The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support Bootstrap 3.3.7
- Support Bootstrap 4.0
- Replace methods with properties (see deprecation warnings)
- Drop support of Django 1.10
- Relax dependency on django-echoices at specific version
- Support of Django 1.9 (deprecated since April 2017)
- Django 2.0 support
- Avoid RemovedInDjango20Warnings while testing
- Support of Django 1.11
- Fix #25
- Fix #26
- Update tests to better cover citekey generation
- Add tests for Publication.month property
- Set warnings for future refacto of Publication methods to properties
- Fix #23
- Refacto models
- Renamed
- Replace Enums with django-echoices
- Renamed
- Drop self-hosted libraries for PyPI dependencies
- Drop support of Python 2.7
- Drop support of Django 1.8 due to django-echoices
- Drop usage of self-hoster (See #17)
- Update initial data loading
- Merge PR #34 from source project
- Rename project from
- Merge new features to
- Use Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.6 for the layout
- Use Bootstrap 4.0.0-alpha.5 for the layout
- Refactor file inclusions
- Integration in project's base layout
- Rename person to author
- Add namespace for urls
- WIP update tests
- Update and extend models
- Renamed
- Renamed
- Publication
- New NullCharField to support nullable but unique CharFields (Fix for Django<1.11)
- Updated fields:
is uniquedoi
is uniqueisbn
is uniquevolume
is CharField- issue
is CharField
- Added new fields, to support references to be cited in common formats like ACM or IEEE:
- editor
- edition
- school
- organization
- location
- country (requires django-counties)
- series
- volume
- number
- chapter
- section
- status
- Updated admin layout
- Updated Bibtex import to support new fields
- (Partially) updated export formats to support new fields
- Minor bug fixes
- Added migrations
- Allow non-numerical page entries
- Fixed compatibility issues with Django 1.9
- Added support for Zotero/unAPI
- Added support for Endnote/RIS
- Bug fixes in BibTex parsing and rendering
- Improved performance
- Dropped support for Django 1.4
- Added the possibility to create lists of publications
- Added support for images (requires Pillow)
- Dropped support for Django 1.3
- Restored backwards compatibility with Django 1.3
- Improved BibTex parsing
- Added ISBN field
- Fixed compatibility issues with Django 1.5, breaks compatibility with Django 1.3
- Added institution field
- Added support for custom links and files
- Author names can now be written with umlauts or digraphs and still be recognized as belonging to one author
- Long author lists are now by default abbreviated with et al.
- Curly braces are automatically removed from titles so that they can be used in BibTex entries
- Added a changelog