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File metadata and controls

466 lines (389 loc) · 25 KB


January 2, 2020

  • Feature: Added support for <RangeSlider> (#805)
  • Feature: Added support for parentSelectable on <Cascader>. (#802)
  • Feature: Added support for Russian. (#799)
  • Feature: Added option image to the graph property of <Placeholder> (#755)
  • Feature: Added support for dragable on <Uploader>. (#752)
  • Improve: Enhance <Tooltip> and <Popover> to support HTML attributes (#806)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the height of the buttons in the <InputGroup>.(#807)
  • Bugfix: Fixed Drawer gap bug when in RTL mode.(#803)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <TreePicker> changing width does not work when setting virtualized props. (#796)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <TreePicker> not showing child nodes when loading data asynchronously. (#796)
  • Bugfix: Fixed xsHidden don't work as expected (#795)

  • Feature: 新增组件 <RangeSlider> (#805)
  • Feature: <Cascader> 组件支持 parentSelectable 属性,让父节点可选择。(#802)
  • Feature: 添加对俄语支持。(#799)
  • Feature: <Placeholder>graph 属性值添加了 image 选项。 (#755)
  • Feature: <Uploader> 组件支持 dragable 属性,可以拖拽上传文件。(#752)
  • Improve: <Tooltip><Popover> 支持 HTML 元素默认属性。 (#806)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <InputGroup> 内部按钮高度的问题。(#807)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Drawer> 在 RTL 模式下,左侧存在间隙的样式问题。(#803)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <TreePicker> 在设置 virtualized 属性后,改变宽度无效的问题。 (#796)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <TreePicker> 在异步更新后,不能展示子节点的问题。 (#796)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 xsHidden 属性不能按照预期显示的问题。 (#795)


December 19, 2019

  • Feature: Added support for virtualized on picker.(#786)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <CheckTreePicker> checkbox style issue.(#786)
  • Bugfix: Fixed RTL related bugs. (#779)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Icon> rotate props not working. (#790)
  • Improve: Added parameter to Uploader's callback method. (#781)
  • Chore: Added component prefix to <Popover> arrow. (#791)
  • Chore: upgrade ESLint and format code. (#780)

  • Feature: Picker 相关组件添加了 virtualized 属性。(#786)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <CheckTreePicker> 复选框样式问题。(#786)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 RTL 相关的 Bug。 (#779)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Icon> rotate 属性无效的问题。 (#790)
  • Improve: 为 <Uploader> 的回调方法中添加参数 XMLHttpRequest。 (#781)
  • Chore: 调整 <Popover> 内部样式的命名。 (#791)
  • Chore: 更新了 ESLint。 (#780)


December 12, 2019

  • Improve: Improve the performance of virtualized table (rsuite-table#120)
  • Chore: Adjusted the sideEffects configuration.. (#774)

  • Improve: 优化了 Table 组件在渲染大数据时候性能。 (rsuite-table#120)
  • Chore: 调整了 sideEffects 配置。 (#774)


December 5, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed some style issues. (#770,#771,#767)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the issue that events cannot be accessed in asynchronous callbacks. (#763)
  • Bugfix: Fix RTL related bugs (#757,#760,#769)
  • Improve: Improved the speed at which <DateRangePicker> opens. (#768)

  • Bugfix: 修复了一些样式问题。 (#770,#771,#767)
  • Bugfix: 修复了无法在组件的异步回调中获取 Event 对象的问题。 (#763)
  • Bugfix: 修复 RTL 相关 Bug。 (#757,#760,#769)
  • Improve: 优化了 <DateRangePicker> 打开的速度。 (#768)


November 29, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed the issue where <DateRangePicker> was not disabled in the previous month and the next month. (#747)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <DateRangePicker> panel collapse issue. (#746)
  • Bugfix: Fixed multiple picker count label vertical align issue when set size=lg (#742)
  • Bugfix: Fix FormControl typescript type definition error (#741)
  • Bugfix: Fix RTL related bugs (#732,#733,#734,#743,#748,#749)
  • Chore: Update Schema typescript definition. (#754)
  • Chore: Add a default value for the variable in createConcatChildrenFunction. (#753)

  • Bugfix: 修复 <DateRangePicker> 上一月与下一月未禁用的问题。 (#747)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <DateRangePicker> 面板折叠的问题。 (#746)
  • Bugfix: 修复了设置 size = lgPicker 计数标签垂直对齐的问题 (#742)
  • Bugfix: 修复 FormControlTypescript 类型定义错误 (#741)
  • Bugfix: 修复 RTL 相关 Bug (#732,#733,#734,#743,#748,#749)
  • Chore: 更新 Schema typescript 类型定义。 (#754)
  • Chore: 在 createConcatChildrenFunction 中为变量添加一个默认值。 (#753)


November 14, 2019

  • Feature: Added support for affixHeader on <Table>. (#720,rsuite-table#105)
  • Feature: Added support for inline on Cascader and MultiCascader (#724)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a problem where the Chinese formatting characters were too long to cause time wrap on the DatePicker. (#722)
  • Bugfix: Fixed checktree menu item text-algin styles issue. (#718)
  • Bugfix: Fixed DatePicker format issue. (#723)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the Table scroll bar was out of control.(rsuite-table#105)
  • Chore: Upgrade to typescirpt 3.7. (#721)

  • Feature: 在 <Table> 组件上新增 affixHeader 属性,可以让表头页面级固定。(#720,rsuite-table#105)
  • Feature: 在 <Cascader><MultiCascader> 组件上新增 inline 属性。 (#724)
  • Bugfix: 修复了日期中文格式化字符过长而导致 <DatePicker> 上的时间换行的问题。 (#722)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <CheckTree> 菜单项文本对齐样式问题。 (#718)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <DatePicker> 日期格式化问题。 (#723)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 滚动条失控的问题。 (rsuite-table#105)
  • Chore: 升级 Typescirpt 至 3.7 版本。 (#721)


November 7, 2019

  • Feature: Add support for <Carousel>. (#716)
  • Feature: Added Right-to-left supported. (#715)
  • Feature: Add support for renderItem on the navigation component. (#713)
  • Feature: Added for fileListVisible on <Uploader>. (#709)
  • Feature: Added shaded props for <Panel>. (#677)
  • Feature: Added support for <Affix> . (#701)
  • Feature: Supported show mode and customizing time for <Timeline>. (#666)
  • Bugfix: Fixed sideEffects configuration. (#706)
  • Bugfix: Fixed when setting sticky and all options were selected to not render the menu. (#710)

  • Feature: 支持 <Carousel> 组件。 (#716)
  • Feature: 支持 Right-to-left。 (#715)
  • Feature: 导航相关组件添加 renderItem 属性。 (#713)
  • Feature: 在 <Uploader> 组件上,添加支持 fileListVisible 属性,默认为 true, 设置 false 则不显示文件列表。 (#709)
  • Feature: 在 <Panel>组件上,添加支持 shaded属性,用于显示阴影。 (#677)
  • Feature: 支持 <Affix> 组件。 (#701)
  • Feature: 在 <Timeline> 组件添加了更多显示模式。 (#666)
  • Bugfix: 修复 sideEffects 配置错误导致样式文件丢失的问题。 (#706)
  • Bugfix: 修复了当设置sticky并选择了所有选项的时候,不渲染菜单的问题。(#710)


October 31, 2019

  • Improve: Use context to refactor the logic of partial arguments. (#695)
  • Improve: Adjust the implementation logic of preventOverflow in all Picker. (rsuite-utils#14)
  • Bugfix: Fix <Alert> font color problem under dark theme. (#697)
  • Bugfix: Fix the problem that can't extends in the ie10 browser. (#694)

  • Improve: 使用 context API 重构部分子父组件传参的逻辑。 (#695)
  • Improve: 调整了所有 Picker组件的 preventOverflow 属性的实现方式。 (rsuite-utils#14)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Alert> 组件在 dark 主题下字体颜色问题。 (#697)
  • Bugfix: 修复 ie10 兼容性问题,context API 在高价函数中未继承。 (#694)


October 17, 2019

  • Bugfix: Fixed a problem with the Dropdown and Button, the ButtonGroup is vertically aligned. (#682)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an error when CheckTreePicker changed data. (#681)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where isOneOf was not valid in Schema.Types.StringType. (schema-typed#18)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a misalignment of scroll position after Table data update. (rsuite-table#100)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Fixed an issue with type definition errors in List. (#678)

  • Bugfix: 修复了 Dropdown, ButtonButtonGroup 垂直对齐的问题。 (#682)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 CheckTreePicker 数据改变后出现错误的问题 (#681)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Schema.Types.StringType 中的 isOneOf 方法无效的问题。 (schema-typed#18)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 Table 数据更新后滚动位置出现偏移。 (rsuite-table#100)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复了 List 中类型定义错误的问题。 (#678)


October 10, 2019

  • Feature: Added support for Korean (#675)
  • Improve: The corresponding format date is displayed on the calendar according to different regional languages. (#668)
  • Bugfix: Add the babel plugin for lodash and date-fns. (#674)
  • Bugfix: Change the sm breakpoint to 480px in the Grid (#671)
  • Bugfix: Fix the precision of floating point arithmetic in Slider. (#660)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue with type definition errors in List. (#676)

  • Feature: 添加对韩语/朝鲜语的支持。 (#675)
  • Improve: 根据不同地域语言在日历上显示对应格式日期。(#668)
  • Bugfix: 为 lodashdate-fns 添加 babel 插件,按需加载代码。 (#674)
  • Bugfix: 在 <Grid> 中将 sm 断点更改为 480px。 (#671)
  • Bugfix: 修复<Slider> 中浮点运算的精度问题。 (#660)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复了 List 中类型定义错误的问题。 (#676)


September 29, 2019

  • Feature: Added language Traditional Chinese. (#652)
  • Feature: Fixed an issue where the CheckTreePicker and TreePicker keyboard operations were invalid.
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Cascader> search styles (#651)
  • Bugfix: Fixed uncontrolled issues with <Cascader> and <MultiCascader> (#650)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Cascader> crash while search RegExp special_characters. (#648)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Panel> title font size.(#644)
  • Bugfix: Fixed item styles when set active and disable. (#641)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Sidebar> can't collapse on Firefox browser (#638)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Tree> rendering error on the server side.(#637)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <CheckTreePicker> setting root node uncheckable error.(#637)
  • Bugfix: Fixed IE browser compatibility issue. (#631,#632)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a rendering error when the column in the <Table> was null. (rsuite/rsuite-table#99)
  • Bugfix: Fixed a problem with scrolling white screen after changing height on <Table>. (rsuite/rsuite-table#97)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Fixed type definitions for missing Notification and Alert. (#633)
  • Bugfix: [TS] Fixed List component not exported. (#625)

  • Feature: 添加组件对繁体中文的支持。 (#652)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 CheckTreePicker 和 TreePicker 键盘操作无效的问题。
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Cascader> 搜索列表样式问题。 (#651)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Cascader><MultiCascader> 不受控的问题。 (#650)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Cascader> 搜索正则表达元字符报错的问题。 (#648)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Panel> 标题字体大小与设计不符的问题。(#644)
  • Bugfix: 修复了选项在设置 active 或者 disable 后的样式问题。 (#641)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Sidebar>在 Firefox 浏览器不能收缩的问题。 (#638)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Tree> 在服务端渲染报错的问。(#637)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <CheckTreePicker> 设置根节点不可点击后出现的渲染问题。(#637)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 IE 浏览器兼容性问题。 (#631,#632)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 的列设置中存在 null 时候,导致的渲染出错问题。 (rsuite/rsuite-table#99)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 在改变高度后出现白屏的问题。 (rsuite/rsuite-table#97)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复了 NotificationAlert 中缺少的方法定义。 (#633)
  • Bugfix: [TS] 修复了 List 组件找不到定义。 (#625)


September 19, 2019

  • Feature: Support defaultCalendarValue on <DateRangePicker> (#610)
  • Improve: Add ARIA for accessibility (#612,#613)
  • Improve: Use grab cursors for sortable List.Item (#617)
  • Bugfix: Fixed ESM build error (#611)
  • Bugfix: Fixed component not re-rendered after sortType update on <Table>. (rsuite/rsuite-table#96)
  • Bugfix: Fixed the position of the scroll bar when the height of the <Table> changes. (rsuite/rsuite-table#95)
  • Bugfix: Fixed validation of merged cells for custom children in <Table> (rsuite/rsuite-table#94)
  • Bugfix: Fixed unable to find node on an unmounted component in <Dropdown> (rsuite/rsuite-utils@f205799)

  • Feature: <DateRangePicker> 支持 defaultCalendarValue 属性。(#610)
  • Improve: 为可访问性添加 ARIA。 (#612,#613)
  • Improve: 调整 List.Item 拖拽时候的光标为 grab。 (#617)
  • Bugfix: 修复 ESM 构建时候报错。 (#611)
  • Bugfix: 修复在 <Table>sortType 更新后没有重新渲染的组件。 (rsuite/rsuite-table#96)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 高度变化后更新滚动条位置 (rsuite/rsuite-table#95)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Table> 中自定义 children 后,合并单元格的校验逻辑 (rsuite/rsuite-table#94)
  • Bugfix: 修复 <Dropdown> 中报错"无法在已卸载组件上找到节点"(rsuite/rsuite-utils@f205799)


September 9, 2019

  • Feature: Add <Placeholder>. (#418,#420,#423)
  • Feature: Add <List>. (#451)
  • Feature: Add <Calendar>. (#492)
  • Feature: Add <Avatar>.(#486)
  • Feature: Add <Badge>.(#484)
  • Feature: Support size on all Picker.(#494)
  • Feature: Support dark theme.(#544)
  • Feature: Support for asynchronous validation in <Form>, based on Schema. (#570)
  • Feature: Support for expandItemValues on <TreePicker> and <CheckTreePicker>.(#569)
  • Feature: Support readOnly prop on <FormControl>. (#432)
  • Feature: Support plaintext prop on <FormControl>. (#448,#449)
  • Feature: <Whisper> and all Picker components support the preventOverfow property to prevent overflow. (#443)
  • Improve: Adjust swatch algorithm to adjust font color contrast. (#433)
  • Improve: Migrate from Flow to Typescript. ([#531])
  • Improve: Support showWeekNumbers on and . ([#526] @viart)
  • Breaking: Adjust the value of <Whisper> with all Picker components placement properties.(#443)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the <Uploader> upload file was larger than 1GB.(#536)
  • Bugfix: Fixed compatibility issue with <Input> on IE browser display. (#507)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <InputPicker> on the keyboard Delete key will clear the input worthy question. (#577)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where <Dropdown> set toggleComponentClass={Button} background style error.(#525)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where styles were missing when introduced on demand.(#567)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where <DatePicker> disabled day and inactive month were inconsistent.(#595)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the scrollbar position was not updated after the <Table> data was updated.(#table-92)
  • Bugfix: Fixed <Table> property expandedRowKeys The update value is not controlled. (#table-90)
  • Bugfix: Fixed callback <Table> property onRowClick's callback parameter is missing event. (#table-89)
  • Bugfix: Fixed support for focus events by the <Form> component.(#566)
  • Bugfix: Modified the default separator for <Breadcrumb>.(#543)
  • Bugfix: Fixed an issue where <Slider> did not update the position of the handle after the change from hidden to display state.(#542)

  • Feature: 支持 <Placeholder> 组件。 (#418,#420,#423)
  • Feature: 支持 <List> 组件。 (#451)
  • Feature: 支持 <Calendar> 组件。(#492)
  • Feature: 支持 <Avatar> 组件。(#486)
  • Feature: 支持 <Badge> 组件。(#484)
  • Feature: <Picker> 组件支持 size 属性。(#494)
  • Feature: 支持 dark 主题。(#544)
  • Feature: <Form>组件基于 Schema 支持异步校验。(#570)
  • Feature: <TreePicker><CheckTreePicker> 支持 expandItemValues 属性。(#569)
  • Feature: <FormControl> 组件支持 readOnly 属性。 (#432)
  • Feature: <FormControl> 组件支持 plaintext 属性。 (#448,#449)
  • Feature: <Whisper> 组件与所有的 Picker 组件支持 preventOverfow 属性,防止溢出。
  • Improve: 调整色板算法,调整字体颜色对比度。 (#433)
  • Improve: 从 Flow 迁移到 Typescript。 ([#531])
  • Improve: <DatePicker><DateRangePicker>组件支持 showWeekNumbers 属性,显示周数 。([#526] @viart)
  • Breaking: 调整 <Whisper> 组件与所有的 <Picker> 组件 placement 属性的值。(#443)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Uploader> 上传文件大于 1GB 显示问题。(#536)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Input> 在 IE 浏览器显示上的兼容性问题。 (#507)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <InputPicker> 在键盘 Delete 键会清除输入值得问题。(#577)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Dropdown> 设置 toggleComponentClass={Button} 背景样式错误的问题。(#525)
  • Bugfix: 修复了按需引入时候样式缺失的问题。 (#567)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <DatePicker> 禁用日与禁用月不一致的问题。(#595)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 数据更新后滚动条位置不更新的问题。(#table-92)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 属性 expandedRowKeys 更新值不受控。 (#table-90)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Table> 属性 onRowClick 的回调参数缺少 event。 (#table-89)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Form> 组件对 focus 事件的支持。(#566)
  • Bugfix: 修改了 <Breadcrumb> 的默认分隔符。(#543)
  • Bugfix: 修复了 <Slider> 在从隐藏到显示状态变化后,手柄的位置不更新的问题。(#542)