All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
swift docker test
defaults to using the swift-tools-version specified in Package.swift
swift docker repl
- Print the command to start the swift repl in a containerswift docker vapor
- Run your vapor application in a containerswift docker run
- mirrors swift run commandswift docker build
- mirrors swift buildswift docker build-image
builds a docker image of your package- Extract docker command logic to
protocol for code reuse across commands.
swift docker test --seed-build-foler
- Copy the current .build folder to the container volumeswift docker test --clean
- Delete and re create the .build folder in the container volume
- swift docker test no longer builds an image to run the tests. Instead it:
- uses a bind mount to sync the source code between the host and the container
- create/re-uses a docker volume for the .build folder
- Documentation for docker build