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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/Writerside/topics/External-access.md
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+# External access
+In its initial state Knight Crawler will only work on the machine that you host it on, and will not be accessible on
+your local network or from the internet. This is a Stremio
+limitation ([read Stremio's stance here](https://github.com/Stremio/stremio-features/issues/687)) and is beyond our
+control. We provide a guide
+how to make Knight Crawler accessible from your local network or the internet [here]().
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--- a/docs/Writerside/topics/Getting-started.md
+++ b/docs/Writerside/topics/Getting-started.md
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
# Getting started
-Knight Crawler is provided as an all-in-one solution. This means that you can get started with very little setup.
-In its initial state Knight Crawler will only work on the machine that you host it on, and will not be accessible on
-your local network or from the internet. This is a Stremio
-limitation ([read Stremio's stance here](https://github.com/Stremio/stremio-features/issues/687)) and is beyond our
-control. We provide a guide
-how to make Knight Crawler accessible from your local network or the internet [here]().
+Knight Crawler is provided as an all-in-one solution. This means we include all the necessary software you need to get started
+out of the box.
## Before you start
@@ -16,3 +11,171 @@ Make sure that you have:
- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) and [Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/) installed
- A [GitHub](https://github.com/) account _(optional)_
+## Download the files
+Installing Knight Crawler is as simple as downloading a copy of the [deployment directory](https://github.com/Gabisonfire/knightcrawler/tree/master/deployment/docker).
+A basic installation requires only two files:
+- deployment/docker/.env.example
+- deployment/docker/docker-compose.yaml.
+> Knight Crawler will only be accessible on the machine you run it on, to make it accessible from other machines navigate to [External access](External-access.md).
+For this guide I will be placing them in a directory on my home drive ~/knightcrawler.
+Rename the .env.example file to be .env
+└── knightcrawler/
+ ├── .env
+ └── docker-compose.yaml
+## Initial configuration
+Below are a few recommended configuration changes.
+Open the .env file in your favourite editor.
+> If you are using an external database, configure it in the .env file. Don't forget to disable the ones
+> included in the docker-compose.yaml.
+### Database credentials
+It is strongly recommended that you change the credentials for the databases included with Knight Crawler. This is best done
+before running Knight Crawler for the first time. It is much harder to change the passwords once the services have been started
+for the first time.
+Here's a few options on generating a secure password:
+# Linux
+tr -cd '[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 64 | head -n 1
+# Or you could use openssl
+openssl rand -hex 32
+# Python
+import secrets
+### Your time zone
+A list of time zones can be found on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones)
+### Consumers
+These are totally subjective to your machine and network capacity. The above default is pretty minimal and will work on
+most machines.
+`JOB_CONCURRENCY` is how many films and tv shows the consumers should process at once. As this affects every consumer
+this will likely cause exponential
+strain on your system. It's probably best to leave this at 5, but you can try experimenting with it if you wish.
+`MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_TORRENT` is how many peers the consumer will attempt to connect to when it is trying to collect
+Increasing this value can speed up processing, but you will eventually reach a point where more connections are being
+made than
+your router can handle. This will then cause a cascading fail where your internet stops working. If you are going to
+increase this value
+then try increasing it by 10 at a time.
+> Increasing this value increases the max connections for every parallel job, for every consumer. For example
+> with the default values above this means that Knight Crawler will be on average making `(5 x 3) x 10 = 150`
+> connections at any one time.
+`CONSUMER_REPLICAS` is how many consumers should be initially started. This is best kept below 10 as GitHub rate limit
+how fast we can access a list of torrent trackers. You can increase or decrease the number of consumers whilst the service is running by running the command `docker compose up --scale consumer=`. This value is best increased by 5 at a time. Repeat this process until you have reached the desired level of consumers.
+### GitHub personal access token
+This step is optional but strongly recommended. [Debrid Media Manager](https://debridmediamanager.com/start) is a media library manager
+for Debrid services. When a user of this service chooses to export/share their library publicly it is saved to a public GitHub repository.
+This is, essentially, a repository containing a vast amount of ready to go films and tv shows. Knight Crawler comes with the ability to
+read these exported lists, but it requires a GitHub account to make it work.
+Knight Crawler needs a personal access token with read-only access to public repositories. This means we can not access any private
+repositories you have.
+1. Navigate to GitHub settings ([GitHub token settings](https://github.com/settings/tokens?type=beta)):
+ - Navigate to `GitHub settings`.
+ - Click on `Developer Settings`.
+ - Select `Personal access tokens`.
+ - Choose `Fine-grained tokens`.
+2. Press `Generate new token`.
+3. Fill out the form with the following information:
+ ```Generic
+ Token name:
+ KnightCrawler
+ Expiration:
+ 90 days
+ Description:
+ Respository access:
+ (checked) Public Repositories (read-only)
+ ```
+4. Click `Generate token`.
+5. Take the new token and add it to the bottom of the .env file:
+ ```Bash
+ # Producer
+ ```
+## Start Knight Crawler
+To start Knight Crawler use the following command:
+docker compose up -d
+Then we can follow the logs to watch it start:
+docker compose logs -f --since 1m
+To stop following the logs press Ctrl+C at any time.
+The Knight Crawler configuration page should now be accessible in your web browser at [http://localhost:7000](http://localhost:7000)
+## Stop Knight Crawler
+Knight Crawler can be stopped with the following command:
+docker compose down
diff --git a/docs/Writerside/topics/Run-Knight-Crawler.md b/docs/Writerside/topics/Run-Knight-Crawler.md
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--- a/docs/Writerside/topics/Run-Knight-Crawler.md
+++ /dev/null
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-# Run Knight Crawler
-To run Knight Crawler you need two files, both can be found in
-the [deployment/docker](https://github.com/Gabisonfire/knightcrawler/tree/master/deployment/docker)
-directory on GitHub:
-- deployment/docker/.env.example
-- deployment/docker/docker-compose.yaml.
-For this guide I will be placing them in a directory on my home drive ~/knightcrawler.
-Rename the .env.example file to be .env
-└── knightcrawler/
- ├── .env
- └── docker-compose.yaml
-## Configuration
-Before we start the services, we need to change a few things in the .env file.
-> If you are using an external database, configure it in the .env file. Don't forget to disable the ones
-> included in the docker-compose.yaml.
-### Your time zone
-> A list of time zones can be found on [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones)
-### Consumers
-These are totally subjective to your machine and network capacity. The above default is pretty minimal and will work on
-most machines.
-`JOB_CONCURRENCY` is how many films and tv shows the consumers should process at once. As this affects every consumer
-this will likely cause exponential
-strain on your system. It's probably best to leave this at 5, but you can try experimenting with it if you wish.
-`MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_TORRENT` is how many peers the consumer will attempt to connect to when it is trying to collect
-Increasing this value can speed up processing, but you will eventually reach a point where more connections are being
-made than
-your router can handle. This will then cause a cascading fail where your internet stops working. If you are going to
-increase this value
-then try increasing it by 10 at a time.
-> Increasing this value increases the max connections for every parallel job, for every consumer. For example
-> with the default values above this means that Knight Crawler will be on average making `(5 x 3) x 10 = 150`
-> connections at any one time.
-`CONSUMER_REPLICAS` is how many consumers should be initially started. This is best kept below 10 as GitHub rate limit
-how fast we can access a list of torrent trackers. You can increase or decrease the number of consumers whilst the service is running by running the command `docker compose up --scale consumer=`. This value is best increased by 5 at a time. Repeat this process until you have reached the desired level of consumers.
-### GitHub personal access token