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Running the example

  1. Start a chromedriver process in a separate terminal
$ chromedriver --port=9515
  1. Begin an import session using the mabl CLI in a separate terminal:
$ mabl tests import --name "Java Import Example"
  1. Run the unit tests in this directory:
$ ./gradlew test --rerun-tasks
  1. View/run/save the imported test in the terminal where you started the import:

Adapting your own Java Selenium tests for import into mabl

In order to import your Selenium tests it is necessary to:

  1. Use a remote web driver process (e.g. start chromedriver or use Selenium Grid).
  2. Modify your test to use a Selenium proxy at localhost:8889 (see SeleniumTestWithProxySupport).
  3. Start an import session in the mabl CLI (mabl tests import...).
  4. Run your test (e.g. ./gradlew test, mvn test, etc.).
  5. Save your imported test using the mabl CLI.