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Validate JIRA-ID branch name and consistency across PR title and commits

Validates if the branch name contains JIRA-ID - and PR title and commits have the same one
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JIRA Branch Name Validation Action

A GitHub action for ensuring that the branch name contains a valid JIRA id (as format) and whether the same JIRA id is contained in the PR title and commit message(s).

The same code is npm-packaged and used for local pre-commit validation of the branch name, only (via git hooks / husky). The PR title and commits are not checked locally because they are not relevant at this step in the workflow (PR doesn't have to exist when still developing locally and local commit messages can be whatever the developer wants - i.e. before squash and push).



Required The name of the branch to validate against.


Required The title of the PR to validate.


Required The GitHub API response JSON containing the commits of the PR.


Optional The Jira project prefix (default is JIRA).

Example usage

uses: worksome/jira-branch-name-validator-action@main
  branch-name: $BRANCH_NAME

Full example usage

name: Code Analysis


    name: Branch Validation
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - uses: octokit/[email protected]
        id: get_pr_commits
          route: GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{pull_number}/commits
          owner: worksome
          repo: platform
          pull_number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

      - name: Validate JIRA branch name and PR/commit consistency
        uses: worksome/jira-branch-name-validator-action@v2
          branch-name: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }}
          pr-title: ${{ github.event.pull_request.title }}
          commits: ${{ }}
          prefix: JIRA

Setting up for action development

npm i -g @vercel/ncc

Building and releasing the action

npm run build

The resulting (generated) code requires pushing to GitHub, after which a new release can be drafted with this new code as source. Once the PR is merged, a new release off main branch can be drafted with a major.minor.patch version. A release off the PR branch can be drafted with a major.minor.patch-rcnumber version or similar. To use the new action functionality on GitHub, the action needs to be published on the GitHub Marketplace (during release drafting).

Setting up for hook deployment

Access to Worksome npm registry is required. Ask about it in #devtalk. New versions of the package should be published to the npm registry, trying to maintain version consistency between the npm package and the GitHub action release version.


The GitHub action requires the new version to be pushed to PR branch and a new release to be drafted (and published to GitHub marketplace). After that, update the version of the GitHub action as used in the "client" repository (as well as any other changes it might require, e.g. add newly introduced parameters to the module) and push and test (by triggering the relevant events, whenever possible).

The local branch validator can be manually triggered on repositories that use the module (requires publish of the new package to worksome registry or locally). To do this, use the following command:


Validate JIRA-ID branch name and consistency across PR title and commits is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Validates if the branch name contains JIRA-ID - and PR title and commits have the same one



Validate JIRA-ID branch name and consistency across PR title and commits is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.