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392 lines (317 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

392 lines (317 loc) · 15.1 KB

UPGRADE FROM 4.1 to 4.2


  • The Client::submit() method will have a new $serverParameters argument in version 5.0, not defining it is deprecated.


  • Deprecated CacheItem::getPreviousTags(), use CacheItem::getMetadata() instead.


  • Deprecated constructing a TreeBuilder without passing root node information:


    $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
    $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('my_config');


    $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('my_config');
    $rootNode = $treeBuilder->getRootNode();
  • Deprecated FileLoaderLoadException, use LoaderLoadException instead.


  • Deprecated passing a command as a string to ProcessHelper::run(), pass the command as an array of arguments instead.


    $processHelper->run($output, 'ls -l');


    $processHelper->run($output, array('ls', '-l'));
    // alternatively, when a shell wrapper is required
    $processHelper->run($output, Process::fromShellCommandline('ls -l'));


  • The lazy attribute on doctrine.event_listener tags was removed. Listeners are now lazy by default. So any lazy attributes can safely be removed from those tags.


  • The Crawler::children() method will have a new $selector argument in version 5.0, not defining it is deprecated.


  • The Finder::sortByName() method will have a new $useNaturalSort argument in version 5.0, not defining it is deprecated.


  • The symfony/translation dependency has been removed - run composer require symfony/translation if you need the component

  • The getExtendedType() method of the FormTypeExtensionInterface is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0. Type extensions must implement the static getExtendedTypes() method instead and return an iterable of extended types.


    class FooTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public function getExtendedType()
            return FormType::class;
        // ...


    class FooTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
        public static function getExtendedTypes(): iterable
            return array(FormType::class);
        // ...
  • The scale option of the IntegerType is deprecated.

  • The $scale argument of the IntegerToLocalizedStringTransformer is deprecated.

  • Deprecated calling FormRenderer::searchAndRenderBlock for fields which were already rendered. Instead of expecting such calls to return empty strings, check if the field has already been rendered.


    {% for field in fieldsWithPotentialDuplicates %}
       {{ form_widget(field) }}
    {% endfor %}


    {% for field in fieldsWithPotentialDuplicates if not field.rendered %}
       {{ form_widget(field) }}
    {% endfor %}
  • The regions option of the TimezoneType is deprecated.


  • The following middleware service ids were renamed:

    • messenger.middleware.call_message_handler becomes messenger.middleware.handle_message
    • messenger.middleware.route_messages becomes messenger.middleware.send_message

    If you set framework.messenger.buses.[bus_id].default_middleware to false, replace any of these names in the framework.messenger.buses.[bus_id].middleware list.

  • The allow_no_handler middleware has been removed. Use framework.messenger.buses.[bus_id].default_middleware instead:


                      - allow_no_handler


                    default_middleware: allow_no_handlers
  • The messenger:consume-messages command expects a mandatory --bus option value if you have more than one bus configured.

  • The framework.router.utf8 configuration option has been added. If your app's charset is UTF-8 (see kernel's getCharset() method), it is recommended to set it to true: this will generate 404s for non-UTF-8 URLs, which are incompatible with you app anyway, and will allow dumping optimized routers and using Unicode classes in requirements.

  • Added support for the SameSite attribute for session cookies. It is highly recommended to set this setting (framework.session.cookie_samesite) to lax for increased security against CSRF attacks.

  • The Controller class has been deprecated, use AbstractController instead.

  • The Messenger encoder/decoder configuration has been changed for a unified Messenger serializer configuration.


            encoder: your_encoder_service_id
            decoder: your_decoder_service_id


                id: your_messenger_service_id
  • The ContainerAwareCommand class has been deprecated, use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command with dependency injection instead.

  • The Templating\Helper\TranslatorHelper::transChoice() method has been deprecated, use the trans() one instead with a %count% parameter.

  • Deprecated support for legacy translations directories src/Resources/translations/ and src/Resources/<BundleName>/translations/, use translations/ instead.

  • Support for the legacy directory structure in translation:update and debug:translation commands has been deprecated.


  • The default value of the $secure and $samesite arguments of Cookie's constructor will respectively change from false to null and from null to lax in Symfony 5.0, you should define their values explicitly or use Cookie::create() instead.


  • The Kernel::getRootDir() and the kernel.root_dir parameter have been deprecated
  • The KernelInterface::getName() and the parameter have been deprecated
  • Deprecated the first and second constructor argument of ConfigDataCollector
  • Deprecated ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationName()
  • Deprecated ConfigDataCollector::getApplicationVersion()


  • The MiddlewareInterface::handle() and SenderInterface::send() methods must now return an Envelope instance.

  • The return value of handlers isn't forwarded anymore by middleware and buses. If you used to return a value, e.g in query bus handlers, you can either:

    • get the result from the HandledStamp in the envelope returned by the bus.
    • use the HandleTrait to leverage a message bus, expecting a single, synchronous message handling and returning its result.
    • make your Query mutable to allow setting & getting a result:
      // When dispatching:
      $bus->dispatch($query = new Query());
      $result = $query->getResult();
      // In your handler:
  • The EnvelopeAwareInterface was removed and the MiddlewareInterface::handle() method now requires an Envelope object as first argument. When using built-in middleware with the provided MessageBus, you will not have to do anything.
    If you use your own MessageBusInterface implementation, you must wrap the message in an Envelope before passing it to middleware.
    If you created your own middleware, you must change the signature to always expect an Envelope.

  • The MiddlewareInterface::handle() second argument (callable $next) has changed in favor of a StackInterface instance. When using built-in middleware with the provided MessageBus, you will not have to do anything.
    If you use your own MessageBusInterface implementation, you can use the StackMiddleware implementation.
    If you created your own middleware, you must change the signature to always expect an StackInterface instance and call $stack->next()->handle($envelope, $stack) instead of $next to call the next middleware:


    public function handle($message, callable $next): Envelope
        // do something before
        $message = $next($message);
        // do something after
        return $message;


    public function handle(Envelope $envelope, StackInterface $stack): Envelope
        // do something before
        $envelope = $stack->next()->handle($envelope, $stack);
        // do something after
        return $envelope;
  • StampInterface replaces EnvelopeItemInterface and doesn't extend Serializable anymore. Built-in ReceivedMessage, ValidationConfiguration and SerializerConfiguration were renamed respectively ReceivedStamp, ValidationStamp, SerializerStamp and moved to the Stamp namespace.

  • AllowNoHandlerMiddleware has been removed in favor of a new constructor argument on HandleMessageMiddleware

  • The ConsumeMessagesCommand class now takes an instance of Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as first constructor argument, i.e a message bus locator. The CLI command now expects a mandatory --bus option value if there is more than one bus in the locator.

  • MessageSubscriberInterface::getHandledMessages() return value has changed. The value of an array item needs to be an associative array or the method name.


    return [
       [FirstMessage::class, 0],
       [SecondMessage::class, -10],


    yield FirstMessage::class => ['priority' => 0];
    yield SecondMessage::class => ['priority' => -10];


    return [
        SecondMessage::class => ['secondMessageMethod', 20],


    yield SecondMessage::class => [
        'method' => 'secondMessageMethod',
        'priority' => 20,
  • The EncoderInterface and DecoderInterface interfaces have been replaced by a unified Symfony\Component\Messenger\Transport\Serialization\SerializerInterface. Each interface method have been merged untouched into the Serializer interface, so you can simply merge your two implementations together and implement the new interface.

  • The HandlerLocator class was replaced with Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\HandlersLocator.


    new HandlerLocator([
         YourMessage::class => $handlerCallable,


    new HandlersLocator([
         YourMessage::class => [


  • The methods DebugProcessor::getLogs(), DebugProcessor::countErrors(), Logger::getLogs() and Logger::countErrors() will have a new $request argument in version 5.0, not defining it is deprecated.


  • Deprecated the Process::setCommandline() and the PhpProcess::setPhpBinary() methods.

  • Deprecated passing commands as strings when creating a Process instance.


    $process = new Process('ls -l');


    $process = new Process(array('ls', '-l'));
    // alternatively, when a shell wrapper is required
    $process = Process::fromShellCommandline('ls -l');


  • Using the has_role() function in security expressions is deprecated, use the is_granted() function instead.
  • Not returning an array of 3 elements from FirewallMapInterface::getListeners() is deprecated, the 3rd element must be an instance of LogoutListener or null.
  • Passing custom class names to the Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationTrustResolver to define custom anonymous and remember me token classes is deprecated. To use custom tokens, extend the existing Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\AnonymousToken or Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\RememberMeToken.
  • Accessing the user object that is not an instance of UserInterface from Security::getUser() is deprecated.
  • SimpleAuthenticatorInterface, SimpleFormAuthenticatorInterface, SimplePreAuthenticatorInterface, SimpleAuthenticationProvider, SimpleAuthenticationHandler, SimpleFormAuthenticationListener and SimplePreAuthenticationListener have been deprecated. Use Guard instead.


  • Passing a FirewallConfig instance as 3rd argument to the FirewallContext constructor is deprecated, pass a LogoutListener instance instead.
  • Using the security.authentication.trust_resolver.anonymous_class and security.authentication.trust_resolver.rememberme_class parameters to define the token classes is deprecated. To use custom tokens extend the existing AnonymousToken and RememberMeToken.
  • The simple_form and simple_preauth authentication listeners have been deprecated, use Guard instead.
  • The SimpleFormFactory and SimplePreAuthenticationFactory classes have been deprecated, use Guard instead.


  • Relying on the default value (false) of the "as_collection" option is deprecated. You should set it to false explicitly instead as true will be the default value in 5.0.
  • The AbstractNormalizer::handleCircularReference() method will have two new $format and $context arguments in version 5.0, not defining them is deprecated.


  • The TranslatorInterface has been deprecated in favor of Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface
  • The Translator::transChoice() method has been deprecated in favor of using Translator::trans() with "%count%" as the parameter driving plurals
  • The MessageSelector, Interval and PluralizationRules classes have been deprecated, use IdentityTranslator instead
  • The Translator::getFallbackLocales() and TranslationDataCollector::getFallbackLocales() method have been marked as internal


  • The transchoice tag and filter have been deprecated, use the trans ones instead with a %count% parameter.
  • Deprecated support for legacy templates directories src/Resources/views/ and src/Resources/<BundleName>/views/, use templates/ and templates/bundles/<BundleName>/ instead.


  • The symfony/translation dependency has been removed - run composer require symfony/translation if you need the component
  • The checkMX and checkHost options of the Email constraint are deprecated
  • The component is now decoupled from symfony/translation and uses Symfony\Contracts\Translation\TranslatorInterface instead
  • The ValidatorBuilderInterface has been deprecated and ValidatorBuilder::setTranslator() has been made final
  • Deprecated validating instances of \DateTimeInterface in DateTimeValidator, DateValidator and TimeValidator. Use Type instead or remove the constraint if the underlying model is type hinted to \DateTimeInterface already.
  • Using the Bic, Country, Currency, Language and Locale constraints without symfony/intl is deprecated
  • Using the Email constraint in strict mode without egulias/email-validator is deprecated
  • Using the Expression constraint without symfony/expression-language is deprecated