id | title | sidebar_label |
gettingstarted |
Setting Up Litmus |
Getting Started |
Clone the Litmus Github repository & run the interactive pre-requisites bash script
Provide the absolute path of the cluster config (kubeconfig) file
The script performs the following tasks:
- Creates a dedicated namespace for execution of test containers
- Creates a service account and sets up RBAC policy, in order to interact with the kube-apiserver from within the test container
- Installs the custom resource definition for the litmus results CR
- Creates config map of the cluster config which is mounted to the test/logger pods
git clone
cd litmus/hack
Provide the KUBECONFIG path: [default=/home/ubuntu/.kube/config]
Selected kubeconfig file: /home/ubuntu/.kube/config
Applying the litmus RBAC..
namespace "litmus" created
serviceaccount "litmus" created "litmus" created "litmus" configured "" created
Creating configmap..
configmap "kubeconfig" created