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2021, 2022
monitoring for code engine, performance metrics, monitor, metrics, requests, pods, application, attributes, jobrun, panic mode

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Monitoring for {{}}

{: #monitor}

Get insight into your {{}} instance. These metrics can help you find bottlenecks or predict possible production problems.

You can use the IBM Cloud® Monitoring service to monitor your {{}} instance. {{}} forwards selected information about your instance to Monitoring so that you can monitor specific metrics such as cpu and memory utilization.

For additional details on platform metrics, please see Platform Metrics Introduction. {: important}

Monitoring metrics are currently available for only Enterprise and Standard plans. Lite plans are currently not supported. {: important}

Set up your {{}} service instance

{: #setup-monitor}

To set up Monitoring for {{}}, you must create a service instance and then enable Platform Metrics in the same region as the {{}} instance that you want to monitor. If you have deployments in more than one region, you must provision Monitoring and enable platform metrics for each region.

To set up {{}},

  1. From the {{}} navigation menu, select Observability.
  2. Select Monitoring.
  3. Either use an existing {{}} service instance or create a new one.
  4. After the instance is ready, enable platform metrics by clicking Configure platform metrics.
  5. Select a region and then a {{}} instance from that region. If you have deployments in more than one region, you must provision {{}} and enable platform metrics for each region.

Accessing your {{}} metrics

{: #access-monitor}

To see your {{}} customer metrics dashboards in {{}}:

  1. From the {{}} navigation menu, select Observability.
  2. Select Monitoring.
  3. Select View {{}} to open the dashboard.

For more information, see {{}} Getting started tutorial.

Metrics available by Service Plan

{: metrics-by-plan} ​

Metric Name
Database Availability Check
Database commits time
Database rollbacks
Disaster recovery Log Gap
High Availability Disaster Recovery Log Gap
Is disaster recovery connected?
Is disaster recovery configured?
Last backup duration in minutes
Log Disk wait
Number of Unique ID statements
Number of rows deleted
Number of rows updated
Numbers of rows inserted
Time since last backup in hours
Total Activities Aborted
Total Activities Completed
Total Activities Rejected
Total Connections
Total number of commits

Database Availability Check

{: #ibm_db2_db_availability_check} ​ ​

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_availability_check
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The current status of the database.
{: caption="Table 1. Database availability check metric" caption-side="top"}

Database commits time

{: #ibm_db2_db_commits_time} ​

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_commits_time
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Indicates the number of applications that are currently connected to the database.
{: caption="Table 2. Database commits time metric" caption-side="top"}

Database rollbacks

{: #ibm_db2_db_rollbacks} ​​

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_rollbacks
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Total number of rollback statements issued by the client application and total number of rollbacks initiated internally by the database manager.
{: caption="Table 3. Database rollback metric" caption-side="top"}

Disaster recovery Log Gap

{: #ibm_db2_dr_log_gap}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_dr_log_gap
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Disaster Recovery Log Gap​.
{: caption="Table 4. Disaster recovery Log Gap metric" caption-side="top"}

High Availability Disaster Recovery Log Gap

{: #ibm_db2_hadr_log_gap}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_hadr_log_gap
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description HADR Log Gap monitor element This element shows the recent average of the gap between the PRIMARY_LOG_POS value and STANDBY_LOG_POS value. The gap is measured in number ofbytes.
{: caption="Table 5. High Availability disaster recovery log gap metric" caption-side="top"}

Is disaster recovery connected?

{: #ibm_db2_is_dr_connected}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_is_dr_connected
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Availability disaster recovery connection status of the database.
{: caption="Table 6. Disaster recovery status metric" caption-side="top"}

Is disaster recovery configured?

{: #ibm_db2_is_dr_configured}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_is_dr_configured
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Is this formation configured with DR.
{: caption="Table 7: Metric metadata" caption-side="top"}

Last backup duration in minutes

{: #ibm_db2_last_backup_duration_minutes}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_last_backup_duration_minutes
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The duration of the last successful backup.
{: caption="Table 8. Last backup time mteric" caption-side="top"}

Log Disk wait

{: #ibm_db2_log_disk_wait}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_log_disk_wait
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The number of times agents have to wait for log data to write to disk.
{: caption="Table 9. Log Disk wait metric" caption-side="top"}

Number of Unique ID statements

{: #ibm_db2_uid_stmts}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_uid_stmts
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The number of UPDATE, INSERT, MERGE and DELETE statements that were executed.
{: caption="Table 10. Number of unique ID statements metric" caption-side="top"}

Number of rows deleted

{: #ibm_db2_rows_deleted}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_rows_deleted
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Total of number of row deletions attempted and total number of rows deleted from the database as a result of internal activity.
{: caption="Table 11. Number of rows deleted metric" caption-side="top"}

Number of rows updated

{: #ibm_db2_rows_updated}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_rows_updated
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Total number of row updates attempted and total number of rows updated from the database as a result of internal activity.
{: caption="Table 12. Number of rows updated metric" caption-side="top"}

Numbers of rows inserted

{: #ibm_db2_rows_inserted}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_rows_inserted
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Total number of row insertions attempted and total number of rows inserted from the database as a result of internal activity.
{: caption="Table 13. Number of rows inserted metric" caption-side="top"}

Time since last backup in hours

{: #ibm_db2_since_last_backup_hours}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_since_last_backup_hours
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The number of hours since there was a last successful backup.
{: caption="Table 14. Time since last backup in hours metric" caption-side="top"}

Total Activities Aborted

{: #ibm_db2_db_act_aborted}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_act_aborted
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The total number of coordinator activities at any nesting level that completed with errors.
{: caption="Table 15. Total activities aborted metric" caption-side="top"}

Total Activities Completed

{: #ibm_db2_db_act_completed}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_act_completed
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The total number of coordinator activities at any nesting level that completed successfully.
{: caption="Table 16. Total activities completed metric" caption-side="top"}

Total Activities Rejected

{: #ibm_db2_db_act_rejected}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_act_rejected
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description The total number of coordinator activities at any nesting level that were rejected instead of being allowed to execute.
{: caption="Table 17. Total activities rejected metric" caption-side="top"}

Total Connections

{: #ibm_db2_total_conn}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_total_conn
Metric Type gauge
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance, Resource
Metric Description Indicates the number of applications that are currently connected to the database.
{: caption="Table 18. Total connections metric" caption-side="top"}

Total number of commits

{: #ibm_db2_db_num_commits}

Metadata Description
Metric Name ibm_db2_db_num_commits
Metric Type counter
Value Type none
Segment By Service instance , Resource
Metric Description Total number of commit statements issued by the client application and the total number of commits initiated internally by the database manager.
{: caption="Table 19. Total number of commits metric" caption-side="top"}

Attributes for Segmentation

{: attributes} ​

Global Attributes

{: global-attributes} ​ The following attributes are available for segmenting all of the metrics listed above ​

Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
Cloud Type ibm_ctype The cloud type is a value of public, dedicated or local
Location ibm_location The location of the monitored resource - this may be a region, data center or global
Resource ibm_resource The database member resource being measured by the service
Scope ibm_scope The scope is the account, organization or space GUID associated with this metric
Service name ibm_service_name Name of the service generating this metric

Additional Attributes

{: additional-attributes} ​ The following attributes are available for segmenting one or more attributes as described in the reference above. Please see the individual metrics for segmentation options. ​

Attribute Attribute Name Attribute Description
Service instance ibm_service_instance The service instance segment identifies the instance the metric is associated with