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2024-07-15 |
wildcard, certificate, san certificate, domain validation, redirect, domains, challenge |
{: #faq-for-https}
Have a question about CDN and HTTPS? Review these frequently asked questions, which provide answers to common inquiries. {: shortdesc}
For my CDN, what is the difference between HTTPS with a Wildcard certificate and HTTPS with SAN certificate?
{: #for-my-cdn-what-is-the-difference} {: faq}
With Wildcard certificates, all customers use the same certificate that is deployed on the vendor's CDN networks. The CNAME, including the IBM suffix
, must be used for access to the service. For example,
In the case of SAN certificate, multiple customer domains share a single SAN certificate by adding their domain names into the SAN entries. The service can then be accesses using the hostname, for instance
{: #how-is-domain-validation-with-redirect-accomplished} {: faq}
It depends on your server. The procedure for completing Domain Validation for Apache and Nginx servers can be found on the Completing Domain Control Validation for HTTPS page.
{: #how-long-does-domain-validation-take} {: faq}
Domain Validation normally takes 2 - 4 hours, but it varies depending on the method that is chosen for validation. DV with CNAME validation is the fastest, typically taking under an hour. DV using the Standard and Redirect methods typically take ~4 hours after the challenge has been addressed.
{: #how-long-does-it-take-to-create-and-enable-https-for-my-cdn-with-a-dv-san-certificate} {: faq}
A normal request to enable HTTPS takes an average of 3 - 9 hours, from the initial request to running.
{: #how-long-does-it-take-to-delete-a-cdn-with-a-dv-san-certificate} {: faq}
Deleting your CDN requires that your domain be removed from the certificate on all of the Edge servers. This process can take up to 8 hours to complete.
{: #is-there-any-additional-cost-associated-with-using-a-dv-san-certificate-for-my-cdn} {: faq}
No. DV SAN certificate configurations are provided to you at no additional charge that is compared with HTTP or HTTPS with a Wildcard certificate.
{: #can-my-cdn-created-using-https-with-wildcard-be-updated-to-use-a-dv-san-certificate} {: faq}
No, a wildcard mapping cannot be changed to SAN certificate.
{: #what-is-a-certificate-authority} {: faq}
A certificate authority (CA) is an entity that issues digital certificates.
{: #which-ca-does-ibm-cloud-cdn-service-use-for-issuing-a-dv-san-certificate} {: faq}
IBM Cloud CDN service uses LetsEncrypt certificate authority.
{: #what-ssl-certificates-are-supported-for-ibm-cloud-cdn} {: faq}
The SSL certificates that are supported are Wildcard certificate and Domain Validation (DV) Subject Alternate Name (SAN) certificate. The SAN certificate is shared across multiple customers. IBM Cloud CDN does not support uploading custom certificates.
I received an email asking me to address a Domain Validation challenge that is related to my CDN. What do I do now?
{: #i-received-an-email-asking-me-to-address-a-domain-validation-challenge-related-to-my-cdn} {: faq}
Domain Validation can be addressed in one of three ways: CNAME, Standard, or Direct.
For details on how to address any of these, refer to the Completing Domain Control Validation for HTTPS document.
{: #what-will-happen-if-i-dont-address-the-challenge-for-domain-validation-of-my-cdn} {: faq}
If the mapping's state is in DOMAIN_VALIDATION_PENDING state for more than 48 hours, the mapping creation is cancelled, and the mapping's state will be CREATE_ERROR. And in this state, you can choose to Retry creation or delete the mapping.
{: #does-a-wildcard-certificate-need-to-validate-a-domain-for-my-cdn} {: faq}
No, but you can only use the CNAME to retrieve content from your origin. For example,
{: #i-received-an-email-indicating-that-my-domain-is-not-pointed-to-IBM-CDN-CNAME} {: faq}
This email means that your CDN is not being used. To use the CDN and make the domain(s) active in the certificate(s), you must set the listed CNAME DNS record(s) in your DNS provider system. If you complete this action within 7 days, both HTTP and HTTPS traffic will be restored for your CDN and the CDN will go to RUNNING status. If the CDN is still unused after 7 days, we must permanently disable HTTPS for your CDN domain, to prevent your unused domain from blocking new CDN domain requests to be added to the Shared SAN certificate. HTTP traffic access through the CDN might still be restored later by adding a CNAME record for your domain. For details on how to address this situation, refer to the Completing Domain Control Validation for HTTPS document.
{: #if-i-use-a-san-certificate-type-for-my-cdn-can-i-still-use-the-cname-for-access-to-my-service} {: faq}
No. For the SAN certificate, you can use only the custom domain to access the content from the origin.
{: #are-all-of-my-ibm-cloud-cdn-domains-added-into-one-certificate} {: faq}
Not necessarily. Certificate selection is handled by Akamai to ensure that the certificates are in the most efficient state. Domains are added into different certificates in a well-proportioned manner, so we cannot guarantee that all of your domains are on the same certificate.
Why do I see "wildcard" when I perform a dig
or when I try to access content when my CDN is in Requesting Certificate
, Domain Validation pending
or Deploying Certificate
{: #why-do-i-see-wildcard} {: faq}
During the DV SAN certificate requesting process, the DNS record chain for your CDN is chained to a wildcard certificate, temporarily. Until the process is complete, content temporarily is served through this wildcard certificate. Once the requesting process is complete, the DNS record chain is updated to chain to your CDN's DV SAN certificate.
{: #is-http2-supported} {: faq}
CDNs created with HTTPS protocol support HTTP2 for TLS secured traffic.
Why is the newly created wildcard CDN status CNAME configuration required
if we don't need to set the DNS record to point the domain to IBM CNAME?
{: #wildcard-cname-configuration-needed} {: faq}
For the wildcard CDN, you don't need to set the DNS record to point the domain to IBM CNAME. As you create the CDN, the system creates a new DNS record to point the IBM CNAME (
) to Akamai endpoint (
), and it needs some time to finish the record propagation. The CDN status is shown as CNAME configuration required
until the record is propagated. After the propagation is done, refresh the mapping status by clicking the Get status
button. The CDN status then changes to Running