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Platform Project Development

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Imagine that you can just start complex environments for your team members with just couple of commands and with predefined setup. If someone messes up the configuration then just restart and everythings is fine.

So in short the platform command is a development tool for managing and running single projects or tightly coupled projects via container environment. In a long run aims to be kind of swiss army knife for configuring different like development environments.

With this tool you can configure container with single yaml file and you get configured development environment running instantly. Host files can be mounted inside where you want so you see live changes in your environment or you can override configuration to spesific needs without touching the original code coming from code repository. Everything is configurable what is happening inside containers.

Of course everyhing what this tool does can be done using basic shell commands and wizardry, but in the long run it will be cumbersome when handling multiple projects and more if there are some how related to each other.

Similar projects which you may want to look at:


  • Auto configuring DNS server [1]
  • Auto configuring HTTP proxy server [2]
  • Generation and usage of SSL RSA keys
  • Generation and usage of SSH authentication keys
  • Start/stop projects with project specific configuration
  • Support for basic containers and more cumbersome systemd containers
  • Creating/mounting/overriding files inside project container


$ platform ssl genrsa
$ platform ssh keygen
$ platform create
$ platform --environment my-projects.yml run|start|stop|rm
$ platform --project=butterfly-project/ run|start|stop|rm
$ platform destroy

Installation and Setup

$ zef install Platform
$ platform create

Now add as your DNS server to use platform's DNS server e.g

$ vim /etc/resolv.conf

Note: Project's DNS name is constructed from folder name and domain which defaults to .local and can be changed from command line <project-folder-name>.<tld> e.g. project-butterfly.local

Example project setup

Everything and more is seen in test files under t/ directory, but here is simple example how to get started. Currently only docker containers are supported, but nothing prevents adding different container systems (or virtual machines).

  1. Create Dockerfile under project dir if you don't already have


    FROM nginx:alpine
  2. Create project.yml file


    command: nginx -g 'daemon off;'
        - html:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro
  3. Create index.html file to show off


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <head><title>Project Butterfly 🦋 </title></head>
    <h2>Welcome to Project Butterfly 🦋 </h2>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc in libero dui. Curabitur eget iaculis ex. Nam pellentesque euismod augue, quis porttitor massa facilisis sit amet. Nulla a diam tempus augue pharetra congue.</p>
  4. Start platform services. This is done only once, because these services are shared between containers

    $ platform create

  5. Start project

    $ platform --project=project-butterfly/ run

  6. See what you've gained here. Open browser to your project address


    OR if you have configured platform DNS server to your host then you can use DNS names


Advanced setup

When you have tightly coupled projects you may want configure those "single" projects to somekind of shared environment, and then platform tool's environment support kicks in. Steps are:

  1. You have already configured your projects with project.yml file

  2. Create your environment file e.g my-environment.yml

    # First project. No changes to project configuration just start the project.
    project-butterfly: true
    # Second project. Make changes to project default configuration
          volume: true
          readonly: true
          content: |
            $hello = "こんにちは!";
  3. Start platform services if not yet started

    $ platform create

  4. Start your environment

    $ platform --environment=my-environment.yml run

  5. Open projects in a browser

Using on Linux OS

Using on Mac OS


Latest perl 6

Go to and follow the installation instructions

$ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2017.01 built on MoarVM version 2017.01
implementing Perl 6.c.

Docker 17 or newer

Go to and follow the installation instructions

docker -v
Docker version 17.03.1-ce, build c6d412e

Install platform tool

$ zef install Platform
$ platform
  platform [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] create -- Start shared platform services
  platform [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] destroy -- Shutdown shared platform services
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] run -- Initialize and run single project
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] start -- Start suspended project
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] stop -- Stop running project
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] rm -- Remove stopped project
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] run -- Initialize and run environment
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] start -- Start suspended environment
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] stop -- Stop running environment
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] rm -- Remove stopped environment
  platform [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] ssl genrsa -- Generation of RSA Private Key
  platform [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] ssh keygen -- Generation of authentication keys

Platform services

This can take a while, because of fetching container files from docker hub.

$ platform create
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                         NAMES
9af9923ebb11        jwilder/nginx-proxy      "/app/docker-entry..."   26 seconds ago       Up 24 seconds>80/tcp, 443/tcp   platform-proxy
6059d2c36f59        zetaron/docker-dns-gen   "entrypoint generate"    About a minute ago   Up About a minute>53/udp            platform-dns

Running environments

TODO: Make environment example under examples/

Attaching to inside containers

TODO: Example usages how to attach and how check that dns resolves correctly

DNS configuration

Create own DNS resolver for *.localhost addresses:

sudo sh -c 'echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolver/localhost'

Using on Windows OS


Note: It seems that its better to use PowerShell for running these console commands.

Get the latest perl 6

Go to and follow the installation instructions

$ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2017.04.3 built on MoarVM version 2017.04-53-g66c6dda
implementing Perl 6.c.

Install Git for Windows

Download and install Docker Toolbox

You'll need docker toolbox especially for Windows Home, because it is missing HyperV. Toolbox uses Oracle's VirtualBox which is perfectly fine for us.

Go to and follow the installation instructions

docker -v
Docker version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be

Install platform tool

$ zef install Platform
$ platform
  platform [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] create -- Start shared platform services
  platform [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] destroy -- Shutdown shared platform services
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] run -- Initialize and run single project
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] start -- Start suspended project
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] stop -- Stop running project
  platform [--project=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] rm -- Remove stopped project
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--network=<Str>] [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] run -- Initialize and run environment
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] start -- Start suspended environment
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] stop -- Stop running environment
  platform [--environment=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] rm -- Remove stopped environment
  platform [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] ssl genrsa -- Generation of RSA Private Key
  platform [--domain=<Str>] [--data-path=<Str>] ssh keygen -- Generation of authentication keys

Platform services

This can take a while, because of fetching container files from docker hub.

$ platform create
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
fabe43bf44bf        jwilder/nginx-proxy      "/app/docker-entry..."   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>80/tcp   platform-proxy
6a8d7a645967        zetaron/docker-dns-gen   "entrypoint generate"    5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>53/udp   platform-dns-out
35241df24a3f        zetaron/docker-dns-gen   "entrypoint generate"    5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes        53/udp               platform-dns-in

Running environments

TODO: Make environment example under examples/

Attaching to inside containers

TODO: Example usages how to attach and how check that dns resolves correctly

DNS configuration

NOTE: You may have to disable IPV6

Addresses won't work out of the box so we have to circumvent little bit. Set up port forwarding on VirtualBox side from localhost to virtual machine.

  • Go to VirtualBox -> Your BOX -> Settings -> Network ->
  • Choose NAT
  • Open Advanced
  • Click Port Forwarding
  • Add rule for DNS 53/UDP from
  • Add rule for HTTP 80/TCP from
  • Click OK, OK

Set up your network connection to use address as DNS server. Test DNS resolving with ´nslookup´ and ´ping´ commands:

  • nslookup
  • ping
  • nslookup proxy.localhost (should resolve to
  • ping proxy.localhost (should ping to



General todo and known issues

  • General: Add git clone .. function on environment files for easy start
  • General: No feedback on e.g. build phase when it can take a long time on fetching things
  • macOS: There is no bridge between host and containers. This can help
  • macOS: If not bridging the networks you'll need local DNS server to point default *.localhost address to (brew install dnsmasq and so on)
  • Windows: Ability to make port forwardings and settings through platform


  • Use --domain=whateveryouwant option on commandline to have different TLD on DNS names so can group/differentiate your environments more easily


  1. zetaron/docker-dns-gen
  2. jwilder/docker-gen