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File metadata and controls

312 lines (233 loc) · 9.35 KB

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a simple and minimalist framework for php APIs

Getting Started

To create a project called YourProject:

  1. Create an empty directory for your project and cd into it

  2. set up your project with $ composer init requires composer.

  3. Add to your composer.json

    "require": {
        "llwebsol/rapid": "^3.0"

    "scripts": {
        "post-update-cmd": "vendor/bin/rAPId"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "YourProject\\": "src/"

Now run composer update and the necessary files should be automatically added to your projects root directory.


a default Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml will have been added to your root directory. You may edit these as needed, or spin up the default Docker environment with docker-compose up. Your app will be available on localhost:5000


Add a new file to the new Controllers directory that was added (it may be in src/Controllers)

Example default controller



    namespace YourProject\Controllers;

    use rAPId\Foundation\Controller;

    class Main implements Controller
         * @return mixed
        public function index(){


Until you add another controller or method, all routes will point to the index method in your Main controller

Next update your rAPIdConfig.php

       'default_controller' => YourProject\Controllers\Main::class,

Adding Routes

Routes can be added to your project by adding new controllers and new controller methods.

Example: if you navigate to the Main::index() function will fire.

If you were to add the function doSomething() do your main controller, then navigate to your-project-url/do-something (or your_project_url/do_something if you prefer underscores)

You could also add new routes by adding a new controller

example: (src/Controllers/SomethingElse.php)

    namespace YourProject\Controllers;

    use rAPId\Foundation\Controller;

    class SomethingElse implements Controller
        public function index(){
            return 'You are in the Index';

        public function anotherThing(){
            return 'You are in Another Thing';


Now navigating to will render "You are in the Index"

while navigating to will render "You are in Another Thing"


You can specify input parameters in your public controller methods.

For example, if you were to add the following function to YourProject\Controllers\SomethingElse:

    public function getData($a_var = 'Not Defined', $another_var = 'Not Defined'){
        return [
            'A Var' => $a_var,
            'Another Var' => $another_var

There are 3 ways to receive input.


You can receive data directly through the url:

    "A Var": 11,
    "Another Var": 76


You can receive data through query parameters (through a GET request only)

    "A Var": 11,
    "Another Var": 76

Notice the order doesn't matter, but the parameters will be mapped to their names in the function. If your query string contains a key that is not definied in your function, it will be ignored

  "A Var": "Not Definied",
  "Another Var": 76


You can receive data through POST params


a POST request to

with the parameters ['a_var' => 11, 'another_var' => 76]

will output:

    "A Var": 11,
    "Another Var": 76

Similar to a GET request with query parameters, undefined parameter keys will be ignored


  • You May mix url parameters with GET or POST parameters...although you probably shouldn't
    • = 11 will pass $a_var = 11 to the function, and pass the next open parameter the value 76.
          "A Var": 11,
          "Another Var": 76
      So the same url without the query string would pass $a_var = 76 to the function
          "A Var": 76,
          "Another Var": "Not Definied"
    • This is the same for POST parameters
  • The query string will be ignored for POST requests
    • So a POST request to without any data in the POST will output:
        "A Var": "Not Definied",
        "Another Var": "Not Defined"


Anything that you return from a controller will be serialized and returned to the user with the correct header

If nothing is returned from your controller method, then nothing will be output in this way. If you wish to serve an image, handle outputting that image yourself, and don't return anything from your controller

The type of serialized output that your API returns is determined by the output_serializer variable in your rAPIdConfig.php

Json and XML are currently supported. If you wish to output some other kind of data, you can write your own serializer that implements rAPId\Data\Serialization\Serializer, then feel free to submit a pull request!


rAPId uses the llwebsol/EasyDB package for simple database interactions

a .env.example file should have been placed in your projects root directory. Copy this file to .env, then overwrite with your database credentials, and obviously, don't check this file in to your version control

You can now access an instance of EasyDB by calling the helper function

    $db = db();

Database Event Listeners:

You can make use of the EasyDB event system by creating a class that implements the EasyDb\Events\Listener interface, then register that listener in your config/database.php


-if you create a Listener class for updating the modified_user for each database insert/update:

    'listeners' => [
        Event::BEFORE_SAVE  => [

Multiple Database Connections:

if you need to connect to another database, add your new credentials into the .env




Then update your config/database.php

        'primary' => [
            'db_type'                     => env('DB_TYPE','mysql'),
            'host'                        => env('DB_HOST'),
            'db_name'                     => env('DB_NAME'),
            'port'                        => env('DB_PORT'),
            'user'                        => env('DB_USER'),
            'password'                    => env('DB_PASSWORD'),

        'secondary' => [
            'db_type'                     => env('SECONDARY_DB_TYPE','mysql'),
            'host'                        => env('SECONDARY_DB_HOST'),
            'db_name'                     => env('SECONDARY_DB_NAME'),
            'port'                        => env('SECONDARY_DB_PORT'),
            'user'                        => env('SECONDARY_DB_USER'),
            'password'                    => env('SECONDARY_DB_PASSWORD'),

Note that the db() helper function will return a connection to your primary database by default.

to connect to "secondary" in the above example:

$db = db('secondary');


Throwing an InvalidUrlException will display your default 404 page. Once you have a default controller set up, all invalid routs will go through the index() in that class. If you don't wish something to be rendered for some random url, then consider throwing this exception in your default controllers index


    class Main extends Controller{
        public function index(){
            throw new InvalidURLException();

        public function test($x){
            return ['x' => $x];
    } will return a 404 response, wile will return a valid response


rAPId also unpacks an initialize.php file into your root directory. You can put any initialization code in this file.