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2021-12-29 |
Db2onCloud |
{:external: target="_blank" .external} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:important: .important} {:note: .note} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:pre: .pre}
{: #bnr}
{: #br_backup}
For paid plans, encrypted backups of the database are done daily. A daily backup is kept for each of the last 14 days.
All paid plans make use of Cross-Regional IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS), by default, to keep backups offsite. {: important}
Changing the backup time can take upto 2 hours to take effect. {: important}
{: shortdesc}
The following is an example of the manual backup operation in the web console UI:
{: #br_bu_ent_std}
Click Administration in the left menu and select the Backups tab. Click the Run backup button.
{: caption="Figure 1. Selection of the backup option" caption-side="bottom"}
Click Run to run a manual backup.
{: caption="Figure 2. View of Run backup" caption-side="bottom"}
When the backup starts, some features might not be available until the backup is completed.
{: caption="Figure 3. View of the backup initiation" caption-side="bottom"}
After backup completion, a new backup entry in the list of backups appears as a Full (Manual) type. The new backup is in an available state.
{: caption="Figure 4. View of a completed backup" caption-side="bottom"}
{: #br_restore}
All paid plans make use of Cross-Regional IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS), by default, to keep backups offsite. {: important}
For information about point-in-time restores, see Point-in-time restore.
{: #br_eobrestore}
{: #br_eobr_ent_std}
The following is an example of the end-of-backup restore operation in the web console UI:
Click Administration in the left menu and select the Backups tab. Select a backup that you want to restore to end-of-backup and click Restore.
{: caption="Figure 5. View of the selection of the end-of-backup restore option" caption-side="bottom"}
Click Restore to initiate the restore.
{: caption="Figure 6. View of Restore backup" caption-side="bottom"}
An information message appears when restore has started. Some features might not be available until restore is completed.
{: caption="Figure 7. Start of the end-of-backup restore" caption-side="bottom"}
A progress bar indicates the progress of the restore process.
{: caption="Figure 8. Progress of the end-of-backup restore" caption-side="bottom"}
Notifications show a Restore success! message after the restore is completed.
{: caption="Figure 9. Successful completion of end-of-backup restore" caption-side="bottom"}
{: #point-in-time}
{{}} added a point-in-time restore capability for systems in {{}} Public. You can restore to an exact point in time from your backups.
The following are a selected example of screen captures of the point-in-time restore operation in the web console UI:
{: #br_pit_ent_std}
Click Administration in the left menu and select the Backups tab.
Click the down arrow beside the Run backup button. Select Restore (point-in-time).
{: caption="Figure 10. View of the selection of the point-in-time restore option" caption-side="bottom"}
Select a point-in-time date to which you want to restore the database. The point-in-time restore process selects the backup closest to your requested point-in-time date out of the pool of retained backups made during the previous 14 days.
The point-in-time restore process invalidates any of the previously retained backups with dates after the selected point-in-time date because of a resultant divergence in the timeline. {: note}
{: caption="Figure 11. View of date and time selection for point-in-time restore" caption-side="bottom"}
Restoring the database to the selected point in time.
{: caption="Figure 12. View of the point-in-time restore initialization" caption-side="bottom"}
The restore operation completed successfully.
{: caption="Figure 13. View of the successful completion of the restoration" caption-side="bottom"}