copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2022-12-13 |
Db2onCloud |
{:external: target="_blank" .external} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:important: .important} {:note: .note} {:deprecated: .deprecated} {:pre: .pre}
{: #dcw}
IBM Database Conversion Workbench (DCW) is a no-charge plug-in that adds database migration capabilities to IBM Data Studio. You can download both Data Studio and Database Conversion Workbench from the web console.
To assess the compatibility of your database with Db2 and convert the SQL, you can also use the free, light-weight tool called IBM Database Harmony Profiler{:external}. {: shortdesc}
For more information about the Database Conversion Workbench and Database Harmony Profiler, see: IBM Database Conversion Workbench (DCW){:external}.