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Kafka Broker Pod Failure Experiment Details
Broker Pod Failure

Experiment Metadata

Type Description Kafka Distribution Tested K8s Platform
Kafka Fail kafka leader-broker pods Confluent, Kudo-Kafka AWS Konvoy, GKE, EKS


  • Ensure that the Litmus Chaos Operator is running by executing kubectl get pods in operator namespace (typically, litmus). If not, install from here

  • Ensure that the kafka-broker-pod-failure experiment resource is available in the cluster by executing kubectl get chaosexperiments in the desired namespace. If not, install from here

  • Ensure that Kafka & Zookeeper are deployed as Statefulsets

  • If Confluent/Kudo Operators have been used to deploy Kafka, note the instance name, which will be used as the value of KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME experiment environment variable

    • In case of Confluent, specified by the --name flag
    • In case of Kudo, specified by the --instance flag

    Zookeeper uses this to construct a path in which kafka cluster data is stored.

  • Ensure that the kafka-broker-disk failure experiment resource is available in the cluster. If not, install from here

Entry Criteria

  • Kafka Cluster (comprising the Kafka-broker & Zookeeper Statefulsets) is healthy

Exit Criteria

  • Kafka Cluster (comprising the Kafka-broker & Zookeeper Statefulsets) is healthy
  • Kafka Message stream (if enabled) is unbroken


  • Causes (forced/graceful) pod failure of specific/random Kafka broker pods
  • Tests deployment sanity (replica availability & uninterrupted service) and recovery workflows of the Kafka cluster
  • Tests unbroken message stream when KAFKA_LIVENESS_STREAM experiment environment variable is set to enabled


  • The desired chaos library can be selected by setting one of the above options as value for the environment variable LIB

Steps to Execute the Chaos Experiment

  • This Chaos Experiment can be triggered by creating a ChaosEngine resource on the cluster. To understand the values to provide in a ChaosEngine specification, refer Getting Started

  • Follow the steps in the sections below to create the chaosServiceAccount, prepare the ChaosEngine & execute the experiment.

Prepare chaosServiceAccount

  • Use this sample RBAC manifest to create a chaosServiceAccount in the desired (app) namespace. This example consists of the minimum necessary role permissions to execute the experiment.

Sample Rbac Manifest

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa
  namespace: default
    name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa litmus
kind: ClusterRole
  name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa
    name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa litmus
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods","events"]
  verbs: ["create","list","get","patch","update","delete","deletecollection"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["pods/exec","pods/log"]
  verbs: ["create","list","get"]
- apiGroups: ["batch"]
  resources: ["jobs"]
  verbs: ["create","list","get","delete","deletecollection"]
- apiGroups: ["apps"]
  resources: ["deployments","statefulsets"]
  verbs: ["list","get"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["chaosengines","chaosexperiments","chaosresults"]
  verbs: ["create","list","get","patch","update"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["nodes"]
  verbs: ["get","list"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa
    name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa litmus
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa
  namespace: default

Prepare ChaosEngine

  • Provide the application info in spec.appinfo
  • Provide the experiment tunables. While many tunables have default values specified in the ChaosExperiment CR, some need to be explicitly supplied in experiments.spec.components.env.
  • To understand the values to provided in a ChaosEngine specification, refer ChaosEngine Concepts

Supported Experiment Tunables

Parameter Description Specify In ChaosEngine Notes
KAFKA_NAMESPACE Namespace of Kafka Brokers Mandatory May be same as value for `spec.appinfo.appns`
KAFKA_LABEL Unique label of Kafka Brokers Mandatory May be same as value for `spec.appinfo.applabel`
KAFKA_SERVICE Headless service of the Kafka Statefulset Mandatory
KAFKA_PORT Port of the Kafka ClusterIP service Mandatory
ZOOKEEPER_NAMESPACE Namespace of Zookeeper Cluster Mandatory May be same as value for KAFKA_NAMESPACE or other
ZOOKEEPER_LABEL Unique label of Zokeeper statefulset Mandatory
ZOOKEEPER_SERVICE Headless service of the Zookeeper Statefulset Mandatory
ZOOKEEPER_PORT Port of the Zookeeper ClusterIP service Mandatory
KAFKA_BROKER Kafka broker pod (name) to be deleted Optional A target selection mode (random/liveness-based/specific)
KAFKA_KIND Kafka deployment type Optional Same as `spec.appinfo.appkind`. Supported: `statefulset`
KAFKA_LIVENESS_STREAM Kafka liveness message stream Optional Supported: `enabled`, `disabled`
KAFKA_LIVENESS_IMAGE Image used for liveness message stream Optional Set the liveness image as <registry_url>/<repository>:<image-tag>
KAFKA_REPLICATION_FACTOR Number of partition replicas for liveness topic partition Optional Necessary if KAFKA_LIVENESS_STREAM is `enabled`. The replication factor should be less than or equal to number of Kafka brokers
KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME Name of the Kafka chroot path on zookeeper Optional Necessary if installation involves use of such path
KAFKA_CONSUMER_TIMEOUT Kafka consumer message timeout, post which it terminates Optional Defaults to 30000ms, Recommended timeout for EKS platform: 60000 ms
TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION The time duration for chaos insertion (seconds) Optional Defaults to 15s
CHAOS_INTERVAL Time interval b/w two successive broker failures (sec) Optional Defaults to 5s
INSTANCE_ID A user-defined string that holds metadata/info about current run/instance of chaos. Ex: 04-05-2020-9-00. This string is appended as suffix in the chaosresult CR name. Optional Ensure that the overall length of the chaosresult CR is still < 64 characters

Sample ChaosEngine Manifest

kind: ChaosEngine
  name: kafka-chaos
  namespace: default
  # It can be active/stop
  engineState: 'active'
  #ex. values: ns1:name=percona,ns2:run=nginx 
  auxiliaryAppInfo: ''
    appns: 'default'
    applabel: 'app=cp-kafka'
    appkind: 'statefulset'
  chaosServiceAccount: kafka-broker-pod-failure-sa
    - name: kafka-broker-pod-failure
            # set chaos duration (in sec) as desired
            - name: TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION
              value: '60'

            # choose based on available kafka broker replicas           
            - name: KAFKA_REPLICATION_FACTOR
              value: '3'

            # get via 'kubectl get pods --show-labels -n <kafka-namespace>'
            - name: KAFKA_LABEL
              value: 'app=cp-kafka'

            - name: KAFKA_NAMESPACE
              value: 'default'
            # get via 'kubectl get svc -n <kafka-namespace>' 
            - name: KAFKA_SERVICE
              value: 'kafka-cp-kafka-headless'

            # get via 'kubectl get svc -n <kafka-namespace>'  
            - name: KAFKA_PORT
              value: '9092'

            # Recommended timeout for EKS platform: 60000 ms
            - name: KAFKA_CONSUMER_TIMEOUT
              value: '30000' # in milliseconds  

            # ensure to set the instance name if using KUDO operator
            - name: KAFKA_INSTANCE_NAME
              value: ''

            - name: ZOOKEEPER_NAMESPACE
              value: 'default'

            # get via 'kubectl get pods --show-labels -n <zk-namespace>'
            - name: ZOOKEEPER_LABEL
              value: 'app=cp-zookeeper'

            # get via 'kubectl get svc -n <zk-namespace>  
            - name: ZOOKEEPER_SERVICE
              value: 'kafka-cp-zookeeper-headless'

            # get via 'kubectl get svc -n <zk-namespace>  
            - name: ZOOKEEPER_PORT
              value: '2181'

            # set chaos interval (in sec) as desired
            - name: CHAOS_INTERVAL
              value: '20'

            # pod failures without '--force' & default terminationGracePeriodSeconds
            - name: FORCE
              value: 'false'

Create the ChaosEngine Resource

  • Create the ChaosEngine manifest prepared in the previous step to trigger the Chaos.

    kubectl apply -f chaosengine.yml

  • If the chaos experiment is not executed, refer to the troubleshooting section to identify the root cause and fix the issues.

Watch Chaos progress

  • View pod terminations & recovery by setting up a watch on the pods in the Kafka namespace

    watch -n 1 kubectl get pods -n <kafka-namespace>

Abort/Restart the Chaos Experiment

  • To stop the pod-delete experiment immediately, either delete the ChaosEngine resource or execute the following command:

    kubectl patch chaosengine <chaosengine-name> -n <namespace> --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"engineState":"stop"}}'

  • To restart the experiment, either re-apply the ChaosEngine YAML or execute the following command:

    kubectl patch chaosengine <chaosengine-name> -n <namespace> --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"engineState":"active"}}'

Check Chaos Experiment Result

  • Check whether the kafka deployment is resilient to the broker pod failure, once the experiment (job) is completed. The ChaosResult resource name is derived like this: <ChaosEngine-Name>-<ChaosExperiment-Name>.

    kubectl describe chaosresult kafka-chaos-kafka-broker-pod-failure -n <kafka-namespace>

Kafka Broker Pod Failure Demo

  • TODO: A sample recording of this experiment execution is provided here.