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Tutorial: A Widget for the Grand Central Board

As you may already know, we've recently introduced a pretty cool project called the Grand Central Board for the Apple TV. In this short tutorial, I will guide you through building a new widget with an asynchronous source fetching data from remote server.

Let's start with something easy. Our widget will be quite useful: its purpose will be to download an image every minute and display it on our TV. We can use the widget to present image from a webcam, show the weather outside, or just some slideshow from our last party.

Four main components are important for adding a Widget:

  • View - a view implementing the ViewModelRendering protocol that displays the information.
  • Source - implements one of the updating strategies (further described below).
  • Widget - a controller class implementing the Widget protocol, presented to the scheduler and connecting the previous two with each other.
  • WidgetBuilder - implements the WidgetBuilding protocol, instantiates the Widget with settings from configuration file.

This is how it all works together. Please note that this diagram is simplified:



Add a new Group called Image in the Widgets group, then add two groups inside it: Image/Source and Image/View.

1. View

Views are limited to three states, the first two of which they have to display:

  • Waiting (only once, before the first render(viewModel:) call)
  • Rendering View Model
  • Failure (can be ignored)

We should start by creating a ViewModel. There is only one image so this very simple struct will do:

struct ImageViewModel {
    let image: UIImage

We will call this view ImageWidgetView, so we should add a new file:


import UIKit

// 1. Create View Model for view to render.
struct ImageViewModel {
    let image: UIImage

final class ImageWidgetView : UIView, ViewModelRendering {

	// 2. Set the associated type with the new ViewModel.
    typealias ViewModel = ImageViewModel

	// 3. Add IBOutlet for the image
    @IBOutlet private var image: UIImageView!
    // 4. Add IBOutlet for activity indicator.
    @IBOutlet private var activity: UIActivityIndicatorView!

    // MARK - ViewModelRendering

	// 5. Add state property, transition handling will be added later.
    private(set) var state: RenderingState<ViewModel> = .Waiting {
        didSet { handleTransitionFromState(oldValue, toState: state) }
	// 6. Add render method.
    func render(viewModel: ViewModel) {
        state = .Rendering(viewModel)

	// 7. This method is called when the source is unable to load the data.
    func failure() {
        state = .Failed
    // 8. Add the method setting up the image from ViewModel.
    private func setUpImageWithViewModel(viewModel: ViewModel) {
        image.image = viewModel.image
    // 9. Add the method hiding the activity indicator.
    private func transitionFromWaitingState() {
        UIView.animateWithDuration(0.3) {
            self.activity.alpha = 0
    // 9. Handle the transition between states.
    private func handleTransitionFromState(state: RenderingState<ViewModel>, toState: RenderingState<ViewModel>) {
        switch (state, toState) {
            case (.Waiting, .Rendering(let viewModel)): // This should be called only once.
            case (_, .Rendering(let viewModel)):
    // 10. Add this convenient way to load the view from a xib file.
    class func fromNib() -> ImageWidgetView {
        return NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("ImageWidgetView", owner: nil, options: nil)[0] as! ImageWidgetView

Interface Builder

The view will be designed in Interface Builder so we should create file:


Change the class of the newly created view to ImageWidgetView in Interface Builder.

Now we need to display an image, so we add UIImageView as a subview to the newly created view and fill the parent view with it using Constraints.

We should also place a UIActivityIndicatorView at the center.

Connect the views to their IBOutlets.


2. Source

Now it's time for the source. Fetching images from the Internet is an asynchronous operation, so we will implement the Asynchronous protocol.


import UIKit
import Alamofire

// 1. Create a model.
struct Image : Timed {
    let value: UIImage
    let time: NSDate

// 2. Define error type for downloading failure.
enum RemoteImageSourceError : ErrorType {
    case DownloadFailed

final class RemoteImageSource : Asynchronous {

	// 3. Set associated type of 
    typealias ResultType = Result<Image>

	// 4. These two properties are mandatory for any source.
    let interval: NSTimeInterval
    let sourceType: SourceType = .Momentary

	// 5. Property to store image url.
    private let url: NSURL

	// 6. Initialize stored properties, the interval between image fetches.
    init(url: NSURL, interval: NSTimeInterval = 30) {
        self.interval = interval
        self.url = url

	// 7. This method is called on each update cycle. We use Alamofire to download the image.
    func read(closure: (ResultType) -> Void) {
        Alamofire.request(.GET, url).response { (request, response, data, error) in

            if let data = data, image = UIImage(data: data) {
                let image = Image(value: image, time: NSDate())

            closure(.Failure(error ?? RemoteImageSourceError.DownloadFailed))

3. Widget Subclass

The Widget subclass is a controller class that is configured with sources and the view, and is later displayed as a dashboard widget.


import UIKit

final class ImageWidget : Widget {

    let widgetView: ImageWidgetView
    let sources: [UpdatingSource]

    init(view: ImageWidgetView, sources: [UpdatingSource]) {
        self.widgetView = view
        self.sources = sources

    var view: UIView {
        return widgetView

    func update(source: UpdatingSource) {
        switch source {
            case let source as RemoteImageSource:
                assertionFailure("Expected `source` as instance of `RemoteImageSource`.")

    private func updateImageFromSource(source: RemoteImageSource) { { [weak self] result in
            switch result {
                case .Success(let image):
                    let imageViewModel = ImageViewModel(image: image.value)
                case .Failure:

4. Configuration file

(coming soon)

5. Widget Builder

(coming soon)


(coming soon)