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Setup KubeVela and deliver your first app

VelaD can help you set up KubeVela on your computer. In this article will focus on several points

  1. Install VelaD
  2. Use VelaD to setup KubeVela
  3. Install VelaUX
  4. Deliver your first app

Install VelaD

This is quite easy. Depends on your system, run one of scripts below.

  • Linux/macOS
curl -fsSl | bash 
  • Windows
powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"

After install, you can run velad version to check velad CLI installed

velad version
Core Version: v1.4.0
VelaD Version: v1.4.0

Use VelaD to setup KubeVela

All you need is run velad install, that will help you do things below:

  1. start a cluster which needed by KubeVela
  2. install KubeVela in cluster
  3. install vela CLI on the machine
  4. place VelaUX(a web panel addon)resources
velad install
INFO[0000] portmapping '8080:80' targets the loadbalancer: defaulting to [servers:*:proxy agents:*:proxy] 
Preparing K3s images...
...(omit for brevity)

KubeVela control plane has been successfully set up on your cluster.
If you want to enable dashboard, please run "vela addon enable /Users/qiaozp/.vela/addons/velaux"

Keep the token below if you want to restart the control plane
K103585b6be41cc4160c795036d769b1aa2c249a8f046707ab0210c56dcc05e8957::server:kOcAPpOXfVfBbrMBinan..(omit for brevity)

🚀  Successfully install KubeVela control plane
💻  When using gateway trait, you can access with
🔭  See available commands with `vela help`

Note: later we'll use gateway trait. Remember we can use to access application with gateway trait.

Now you have KubeVela available in this computer. To verify install result, check if tools and resources ready, run velad status

velad status
Checking cluster status...
K3d images status:
 ✔ image rancher/k3d-tools:5.2.2 ready
 ✔ image rancher/k3d-proxy:5.2.2 ready
 ✔ image rancher/k3s:v1.21.10-k3s1 ready
Cluster(K3d) status:
 ✔ cluster [default] ready
  ✔ kubevela status: deployed
Checking KubeVela status...
Vela status:
 ✔ Vela CLI installed
 ✔ Vela CLI path: /usr/local/bin/vela
 ✔ VelaUX addon dir ready
 ✔ VelaUX addon dir path: /Users/qiaozp/.vela/addons/velaux

You could use vela CLI now. try check all available component types. Later we'll use webservice type component when deploying first app

# optional because `velad install` create default cluster
export KUBECONFIG=$(velad kubeconfig --host)
vela comp


NAME                    DEFINITION
cron-task               cronjobs.batch
task                    jobs.batch
worker                  deployments.apps
webservice              deployments.apps

Install VelaUX

VelaUX is a dashboard including UI+API services, it enables you to do everything around application delivery and management. VelaUX isn't required for KubeVela, but it is an excellent entry to get started.

VelaD has prepared all VelaUX resources (images, addon manifests) for you. Just like it hints when velad install, you can enable VelaUX by:

vela addon enable /Users/<user>/.vela/addons/velaux

Here, you have to replace with your own username. After about half a minutes, you will see the output:

Initialized admin username and password: admin / VelaUX12345
To open the dashboard directly by port-forward:
    vela port-forward -n vela-system addon-velaux 9082:80
Select "Cluster: local | Namespace: vela-system | Kind: Service | Name: velaux" from the prompt.
Please refer to for more VelaUX addon installation and visiting method.

The default username and password is: admin / VelaUX12345.

Do as the output says, port-forward velaux and choose "Cluster: local | Namespace: vela-system | Kind: Service | Name: velaux"

vela port-forward -n vela-system addon-velaux 9082:80
? You have 4 deployed resources in your app. Please choose one: Cluster: local | Namespace: vela-system | Kind: Service | Name: velaux
Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:9082 -> 80

You will see dashboard opened automatically. Use admin and password just got to log in and you'll see:

🎉 Congrats! You have successfully installed VelaUX.

Deliver your first app

Now we'll use VelaUX to deliver your first app, just a Nginx for example. Notice that this example may be simple. However, you can use the same pattern to deliver more complicated app depends on your stack.

  1. Click the New Application in top-right of window.
  2. Input first-app for Name and choose Default(default) for Bind Environments. Click Next Step.


  1. Input nginx for Container Image. Click Create


  1. Click first-app in components panel


  1. Click the plus button in Traits panel. we'll add a gateway trait, so we can access it from localhost


  1. In the detail form, first choose gateway in Type. Arguments will show below. Then fill two arguments
  • Change Class to traefik to use Traefik packed with VelaD.
  • Add a route rule from / to 80, which we'll use localhost:port without sub-path to access port 80 inside.

Click the Create to add gateway trait to this app.


  1. Finally, we can click the Deploy button in the right-top of window. This will launch app to K8s Cluster where KubeVela runs.

After seven steps. You can check the application healthiness in Default tab. When it is running, we can access it with That was mentioned when velad install.



After follow this blog, you have known how to use VelaD to deploy KubeVela, VelaUX, and deploy application using VelaUX.

VelaD have more capabilities when getting hands on KubeVela.