This is a web tool for Phishpedia which provides a user-friendly interface with brand and domain management capabilities, as well as visualization features for phishing detection.
Before using, make sure all necessary dependencies are installed:
~Phishpedia$ cd WEBtool
~Phishpedia/WEBtool$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following command in the web tool directory:
~Phishpedia/WEBtool$ export PYTHONPATH=..
~Phishpedia/WEBtool$ python
you should see an URL after the server is started ( Visit it in your browser.
- URL Detection
- Enter the URL to be tested in the "Enter URL" input box
- Click the "Upload Image" button to select the corresponding website screenshot
- Click the "Start Detection!" button to start detection
- Detection results will be displayed below, including text results and visual presentation
- Result Display
- The original image with logo extracted will be displayed in the "Logo Extraction" box
- Detection results will be displayed in the "Detection Result" box, together with a synthetic explanation
- You can clearly see the detected brand identifiers and related information
Click the sidebar button "☰" at top right corner, this will trigger a sidebar showing database at backend.
- Brand Management
- Click "Add Brand" to add a new brand
- Enter brand name and corresponding domains in the form
- Click one brand to select, and click "Delete Brand" to remove the selected brand
- Double-click one brand to see the logo under this brand
- Logo Management
- Click one brand to select, and click "Add Logo" to add brand logos
- Click one logo to select, and click "Delete Logo" to remove selected logo
- Data Update
- After making changes, click the "Reload Model" button
- The system will reload the updated dataset
Phishing Detection
- URL input and detection
- Screenshot upload and analysis
- Detection result visualization
Brand Management
- Add/Delete brands
- Add/Delete brand logos
- Domain management
- Model reloading
├── static/ # Static resources like css,icon
├── templates/ # Web page
├── # A flask server
├── # Help functions for server
├── # Documentation
└── requirements.txt # Dependency list