to disable the creation of a custom transform orientation when using view align (179ab7a)
- add an option to disable util viewport visibility when toggling (in addition to hiding) (ae494e6)
- add an option to stop ND from hiding all unrelated utils when an operation creates or recalls another util object (d7bfd24)
- set the material mode on exact booleans to transfer (3938e72)
- ensure that util objects aren't rendered when in Cycles or EEVEE preview modes (2f261c6)
- ensure that utils aren't relocated to the root of the utils collection if they already exist in a sub-collection (4020e1a)
- ensure the panel operator's BMesh instance is not prematurely freed during operation (4637880)
- ensure the utils collection is included in the current view layer when utils are created or recalled (34f681f)
- move the vertices/edges selected polling methods into the invoke method for the edge_bevel, vertex_bevel, and clear_vgs operators to avoid freeing any existing object's BMesh instance (7ae5a2b)
1.45.0 (2024-08-04)
- add duplicate utility operator and corresponding fast menu integration (61db54a)
- add pipe extrude operator and corresponding fast menu integration (89fec66)
- add the option to clear/remove drivers (and retain existing values) to the sync modifiers operator (1b72557)
- improve sync modifiers attribute detection and add support for geometry nodes (13a635b)
- mark sync modifiers as a standard feature (previously experimental) (7ee5924)
- retain original object and offset_object utils when syncing modifiers and add an option to override (ALT) if required (789428a)
- fix maximum recursion depth exceeded error when smart duplicating an object with cylic utils (190c79a)
- fix the error that occurs when cancelling a panel operation on the first step (selecting geometry) (0fe30a7)
1.44.3 (2024-07-20)
- ensure that only one triangulate modifier is applied to an object when running the operator multiple times (51f4a8d)
- ensure the triangulate modifier is placed/pinned at the end of the mod stack (0c4afd4)
- ensure the triangulate modifier is removed from boolean utility objects (380f808)
- improve F2 add-on/extension detection and subsequent Fast menu "Make Edge/Face" prediction (2a4c2b8)
- improve operator polling and the edit mode predictions in the Fast menu (3680363)
1.44.2 (2024-07-13)
- ensure all bmesh instances are freed after use to prevent memory leaks (ac0a3be)
- fix ND N-panel toggle-utils shortcut icon registration error (28479a3)
1.44.1 (2024-07-12)
- fix Blender version polling (2768161)
1.44.0 (2024-07-12)
- add a linked version of smart duplicate (equivalent to Blender's ALT + D) (1acd138)
- add extended mouse behaviour support (scroll on bevels to change segment count) (2422215)
- add extended mouse value support to recon poly (scroll to adjust segments) (90d4959)
- add freeze state option to modifier mode in the cycle operator (retain mod visibility states on exit) (a22cee1)
- add mirror, profile extrude, and screw operators to the edit mode fast menu (a30ba55)
- add option to change overlay reset key behaviour to unlock instead of hard-reset (fe6efb5)
- add option to customise the Utils collection icon color (c7e4b61)
- add option to lock overlay parameters on recall (3c719cc)
- add option to remove triangulate modifiers via the CTRL alt-mode convention (e6aa830)
- add SHIFT+T shortcut for toggle utils (ccb530e)
- add smart duplicate operator (copy selected object/s with all associated utilities) (3373146)
- add symmetrize option to mirror operator for immediate application (6f6c303)
- add sync modifiers operator (experimental feature) (4bd8de1)
- allow apply modifiers to be run on curve objects in selection set (will convert them to mesh) (14985ee)
- allow bulk operators to be executed as long as mesh objects are in the selected group (e.g., ignore empties) (045eeaf)
- allow profile extrude, screw, mirror, and circularize operators to be run from edit mode (0ece46c)
- allow the isolated object util toggle operator to be run on composite utils (c725174)
- ensure that all util objects are toggled (including empties) when using the isolated object mode in toggle utils (b79562b)
- ensure that all utils and composited utils are recursively selected when toggling or duplicating (6b8278a)
- fix Blender 4.2 SBA crash and improve SBA/WN across various versions (43dcad9)
- only attempt to preserve custom normals when running triangulate in Blender <4.2 (4143813)
1.43.1 (2024-06-12)
1.43.0 (2024-06-03)
- add an option in general preferences to toggle auto smoothing across all operators (2d80d10)
- fix version number check when check for updates is enabled (83027b8)
1.42.0 (2024-05-25)
- add a hard apply & duplicate mesh alternative mode to the apply modifiers operator (7132c12)
- fix the incorrect object position offset when reversing a faux origin displacement (e601e43)
1.41.2 (2024-05-08)
1.41.1 (2024-05-07)
- fix Blender 4.2 extension compatibility issues (08004b7)
1.41.0 (2024-04-15)
- add an option to toggle the visibility of utils for only the selected objects (d06cea6)
- add robertson, torx tamper proof, and triangle recess screw head types (98e7fd1)
- ensure that boolean ops handle the presence of WN mods correctly (fff5894)
- ensure that the SBA and WN mod order is maintained when new mods are added to the stack (e8f8c7e)
- ensure that the WN modifier doesn't add additional mods to an object with the WN mod already applied (c1b9607)
- ensure the SBA mod places itself before any WN mod present in the stack (c562b27)
- fix NoneType error and add additional guard clauses for when the active target object is excluded from the view layer (322c4bd)
- fix smoothing mod removal error on profile extrude when cancelling a new (non-recalled) operation (839c75c)
1.40.0 (2024-03-22)
- add right-click select support (toggle via add-on preferences) (7e7aad4)
- add support for Blender 4.1's new smoothing process (316ecdc)
- fix circular array empty rotation in single-object mode and tidy up operator (e39bfc1)
- fix lattice scaling in Blender >= 4.1 (14bf1aa)
1.39.1 (2024-02-24)
- [Blender 4] fix an error when hydrating cutter utilities with the clear-parent option selected (3fb0b05)
- [Blender 4] fix an error when mirroring an object with the SHIFT (place on top of the stack) alt-mode selected (49d5e38)
- ensure that hydrated object names do not include additional leading spaces (7a41891)
- ensure that the clear parent behaviour on hydrated utils does not clear the initially selected object(s) (8f9f69f)
1.39.0 (2024-02-03)
- add the option to stack bevel modifiers, and cycle through stacked bevels when recalling (41ba743)
- ensure that the edge.index exists in the edges_snapshot before reverting an edge bevel operation (8b15a57)
1.38.0 (2023-12-01)
- fix additional Blender 4 compatibility issues (2ffe4af)
- fix Blender 4 compatibility issues (6c25e01)
- fix Blender 4 shader issues for Axis and Point visualisation (460d2a3)
1.37.0 (2023-07-14)
- add an apply modifier option to the cycle operator (33a035a)
- add keymaps for difference, union, intersect, and slice boolean operations (402857d)
- add loop slide and clamp overlap options to the edge bevel modifier and swap the weight and width options (7747f33)
- add only ngons option to triangulate modifier (1a8221b)
- add support to high/low LOD for ZenSet's object naming convention (074f2ff)
- remove the WN bevel operator and update the standard bevel and weighted normal operators so that the functionality can be replicated (3e55ba0)
- set the angle parameter on the bevel operator as a mouse-driven value (8d059c4)
- fix the edge bevel operator's width and weight hints (ab7e3f4)
1.36.1 (2023-02-06)
- fix error in panel operator after geometry selection (55b6250)
1.36.0 (2023-01-31)
- add adaptive unit fallback support for both metric (meters) and imperial (feet) (23435b4)
- add constant displacement mode option to array_cubed operator (5a79e34)
- add full support for Blenders unit system (None, Metric, and Imperial) and unit scales (456ddc4)
- add mouse-value support to all non-keybound operator options (99b21a6)
- add scene unit scale support for operator overlay values (f9b8368)
- add silhouette operator (f8ea2a3)
- add fallback support for Blender's "Adaptive" unit length (default to meters) (2443f0e)
- ensure object names with multiple chained ".00n" suffixes are fixed before high and low LOD naming operations (872fb09)
- fix screw head z-axis displacement issue when altering scale (f3340c1)
- fix XYZ axis visualisation extents (0b61363)
- set weld mode to connected for all bevel operators (9b9d7d8)
1.35.0 (2022-11-05)
- add circularize operator (722a14a)
- add clamp_overlap and loop_slide options to bevel operator (3f72296)
- add decimate modifier to circularize operator and set min segments to 2 (d08f5bc)
- add immediate apply mode to seams operator, default to angle set in preferences, and lock auto smooth to 180 degrees (ad2b167)
- add mesh mode set_origin behaviour (f116a8d)
- add the circularize operator as a fast menu PE/sketch prediction (3b89d57)
- add edge_bevel and overlay fixes for Blender 3.4 (2700e23)
- add overlay_option_active_color back into reset_theme operator (4cbc00b)
- ensure vertex groups and edge weights are remove when applying modifiers (587c2af)
- fix profile_extrude and solidify normal calculations (3ded508)
- only apply viewport visible modifiers (8b7b7c2)
- register recon_poly segments with mouse values system (64929d4)
1.34.0 (2022-09-19)
- add a bulk assign ID materials operator (fc3a4c6)
- add a weighted_normal operator along with a new shading category, and move smooth shading into it (8e17737)
- add clean_utils and apply_modifiers ops as shortcuts in main UI panel (7aba702)
- add clear_materials operator (02c580b)
- add CTRL + click modifier removal behaviour to all applicable operators (1fcb674)
- add experimental mode toggle to preferences (4a5a4d1)
- add mirror operation to boolean object fast menu predictions (7df0fea)
- add mouse-step values to lattice, screw, array_cubed, circular_array operators (22e53de)
- add Shift + Alt + E keybinding for the Packaging menu (f92d434)
- add smooth shading and weighted normal operators to the fast-predict menu (28b359a)
- add the id_material operator (20b77a0)
- add undo/redo/W/C event passthrough as experimental feature for geo_lift, panel, and view_align operators (778b064)
- allow bevel segments to be set via mouse movement when mouse values are enabled (c9713bd)
- allow customisation of the overlay base color (b6fb7df)
- allow ID Materials to be actioned in both object and edit mode (face select) (021efe2)
- allow smooth shading operator to be used on multiple objects simultaneously (3d52fc9)
- create a dedicated ID materials menu under Packaging, and a new assign-existing ID material operator (b383f14)
- remove edge weights and vertex groups when clearing edge_bevel, or vertex_bevel operations (bfac62e)
- set keep_sharp for the weighted_normal operator by default (3856be3)
- split applicable util ops into dedicated scene and export menus (6422a49)
- update the ID Materials menu to show a static list of all available colours with previews (bf9d5c1)
- ensure mod order is rectified when using the edge_bevel operator (ecd49d9)
- ensure select objects are made single-user when executing the apply_modifiers operator (a5955fb)
- explicitly import bpy.utils.previews in icons/ (03f9f2b)
- fix array_cubed manual input override locking (374c00b)
- set profile_extrude's calculate edges option to false by default (d4c7537)
1.33.0 (2022-08-06)
- add clear scale and shrink/fatten to sketch menu for object and edit mode respectively (7be4562)
- add curve support to array_cubed operator (c9b7c88)
- add curve support to screw operator (a74a5e6)
- add curve support to simple_deform operator (bb0fa11)
- add mirror curve option to fast predict menu (6a37a8b)
- add option to mirror curve(s) (def7b2c)
- add screw, array_cubed, and simple_deform curve operators to fast predict menu (0602f21)
- add toggleable exclusive view (x-ray option) option to geo_lift, panel, and view_align operators (9fc75c1)
- split clear_view into overlay (all & custom) options (785fd60)
- ensure make edge/face operation is always available in edit mode fast menu (cbeffac)
- ensure weld modifier removal does not prevent standard bevels from being recalled, and avoid removing HN bevel welds during apply-modifier operations (64c36bd)
- fix lattice target object parenting behaviour (3d8a16e)
- fix the "no predictions found" edge case in the Fast menu with only surfacing recallable operators (b36a447)
- set width lower limit to zero on WN bevel operator (5a5dd78)
1.32.0 (2022-06-25)
- add an option to toggle the sidebar / N-panel (0799e0b)
- add calculate edges option to profile_extrude operator (8d6ead4)
- add extrusion mode option to solidify operator (5011a6f)
- add interpolation mode to lattice operator and default to linear (9fdd252)
- add offset option to profile_extrude operator (e62687c)
- add solidify option to fast menu for non-manifold meshes (a14b819)
- add the ability to recall previous edge bevel weights (e381ab3)
- add toggle wireframe and disable utility modifier options to cycle operator (a3a0bbc)
- enhance profile extrusion and solidification predictions in the Fast menu (539f413)
- ensure mirror modifiers are placed before finishing bevels in the modifier stack (5751adb)
- rectify the mod order for lattice, simple_deform, profile_extrude, screw, solidify, array_cubed, and circular_array operators (2ccb087)
- remove all disabled (viewport hidden) boolean modifiers when using the clean_utils operator (96a82ab)
- add missing fast menu no prediction results section count (ac391ae)
- add missing new_modifier imports to recon_poly, screw_head, set_origin, and triangulate operators (b832ca2)
- ensure single_vertex object has rotation and scale applied after creation (7ce7f30)
- fix edge_bevel width shift/precision and value formatting (78c1cac)
- fix error/crash in clean_utils utility & add logic for lattice modifiers (14cf8a8)
- fix mesh_f2 addon detection in the Fast Predict menu (499d96a)
- fix no predictions logic in the fast menu (1819997)
- fix poll method target object type check in cycle operator (a286253)
- handle object/modifier removal errors more gracefully in clean_utils operator (6da00af)
- unify and lower the merge and bisect thresholds for the mirror operator (843c126)
1.31.0 (2022-06-12)
- add clean geometry logic to view align, and allow view align to be immediately invoked on applicable geometry with an alt mode (db144a6)
- add collapsible sections and common shortcuts to the N panel menu (e57bc0d)
- add inscribed and circumscribed options to recon_poly operator (fa724c4)
- add the panel, geo_lift, and view_align operators to fast menu single object form predictions (94ea2ca)
- automatically collapse new modifiers added to objects (752de82)
- extend inscribed and circumscribed feature to recon_poly inner_radius option & fix recall/revert behaviour (1611885)
- remove problematic bevels from all boolean reference objects (6349c4d)
- ensure viewport camera is always set to orthographic when using view_align operator (ee5c03d)
- fix array_cubed count reset behaviour while respecting the currently specified offset value (a1d5ca5)
- fix direct object view_align operation when utilising edges or vertices (c5059eb)
- fix mirror across geometry behaviour and unneeded show_in_front assignment for evaluated geometry (bd0f14f)
- fix up single and multi-object geometry mirror object evaluation and empty parenting (e7220ad)
1.30.0 (2022-06-06)
- add additional screw head types (@Shaddow) (b130d78)
- add better boolean and sketch detection in the fast prediction menu (3c06550)
- add clean_utils operator (3f4e47b)
- perform additional geometry cleanup when extracting faces using the panel operator (9e53d4b)
- ensure boolean swap_solver updates only apply to objects referencing the selected utils (6845d30)
- ensure clean_utils also handles mirror and array empty objects in utils collection (43c0c82)
- ensure that individual faces cannot be toggled until the inset stage in the panel operator (e6cb10f)
- fix create_duplicate_liftable_geometry object_name parameter being overridden (11d7b4b)
- fix error when using swap solver on a utility referenced by an object with invalid boolean modifiers present (20045ed)
- fix NoneType object error when cycling through a utility object (4a5a402)
1.29.0 (2022-06-02)
- add hard-apply mode to apply_modifiers utility, and exclude regular multi segment edge bevels from normal usage (a5ee288)
- add mirror operator to the fast menu for profile predictions (74f2545)
- add ND theme (color) options to preferences (1d25644)
- add panel operator (a4e76aa)
- add recon poly detection to fast menu (de87d9b)
- add remaining boolean operations to the fast menu (5db12e6)
- add shift alt-mode to set_origin utility to undo faux origin translations (43202bf)
- add solidify and profile extrude options to the fast menu when operators have been previously performed on the selected object (84fa5a0)
- clean up duplicated mesh by default when using geo_lift or panel operators, with option to preserve geometry (d27a8ab)
- detect additional existing mods in fast menu (c0a5963)
- ensure starting geometry is reselected when reverting geo_lift operator (321d2c9)
- harden up circular_array operator, add displacement axis option, and regular/faux origin alt mode (48b5040)
- add an additional clause to the circular_array poll method (11dc8ee)
- add missing continue statements in create_duplicate_liftable_geometry (c6c9aad)
- ensure the inset stage only begins if one or more faces have been selected when using the panel operator (fd26650)
- ensure the reference object origin is restored when cancelling a new circular array operation (00be593)
- fix mod reference error in create_duplicate_liftable_geometry function in object library (979646d)
- fix profile extrude recall and revert behaviour (a9a870d)
- fix recon poly local Z axis natural rotation and recall ability (85e91a1)
- tidy up and fix undesired relative offset behaviour in panel operator (91bbb06)
1.28.4 (2022-05-28)
- add additional checks to bevel types in automatic modifier reordering logic (73ce5cf)
1.28.3 (2022-05-28)
- fix modifier stack ordering when vertex bevel + weld modifiers are present (4b6a4da)
1.28.2 (2022-05-27)
1.28.1 (2022-05-27)
- fix unexpected float error in Blender 3.1 and limit the possibility of dividing by zero errors on manual user input (1cdac6c)
1.28.0 (2022-05-27)
- add alt mode to vertex bevel to create a vertex group edge bevel (77cfff4)
- add an option to custom default smoothing angle and update & add it across all relevant operators (ed02679)
- add apply_modifiers utility (1ec0150)
- add cycle operator to fast menu for objects with boolean modifiers present (a71896c)
- add decimate and weld operators under the new simplify menu (1c7b454)
- add edge angle limit option to bevel and weight_normal_bevel operators (c44e0b1)
- add enhanced wireframe mode toggle to all bevel operators (03933cf)
- add fast prediction menu (eb26d59)
- add flip normals option to screw operator (768f1be)
- add natural rotation option to recon poly (980fde9)
- add option to place modifiers at the top/bottom of the stack across edge_bevel, vertex_bevel, and mirror (fc08803)
- add swap_solver utility (5481109)
- add the option to disable automatic update checks in preferences (fbcb91d)
- allow for manual values to be supplied to overlay & optimise operator overlay options (bffaf72)
- allow hydrate utility to be run on multiple selected objects (12fc16e)
- automatically move booleans under WN bevels and single segment HN bevels (1170f08)
- bind the fast menu to F and add a shortcut for Blender's underlying make edge/face operator (b211a23)
- improve the mod ordering logic and apply it to the weld and decimate modifiers (5307ed0)
- add a check to apply_modifiers for disabled modifiers and remove them instead of applying (ffc655a)
- add missing draw_hint import to edge_bevel operator (7aec17d)
- display no prediction message when in edit mode and no precondition matches (7154241)
- fix up has_mod_* logic in fast menu single object predictions (3f27ee3)
- fix weighting calculation in profile_extrude operator (4cd46fb)
- remove triangulate modifier & switch v3_average for .calc_center_median for face points in snap_align operator (0842b3c)
1.27.0 (2022-05-14)
- add Flare (Lighting) operator (83e9be0)
- add option to automatically run solidify after a recon poly operation (9a5dff3)
- add option to capture 2 points in snap_align to align the selected object at the midpoint (21b7a0a)
- add recall ability to circular_array operator (1ff93e8)
- add snap_align operator (7548c66)
- add temporary triangulation to active object during snap_align operations to increase face points (640bc8c)
- allow circular_array operator to be used on a single selected object, and alter origin/translation logic (d273720)
- allow snapping to occur through objects occluding the target while using snap_align (8301845)
- enhance lattice modifier behaviour and allow it to be recalled (10dc6f9)
- hide circular_array empties on completion and give them an appropriate name (c04c466)
- ensure active boolean utils don't affect the geometry of the target object while using snap_align (e796693)
- ensure guideline in snap_align operator is cleared when capture rotation is reset (374ad50)
- ensure mirror selected object show_in_front mode is disabled on complete/cancel (e2d0e07)
- ensure simple deform angle decrements as intended using the step_down key event (9e7b91a)
- ensure snap_align operator supports meshes with vastly different edge lengths (e9de396)
- ensure that the reference object is solo-selected when completing a snap_align operation (73ff168)
- fix circular array revert behaviour for single object mode (f14b5d2)
- fix error when using cycle operator on objects with objectless booleans in their modifier stack (d1bc6cf)
- fix left-click handling for operators that need to pass through the event (8a335b2)
- fix mirror over geometry empty's matrix parent inverse (9a16503)
- fix up circular_array and lattice overlay option control key labels (22e7e54)
- only detect click events on release when using interactive operators (ee19d30)
- remove light energy offset limits (1eb7964)
1.26.0 (2022-05-07)
- add enter & space key presses as additional operator finalisation events (5e3eb6f)
- add modifier & utility cycle operator (73bf7a3)
- add option to mirror across faces, edges, or vertices on selected object (1ebc4ac)
- add shift option to vanilla boolean operator to protect reference object (do not convert into utility) (9efae25)
- add simple_deform operator (d5acf67)
- add triangulate modifier (2e990f8)
- allow for multiple utils to be selected with cycle operator (8bb923b)
- allow mirror modifier to be applied to multiple objects simultaneously (80467d1)
- automatically set geometry mirror axis to Z and flipped (426ed79)
- move sketch operators into their own sub-menu (08bb8fd)
- tidy up main menu by creating Replication and Deformation sub menus to house appropriate operators (6cf9461)
- ensure boolean operators isolate the reference object in the utils collection (14dfdf4)
- ensure mirror empty object is removed if mirror operator is cancelled after geometry selection (9c13ab6)
- fix alt key value change behaviour on cycle operator (9efadc8)
- fix geo_lift operator event handling order (447c654)
- fix recon poly width option overlay display value (8413096)
- fix reference/target object parenting in circular_array operator (7df4058)
- fix up mirror across geometry invalid selection cleanup logic (97873a4)
- update set_lod_suffix mode type in utils_menu (73aa1e7)
1.25.0 (2022-04-29)
- add clear vertex groups utility (ef5e5d5)
- add isolated vertices in selection to active group in vertex bevel recall (b62c55c)
- add recall functionality to vertex bevel operator (7b5cd83)
- add shortcut for isolated utils menu (dcfdf35)
- fix circular array revert behaviour (0d61d74)
- match target object rotation in circular_array operator (7ea17b0)
- remove set rotation from faux set_origin (e371881)
- replace center of volume with bounding box calculation in lattice operator (22add82)
1.24.0 (2022-04-26)
- add alt mode to geo_lift operator to ignore all bevels when calculating selectable geometry (2aff5bc)
- add bool_inset operator (3f29af5)
- add edge_bevel operator (9d876f4)
- add harden normals option to vanilla bevel operator (7827900)
- add lattice operator (fd6eae0)
- add mode option shortcut key for bool_inset operator (5fc4d30)
- add option to lock overlay pin state and position across all operators (0ce0dd7)
- add outset mode to bool_inset operator (cc8edd7)
- add toggle option shortcut keys to applicable operators (c10b066)
- add traditional (now default) and faux origin translation to set_origin utility (5122bae)
- allow for -360 degree rotation on screw operator (306a3e2)
- set face strength mode and face influence on wn_bevel modifiers (eb7cd25)
- add additional checks to all operator poll methods to avoid selection (and order) based errors (cfdde4c)
- ensure circular_array operator allows for traditional (now default) and faux origin translation (a21a46c)
- remove all ND menus from info header bar (db17157)
- set miter_outer to arc in bevel operator (fc4420b)
1.23.0 (2022-04-22)
- allow array_cubed count to roll faux negative (9138c66)
- distinguish between built-in and custom screw head types in the operator overlay, and add additional .blend file cleanup on revert (a37a5bf)
1.22.0 (2022-04-22)
- add array_cubed operator and deprecate square_array (d90dec6)
- add custom screw heads (.blend file) option to addon preferences (539d982)
- add enhanced axis visualization to array_cubed, mirror, profile_extrude, and screw modifiers (9d2cd74)
- add toggle for "fast" booleans in addon preferences and set default to true (previously "exact") (43afa87)
- allow circular_array operator to be run on objects, empties, and at arbitrary rotations (45cb48b)
- show axes on selected object when using the array_cubed operator (77a2a85)
- match target object rotation in set_origin operator (09da9e8)
1.21.0 (2022-04-18)
- add mouse values mode, and integrate all applicable operators (a873f74)
- add profile option to vanilla bevel operator (ca24b38)
- ensure a weld modifier is placed after a vanilla bevel modifier (5cecea6)
- ensure the previous profile value is retained when summoning & reverting a vanilla bevel operator (733f6ad)
- fix profile option behaviour on vertex_bevel operator (9f22e77)
- swap width and segments options on vertex_bevel operator to align with vanilla bevel operator (c9c7e6b)
- update recon_poly option ordering to better align with other operators (width > segments > etc.) (4c107e9)
1.20.1 (2022-04-17)
- ensure all scene objects are deselected before executing core single_vertex operator functionality (43b4e6d)
1.20.0 (2022-04-17)
- allow customization of overlay pin and pause keybinds (aae7e91)
- organise addon preferences panel and expose Blender keymap settings (35c26bb)
- split blank_sketch into single_vertex and make_manifold operators (08f6efe)
- fix incorrectly labled profile_extrude overlay alt/ctrl key options (8134622)
1.19.0 (2022-04-12)
- add hydrate operator (a4aef0f)
- add option to enable quick favourites on primary menu (1e8805d)
- add optional late-invocation mode to vertex bevel operator (for post-sketch usage) (ff0ffa4)
- add ortho_grid to toggle_clear_view operator (5e4f8de)
- add viewport menu (with various initial toggles) (1d09367)
- automatically place boolean reference and circular array rotator objects in a utils collection (name configurable in preferences) (eece58b)
- ensure all objects in utils collection are toggled along with the collection consistently (1316fff)
- fix object visibility error in toggle_utils_collection operator (52f3ada)
1.18.0 (2022-04-09)
- add square_array operator and create arrays sub-menu (14ea44e)
- allow active overlay values to be updated with arrow and WASD keys (dbb30c9)
- ensure ND keymap is included in 3D View, Mesh, and Object Mode by default (95498b1)
1.17.0 (2022-04-05)
- add a message/button to the shortcut menu & a link to the changelog in the UI panel when an update is available (bd754cb)
- add bevel operator (126af0d)
- add circular_array operator (8d6d20e)
- adjust circular array option order, add even/odd count step, and allow negative arc angles (b9dedf0)
- ensure mirror modifier bisects selected axis & add flip option for negative axis mirroring (10ddb3d)
- organise operators by relevance in the shortcut menu (b450ba9)
- update documentation section on main UI panel & add Discord link (b5c2d0f)
- ensure operate is only executed on interactive option mutation (8fa29fc)
1.16.0 (2022-04-03)
- add overlay DPI control to preferences (479710b)
- ensure overlay option precision mode indicator is inactive when in pause mode (55ed7ba)
- ensure that the screw operator calculates the order of edges for correct normals (a991db7)
1.15.0 (2022-04-02)
- ensure solidify modifier uses even offset (57a5e59)
1.14.0 (2022-04-01)
- add mirror operator (1196540)
- automatically select and set active the boolean reference object (8ea087c)
- ensure that parented objects in all boolean operations have their transforms maintained (82e58a2)
1.13.0 (2022-04-01)
- rename ring_and_bolt to recon_poly (regular convex polygon) as it more accurately represents its behaviour (4837554)
1.12.0 (2022-03-31)
- add boolean slice operator (722dd8d)
- ensure reference and secondary objects in boolean operations are parented to the primary object (7633792)
- prefix boolean reference object names (6044792)
1.11.2 (2022-03-30)
- ensure ESC key does not cancel paused operators (01cfa93)
1.11.1 (2022-03-30)
1.11.0 (2022-03-29)
- add the 3 core boolean operators, difference, union, and intersect (ca58b0b)
- swap origin and destination objects in set_origin operator (8f84279)
1.10.0 (2022-03-27)
- add version detection, "update available" notification, and Gumroad link to main UI panel (c70b2ff)
- fix erroneous unregister_draw_handler calls in screw, solidify, seams, and smooth operators (02a52d8)
1.9.0 (2022-03-27)
- replace overlay fixed pin location with pin-in-place functionality (2763a33)
- ensure seams operator turns on object auto smooth if override is set (68b58ce)
- fix screw operator summon & revert error (f34b62d)
1.8.0 (2022-03-26)
- add interactive UV seams & sharps operator (a47891a)
1.7.1 (2022-02-25)
- ensure the decimate modifier retains its appropriate position in the stack when recalling the ring_and_bolt operator (03117a2)
1.7.0 (2022-02-19)
- add smooth operator (677309e)
- ensure vertex_bevel operator always places current bevel modifier at the top of the stack, and only creates one weld modifier in total (00cfd4e)
1.6.1 (2022-02-18)
- reduce remove double vertices threshold in blank_sketch operator (511d311)
- update scale parameter overlay representation in screw_head operator (e153004)
1.6.0 (2022-02-08)
- add 3 point view-plane creation via vertex select mode in view_align operator (3406bd3)
- add profile parameter to vertex bevel (e9ecf35)
- add set_origin utility operator (f271de7)
- add summon behaviour to screw, solidify, and wn_bevel operators (2464274)
- add summon feature to ring_and_bolt operator (b7f1ed7)
- split face_sketch operator into geo_lift and view_align, with improvements in each respectively (9b8d2d4)
- add vert, edge, face specific selection mode to geo_lift operator (9e91e06)
- ensure all target geometry is deselected when first entering geo_lift, or view_align operators (83bc45d)
- ensure cancel keybind cancels all operators, particularily while in halt mode (126ec13)
- ensure correct leftover geometry is removed based on selection mode in geo_lift operator (0ea0be0)
- ensure summoned ring_and_bolt operator reverts back to previous values on cancel (4dbc91c)
- fix solidify operator weighting label array index error (f3eabc8)
- remove unneeded viewport cursor wrap behaviour (26a14c6)
1.5.0 (2022-02-06)
- add screw head generator (c91ac08)
- add toggleable "halt" mode to all operators, allowing event / keybinding passthrough (1ec0942)
- add planar decimate modifier to ring_and_bolt objects if the segment count is greater than 3 (d92dc02)
1.4.0 (2022-02-04)
- add utils menu as sub-menu on main menu (2d88ed2)
1.3.0 (2022-01-31)
- add a dynamic relationship between inner radius and width parameters, for more predictive results, and better ring generation (03b15f6)
- enforce 0.0001 minimum width for weighted normal bevel, and add WN prefix to bevel modifier name for better recognition (2831254)
1.2.1 (2022-01-30)
- fix broken keymap entry property name for main menu after name change (3cf72cb)
- use more reliable collection objects link call for operators creating single vertex objects (58d433a)
1.2.0 (2022-01-30)
- add name_sync operator and new ND Utils UI panel (dfcc13d)
- add set_lod_suffix operator (3e9cdb1)
- allow F key passthrough on face_sketch operator (a8e4e3a)
- clear custom split normals on extracted faces in face_sketch operator (f33ac67)
- ensure clean up method in face_sketch operator removes extracted face when the operation is cancelled (17cb5e1)
- fix incorrect class name unregister call in (b11a97b)
- fix poll method qualifier in name_sync operator (8c5f585)
- set the bevel modifier offset type to 'width' for the vertex_bevel, and weighted_normal_bevel operators (9b561aa)
1.1.1 (2022-01-29)
- add missing capture_modifier_keys function call to invoke method on face_sketch operator (573d0d2)
- remove hardcoded mm suffix on all operator overlay parameter labels (c5a253e)
- set starting width parameter to 0 on vertex_bevel operator (130f8ef)
1.1.0 (2022-01-29)
- add face extraction mode to view_align operator and rename it to face_sketch, rename new_sketch to blank_sketch, and sketch_bevel to vertex_bevel (2a04917)
- rename operators - spinner to screw, thickener to solidfiy, and faux_bevel to weighted_normal_bevel (c7e4d2c)
- split offset and thickness modifiers from bolt operator in favour of solidy operator usage, add ring functionality to bolt operator, rename bolt to ring_and_bolt (4585823)
- add invalid face selection error handling for face_sketch operator (32a491a)
- ensure update_overlay function is called after every event type (c5d59b0)
- fix ring_and_bolt parameters and parameter names to more appropriately represent their behaviour (6ee7a6b)
- update solidify weighting parameter name (5586b69)
- add with addon information (77a92de)
- add active and alt_mode key indicators to operator overlays (bde234c)
- add custom HUD UI for all operators and allow viewport navigation event passthrough (e032770)
- add initial menu (a6329b3)
- add initial UI panel (789f471)
- add new_sketch operator (3aca34b)
- add overlay pinning option for all operators (8bff7c4)
- add spinner operator (26c1aea)
- add spinner to UI panel and menu, reorganise operators, update icons (bbc1002)
- add thickener modifier (f215357)
- add view alignment operator, and relatedly fix incorrect overlay redraw implementation — subsequently applied across all other operators (7eabac6)
- allow duplicate selection shortcut pass-through in new_sketch operator (86255a0)
- allow mm based factors to be scaled up and down on all operators (c433400)
- create a dedicated overlay manager, drawing utilities, and update all operators respectively (1520b36)
- ensure cutter bolts are clearly visible in the viewport, including their depth into the target (d6d08f2)
- step bolt operator segments up by 2, and by 1 on shift, following similar operation to the sketch_bevel operator (8dbece2)
- unify input controls across all operators and add revert/cancel functionality (5a79040)
- add poll method to operators to ensure all conditions are correct before they can be invoked (4faad28)
- add shade_smooth call to faux_bevel operator and remove legacy mouse_x/y variables (0d994b7)
- add smooth shading step to faux bevel operator (5f09d2c)
- ensure faux bevel weighted normal weight is set to 100% to avoid face-level artifacts (0849dfd)
- ensure new sketches can only be created in object mode with no objects selected (d77f839)
- ensure utils.set_3d_cursor handles the different possible cursor rotation modes (b7100ec)
- fix operator labels (18023dc)
- fix register/unregister call for menu in (7683f8d)
- fix up file names and register all scripts from (94dd2b9)
- set alt mode to constant False on segment property overlay of bolt operator (99e4a12)
- set merge_threshold to 0.1mm for screw modifiers on bolt operator (5d0c064)
- standardize operator names (c25991e)
- update all operator, panel, and menu class names to follow Blender's naming convention and add execute method to operators for menu support (86c96dd)