0.8.2 (2018-11-29)
- ads: prevent scroll on ad destruction in safari (01e7bd4)
0.8.1 (2018-11-26)
- graphql: change token name (AUTH_TOKEN is used internally by now) (f288c04)
0.8.0 (2018-11-26)
- analytics: fix theme and package names for analytics (fd59293)
- settings: switch to production database (7335f0d)
- settings: get settings from Graphcool (9f73df9)
0.7.4 (2018-11-15)
- pwa-template: fixes initial blink caused by a rerender (351a822)
0.7.3 (2018-10-26)
- react: update react and react-dom (a04147b)
- semantic-release: fix repository url in pacakge.json (b7f05ec)
- semantic-release: rollback @semantic-release/github (90cd8db)
- semantic-release: rollback semantic-release version (159245a)
- semantic-release: rollback sr and sr/gh (03f8fca)
- semantic-release: update semantic-release (18b162b)
- semantic-release: update to latest version for security reasons (a0cbc87)
- semantic-release: update travis-deploy-once (41ba46c)
0.7.2 (2018-10-24)
- ad: add throttle to LazyUnload (2839af4)
- ad: fix hydration warning (1b3aff1)
- ad: fix webpack loaders (e1e7c58)
- error-boundary: create ErrorBoundary and use it in App (1602023)
- error-boundary: do not use state (231ce76)
- esmodules: fixes imports in server side [WIP] (ba09f4b)
- imports: temporarily prevent export warning from happening [WIP] (623e788)
- lazyload: updates @frontity/lazyload to next version (0d6e43f)
- lazyload: updates lazyload (13786f9)
- lodash: removes lodash-es and installs lodash (f84336e)
- npm: update @frontity/lazyload package (71222d7)
- npm: update @frontity/lazyload version (2d5e3ea)
- package.json: update react-universal-component (1b1c0bb)
- script: add script tag in runtime (0d62902)
- webpack: adds cacheDirectory and compact options to babel-loader (cd8b921)
- webpack: fix raw imports (1910d0b)
- webpack: fix webpack merge [WIP] (990fdbf)
- webpack: fixes tree shaking with lodash (3a874a7)
- webpack: fixes warnings when transpiling node_modules (5491229)
- webpack: migrates to lodash-es and fixes tree shaking (dbbbcb6)
- webpack: update react-hot-loader (4960595)
0.7.1 (2018-10-02)
- iframes: fix stlyes for custom iframe (e4a1aae)
- mst: update mobx-state-tree and change mobx version to 4.5 (ee69663)
0.7.0 (2018-09-26)
- amp: replace styled-components tag to be AMP compliant (46d0ef0)
- amp: use amp-custom only in AMP (6dad508)
- env: use requestAnimationFrame when reading from innerText (11e08e5)
- styled-components: fixes error of several instances with an update (8393862)
- mst: update mobx-state-tree [WIP] (932cc99)
0.6.7 (2018-08-28)
- google-analytics: remove try-catch when getting trackingOptions (db09b26)
0.6.6 (2018-08-17)
- ads: removes unnecessary column prop in SmartAd ([78214d8] (https://github.com/frontity/frontity/commit/78214d8))
0.6.5 (2018-08-16)
- ads: removes sunmedia ads in AMP (96dbb2c)
0.6.4 (2018-07-20)
- pwa template: don't rely on window load to launch our scripts (0abc030)
0.6.3 (2018-07-18)
- one-signal: fix bug enabling notifications (38a8a92)
0.6.2 (2018-07-18)
0.6.1 (2018-07-17)
0.6.0 (2018-07-17)
- ads: fixes sunmedia ad styles (2c1bd31)
- amp: add client.js (a259a72)
- amp: fix amp components (247e5c6)
- analytics: fix error when no analytics settings in amp (0ac585d)
- analytics: fixes error when no analytics settings are available (7c70b6a)
- analytics: get the first title from entity again (c2b0cfa)
- analytics: get title from head.title for the first page view (3cefc58)
- analytics: replace flows with afterCsr and remove helpers (05618ab)
- build: build now assigns the initialUrl to the right prop (e028273)
- client: allow initialSelectedItem's id to be a string or a number (87ab97e)
- google-analytics: get custom dimensions in amp format (810b977)
- google-analytics: remove trackerNames from props (854896c)
- google-tag-manager: fix containerIds view (ba849f2)
- iframe: changes styles in custom iframes (7091d2f)
- smart-ad: remove console.logs (1867013)
- stores: fix stores and tests (0a03a75)
- flows: removes support for flows (5a1d668)
- google-analytics: add actions to set amp vars and triggers (dcd4450)
- stores: adds support for beforeSSR and afterCSR hooks (2e888bf)
- recompose: update recompose to v0.27 to avoid React 16.3 warnings (bd4d37a)
- flows: removes support for flows
0.5.19 (2018-07-03)
- ads: fixes sunmedia ads using slot and fills (c606bee)