- Fix: Make sure failed funds are properly re-processed when trying again.
- Fix: If no rewards are added before saving/previewing allow them to be added when viewing again.
- Fix: Make sure quantity is always set when creating preapproval logs.
- Fix: Account for longer decimals if filtered via EDD
- Fix: Properly set "bought" count to 0 on all pledge levels on new submissions.
- Fix: Remove default EDD stats box to avoid confusion.
- Fix: Make sure Campaign data can properly be deleted when edited.
- New: Single payment processing for PayPal Adaptive Payments, Stripe, and WePay.
- New: Automatic payment processing (in batches) when a campaign is complete.
- Fix: Make sure all data is properly stored/saved when previewing/editing.
- Fix: Translation fixes.
- Tweaks: Various improvements and language updates.
- Fix: Make sure the install script is properly run on activation.
- Fix: Avoid activation of EDD is not active.
- Fix: Add filter to backer retrieval.
- Fix: Round default length.
- Fix: Various submission tweaks.
- Tweaks: Various improvements and language updates.
- Fix: Better payment tracking when pledging multiple times, deleting, etc.
- Fix: More consistent dates when editing/submitting/updating.
- Fix: Don't 404 when only the name is filled out when submitting a campaign.
- Fix: Go back to clearing the cart when viewing a new pledge.
- Fix: Make sure all data is exported via CSV.
- Fix: Always make sure the goal is an integer to avoid errors.
- Fix: When there are more than 11 pledge levels, make sure they can properly be selected.
- Fix: Add the Terms of Service back to the submission process.
- Tweaks: Various improvements and language updates.
- Fix: Make sure translations are properly loaded.
- Fix: Make sure the goal on frontend and backend is always numeric when saved/output.
- Fix: Don't show blank contributions on the profile page.
- Fix: Proper default length when creating a campaign on the frontend.
- Fix: Valid markup for multicheck items. Props @Studio164a.
- Tweaks: Remove upgrade warning/blocker when activating/upgrading.
- New: Major: Submission process completely rewritten. Now much easier to include extra fields, rearrange fields, etc.
- Tweaks: Update language files, various other fixes.
- New: Filter added to set minimum amount on donations.
- New: If donations only, have input blank by default.
- Fix: Make sure formatCurrency script is always loaded when needed.
- Fix: Make sure a default donation reward is added automatically in the backend.
- Fix: If a campaign expires, then the date is set to the future, remove expired flag.
- Fix: Avoid duplicate function error when upgrading.
- New: MAJOR: File changes/organization
- New: MAJOR: Custom pledge amounts have been removed from the theme, and added to the plugin. More
- New: Support for multiple rewards of the same amount.
- New: Campaign authors are now emailed when a campaign is completed.
- Fix: Campaign length now respects initial length after publishing.
- Fix: All users should be able to select terms when submitting a campaign.
- Tweaks: Update language files, various other fixes.
- New: Themes can define support for tags and categories (they will not show if no support is declared).
- New: Ability to select multiple categories.
- New: Less strict payment processing. Allow for continuous reprocessing until all current payments are published.
- New: Ability to filter columns of exported data.
- New: Reinstate campaigns to allow for new funds to be pledged.
- New: Ability to have just custom pledge amounts, and no rewards.
- Fix: Better media permissions. Allow all users to upload, and only view their uploads.
- Fix: Don't empty the cart to avoid the "empty cart bug", and allow for multiple pledges.
- Tweaks: Update language files, various other fixes.
- Fix: Bug with account creation / secure password error fixed.
- New: Show contributions in user dashboard shortcode.
- New: Add the option to fund forever (no end date).
- Fix: Better redirection after login.
- Fix: Show draft campaigns in user dashboard shortcode.
- Fix: Better editing/saving of campaigns. Avoid losing data.
- Fix: Alert the user if their username is already in use.
- Fix: Avoid undefined indexes when adding to cart which prevented some browsers from adding to cart.
- Fix: Always show terms of service when previewing/editing.
- Fix: Spelling errors.
- Tweaks: Update language files.
New: Themes must declare support for certain features: campaign-edit, campaign-featured-image, campaign-video, campaign-widget.
New: Preview and update campaigns before submitting for review.
New: Edit reward levels that haven't been pledged once a campaign has started.
New: Set limits and track pledges/campaigns when using PayPal Adaptive Payments to avoid breaking TOS.
New: Support for embeddable campaign widgets (provided by theme via campaign-widget.php).
New: Tracking of failed payment collection, with the ability to try to reprocess.
New: 'Donation' funding type when no preapproval gateway is enabled.
Fix: Remove single price option from WordPress admin panel to avoid confusion.
Fix: Automatically set an end date when creating a campaign via the admin panel to avoid confusion.
Fix: Don't increase backer count when in test mode and test mode logging isn't enabled.
Tweak: Remove file download fields from frontend form submission.
Tweak: Don't show funding types if only one type is enabled.
Note: If using PayPal Adaptive Payments extension, it must be upgraded to the latest version.
- New: Allow for anonymous backers. Theme's need to add this functionality, as all information is still collected.
- Fix: Don't check day count for expired campaigns, use seconds instead (and correct timezone)
- Fix: Only track a "bought" pledge level when payment is moved from pending.
- Fix: Properly collect PayPal funds.
- Fix: More granular checking if a preapproval-supported gateway is being used.
- Fix: Remove error when viewing comments in WordPress admin.
- Fix: Better goal sanitization to prevent being reset to 0.
- Fix: Track when the project has manually been closed (theme still needs to display this value).
- Fix: Don't try to load things before we have a chance to check if EDD is active to avoid errors.
- New: Gateway agnostic. Now supports collection via multiple preapproval gateways (like Stripe!)
- Fix: Export not always working.
- Fix: Don't show the Collect Funds button once funds have been collected.
- Fix: Browse by category now works again.
- Fix: Add shortcode descriptions to settings page.
- Fix: Use atcf_get_campaign() instead of accessing class directly.
- Fix: Send correct password on user registration.
- Fix: Don't output login form on submit page, but redirect to set login page instead.
- New: Ability to require authentication (registration/login) before submitting a campaign.
- New: Login and Register shortcodes can be placed on any page.
- Fix: Don't show collect funds button once they have already been collected.
- Fix: Limit cart to one pledge per checkout to avoid errors.
- Fix: Show all qualified campaigns on Export CSV section.
- Fix: Don't limit the number of backers to 20 (in terms of count, output, etc).
- Fix: Extra hooks in profile shortcode for better themeability.
- Fix: Update language of "Fixed vs Flexible" to "All-or-nothing vs Flexible" as well as better descriptors.
- Fix: Add Terms & Conditions to submission shortcode if they exist on EDD.
- Fix: Use display name on profile instead of nicename to avoid breaking author archive permalinks.
- Fix: Logged in users can now upload media when adding a campaign via the frontend.
- New: Set a limit on number of times a pledge amount can be purchased.
- New: Separate area for adding updates to a campaign during it's running.
- New: Site administrators can choose which funding types are available.
- New: Shipping becomes optional. Can toggle when submitting via frontend/backend.
- New: More social fields in profile on campaign page, and author page.
- New: Can set minimum and maximum campaign length in settings.
- Fix: Properly set category when using the frontend submission form.
- Fix: Only show the users campaigns using profile shortcode.
- New: [appthemer_crowdfunding_profile] Shortcode to allow users to edit their profile, and see their campaigns.
- New: Users can submit multiple campaigns without creating multiple accounts.
- New: Export campaign data of completed campaigns.
- New: Request payout of campaign.
- New: Funding types -- Fixed (default) or flexible funding. Allow a higher commission to be set on flexible funding.
- New: Settings to specify the page that contains the frontend submission shortcode, as well as an FAQ page.
- Fix: Some more backward compatibility stuff for DateTime functionality on hosts running PHP < 5.3
- Fix: When adding rewards via frontend, make sure blank fields are added in the correct spot.
- Fix: Always show backer rewards in ascending price order, no matter how they are entered.
- Fix: Don't use getTimestamp() method on DateTime (not supported in 5.2) -- format() instead.
- New: Added french translation to plugin.
- New: Create a user account on campaign submission. This allows campaign authors to edit their campaigns
- New: jQuery validate frontend submission before server validation.
- New: Collect a contact email separate from PayPal for contacting the campaign author
- Fix: Don't kill the frontend form submission when there are no errors.
- Fix: Save campaign author/organization on frontend form submission.
- Fix: Properly save preview image and/or video on frontend form submission.
- Release with Fundify theme.
- Fix: Better theme support. Check for some EDD templates, as well as standard WordPress files.
- Fix: Actually collect funds!
- Fix: Better errors when submitting a campaign, or collecting funds.
- New: If PayPal Adaptive Payments is not active, track normal payments.
- New: Themes without explicit support will output default EDD variable pricing.
- Fix: Better loading of exports.
- Fix: Shipping fixes, backers, etc.
- Fix: Load backers at the correct time.
- Fix: Count amount based on pre-approval, not total earnings.
- New: Don't activate if EDD is not active.
- New: Text filters.
- New: Update readme.txt
- First official alpha release!